I don't get this

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Hello! I am back with another romance one-shot! I assure you that this is the last Kpop themed ship one-shot. This one is Sope and recommended by twicesunshine_. It's going to be sweet and fluffy and filled with awkward Yoongi. We love an awkward fluffy kitty. Don't we? Kekeke. Alright, let's get into this!

Yoongi is no idiot. He knows that the Earth isn't flat. He knows a couple digits of pi. He can hold his own in a spelling bee. He isn't stupid. But, he becomes pretty stupid and pretty idiotic, when he sees him. His silly crush. His mind turns to complete mush. He can't tell left from right and right from left when his crush walks by. He's like a bumbling fool when Hoseok is nearby. He can't seem to get a single word out. Well, he does get a couple words out. They're just nonsensical blah. Yoongi isn't doing so well in the romance department. Yoongi isn't meant to even be anywhere near the romance department. Romance and love and relationships and kisses and hugs and sweet things upon sweet things. It's not something he has a good handle on. It isn't something that he has even ever considered before. That is until he met Hoseok. His best friend introduced the dancer to him at the beginning of the year. Yoongi hadn't liked him at first. He was too smiley. Too happy. Too the exact opposite of Yoongi. But, things changed when the two spent more time with each other. Hoseok was able to get Yoongi to smile quicker than anyone ever could. He became Yoongi's other half. He evened him out. There was a balance between them. And their friendship just made sense. Something that you would assume never would work, worked. Opposites attract, right? And it attracted Yoongi. He didn't even notice at first that he had a crush on Hoseok. It wasn't until Namjoon pointed out that he was blushing after Hoseok complimented his song that he did. He realized this and ever since then he couldn't speak right in front of Hoseok. Sometimes he became completely silent, and other times he became brash. He's tried to have a normal conversation with Hoseok and it only seemed to be that way when there's someone else nearby. If it's just Hoseok and him, things go freaking nuts. Now this problem could be solved if Yoongi just admitted his feelings. The thing is that he's tried. It never works out though. He either says something that he doesn't mean or makes zero sense or he just runs away before he can tell Hoseok how he feels. It's a mixture of his fear of rejection and the fact that he's never done something like this before. It's messing with his head. Min Yoongi doesn't get love. He doesn't understand how to do something like this. He doesn't even know where to start. How do you tell someone you like them!?


Yoongi groans and throws his phone to the floor. He buries his face into his pillow and grumbles. The internet is no help. All of those suggestions on admitting you like your crush aren't him. He can't do something like that. It's too weird. "What's wrong?" Hoseok says from the doorway where he slips his shoes off.

Yoongi sits up instantly and blinks, "What are you doing here?"

"Working on a project with your roommate and best friend," Hoseok says, "You never answered my question."

"Namjoon never mentioned you would be coming over. He had a doctor's appointment, he's not supposed to be back until two," Yoongi states, "And, I'm fine."

Hoseok frowns, "Really? Why would he ask me to come over so early then?" Yoongi shifts in his seat, thinking back to his conversation with Namjoon before he left. His friend had been acting kind of weird, almost as if he was hiding something. Yoongi's eyes widen as he realizes what Namjoon has done. He's being set up. Yoongi grits his teeth, well he might as well take this opportunity. Who knows, maybe this time he'll tell Hoseok how he feels. Hah...who's he kidding? This is going to be an absolute fail. "Yoongi hyung? Are you okay? Are you still there?" Hoseok asks, waving his hands in front of the man's face. Yoongi nods his head and forces himself to look Hoseok in the eyes. The two stare at each other, not saying anything. The apartment falls silent and the two continue to look at one another. Their eyes don't wander and stay locked onto each other. Yoongi feels his face start to redden and his heart beat faster in his chest. He starts to realize how long they have been looking at each other. He needs to get out of here. He's not confessing. Not now. Not like this. "Uh...I...uh...I have to go," Yoongi says, "Don't bother me." The man tears his gaze from Hoseok and rushes into the confines of his room. He slams the door behind him and locks the door. He slides to the floor and slams his head backwards. He groans and stares up at the ceiling. He sucks at this. Maybe consulting the internet isn't such a bad idea.

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