You Thought You Knew It All

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Hello! How are you all doing? I just want to start off saying thank you for thousand reads on my one-shots. It means the world to me and I am very thankful. I have another BTS ship one-shot for all of you. This one is a Namgi one with hints of Yoonseok. I hope you like it, let's get into the one-shot. Please continue to recommend any ships you want a one-shot of.

I've known you since we were little kids. We were neighbors. At first, I thought you hated me. To be honest, you probably did. Our parents would always try to force us to be friends though. They would take us to the park or set up playdates for us. I don't think we even talked to one another until that day. The day that we became friends. It was after school, we were all waiting around for our parents to come pick us up. I was standing by myself when some tall kid came over to me. He started to make fun of my face shape and my weird features. It stung, but I didn't say anything back. I had no idea what to say to him. You came over and slapped the kid in the face. You didn't even hesitate. You didn't say a word as you came to my defense. The kid started crying and immediately told a teacher. You got in trouble, but I was thankful. I always wondered what made you do it in the first place. I never actually found out. I planned on coming over and asking you about it. When I actually did, I forgot to ask. Instead, we went to your room and hung out. We talked and we found out how much in common we had. Thus, our friendship was born.

When we went to middle school, you started to try and push me away. You would always say, I'm not a good person and you shouldn't be friends with someone like me. Of course, I ignored you. You were my best friend. I wasn't just going to abandon you because you thought you were a bad person. I could tell that you were a great human being. No matter what you may have believed. We both started to get into music during middle school as well. We would work on projects together all the time. We hid it from our parents because we didn't know what they would say. I think music made us closer. You opened up a lot more to me whenever we wrote lyrics. I felt like I truly understood you. And you understood me. We knew everything about one another. We trusted each other with our darkest secrets. We told each other things that only the closest of friends would even dare mention.

The summer before the start of high school is when we had a conversation. The thing is, I've always worried about you. I knew that you've been through a lot. I knew that you hid things from others. I knew that you didn't want to open your heart to anyone. There were times, I wish people could see who you really were. You always hid your true personality. Something told you that no one should get to know the real you. You always pushed people away before they even got the chance to meet you. I never knew why. It only became a bit clearer when you told me this. You said that you get these feelings. You get these visions of when some relationships are going to start and end. You can see it happen within your mind. I remember you describing it as fate whispering into your ear. That's also when you told me that you saw yourself being in a relationship with a girl, a few weeks from now. You said it would only last for a month and three days. I didn't really understand what you meant. I didn't honestly believe it was possible. And then, just as you said, you met a girl. Soon enough, the two of you were a thing. It was weird. It made me uncomfortable for more than one reason. One, you two would always spend time together. I never got to talk to you without her being brought up in the conversation. Whenever I would see you, she would be latched to your arm like a leech. Two, you had predicted it and it came true. Things like that don't happen. It was shocking. A month and three days later, she broke up with you. For some reason, you weren't that upset about the breakup. You were okay with it. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad that the two of you split. Your relationship with her was never going to work out, but who am I to say anything.

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