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Hello, ARMY! I'm so excited to bring you this one-shot. This one-shot is for a little challenge on ARA about famous duos. I chose the infamous bromance of Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter from Boy Meets World. They're relationship is one of my favorites and it fit very well with Namjoon and Jimin. I made a few changes to the character and things like that in order for the one-shot to flow a bit nicer. So, Namjoon and Jimin are the same age. They are Cory and Shawn, respectively. They are our best friends that act like an old married couple. Jungkook is Namjoon's younger brother, even though his character is pretty much based off of Topanga. Mr. Feeny is Jin, cause why not. I hope that you all like this one-shot. Let's get right into it.

(Side Note: This is one of the one-shots that I have moved from my Kpop one-shot book as I consider it to be a bromance story=a sub-category to romance stories. If you recognize it, it's because you may have already read it before. Please give it love in this book as well)

Namjoon and Jimin gather their bags as the school bell rings. Before they leave their teacher, Mr. Kim, calls Namjoon. "Namjoon, your interview with Seoul National University has been rescheduled from 3 to 3:30," Mr. Kim states. Namjoon nods his head and slings his backpack over his shoulder. Jimin frowns, "Hey...Seoul National...what's that about?"

Namjoon shrugs, "It's just an interview. Nothing really." He starts to walk out of the classroom. Jimin follows him his jaw wide, "Namjoon, when we were kids you promised that we would go to the same college." Both boys walk down the hallway as they continue their conversation. "Did I say that?" Namjoon asks in a higher pitched tone.

Jimin nods, "Yes...and you also said that if I graduated high school you would take me to Naejangsan National Park to see the leaves change."

"Right, Naejangsan Park," Namjoon says before turning and heading to where his locker is.

Jimin sighs and follows him, "You know that I can't get into Seoul National University."

Namjoon sighs as he twists his lock, "You're smarter than you think, Jimin. I'm sure you can get in. And, Seoul National is just one of the many schools I'm applying to. I'm also applying to Sungkyunkwan and Princeton."

Jimin gasps, "Sungkyunkwan and Princeton! We never talked about those!"

Namjoon opens the door to his locker and looks at Jimin, "It doesn't have to be Sungkyunkwan and Princeton, Jiminie. It can be one of the schools you want to go to. Tell me what's on your list."

"I don't have a list! I don't need a list because my best friend Kim Namjoon wouldn't apply to any school that I couldn't get into!" Jimin exclaims. Namjoon gives Jimin a sheepish look and grabs his books from his locker. "I'm sorry, Jimin," Namjoon says, "It's still early. I have no real idea what my plans are." Jimin huffs and slams Namjoon's locker door closed. Namjoon jumps at the loud noise and looks at Jimin with wide eyes. Jimin crosses his arms, "Your plans, hm. Not our plans...."

Namjoon sighs, "Park Jimin, don't talk to me in that tone."

"I'm not talking to you in any tone. If you want to go to college at Seoul National, go right ahead. Go right now, it will give you plenty of time to start making some new college friends," Jimin exclaims, walking away from the locker.

Namjoon follows him with a worried look, "But, I don't want to make new friends...."

Jimin turns to face him, "Maybe, I should start making some new friends too!"

"But...I don't want you to start making new friends..." Namjoon says with a frown.

"Well, you need to Namjoon. And so do I. Did you think that I would always be here?" Jimin asks, "Cause, I won't!!!" Jimin stomps away in a huff, leaving Namjoon with a confused look on his face. "What just happened? Did we have our first argument?" Namjoon mutters to himself.

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