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Hi! If you didn't know, my power went out the other day and I was bored out of my mind. The only thing I could do was read, so I picked up Harry Potter. As I was reading, my love for Sirius Black and Remus Lupin bloomed once more. Specifically, my love for Wolfstar, so that's the one-shot I have for all of you today. I freaking love this ship. I have no idea why, but it's just the ultimate Harry Potter ship to me. There isn't enough Wolfstar in the books and I just can't with that ending both the characters got. Like let them live! They've been through enough. Don't even get me started on the whole Remus and Tonks thing. Anywho, this one-shot is set in HP & The Prisoner of Azkaban. There will be spoilers, so if you don't want to be spoiled I suggest picking up the book. It takes place near the end where Remus changes into a wolf and then craziness. I just don't think that's the way it should have gone, so I'm changing it to fit the Wolfstar agenda. With that said, let's get into it.

"Run! I'll handle this!" Sirius yells, "Run now!" The man grimaces as he watches his old friend fall to his knees and let out a scream as his bones realign. It's as horrific a scene as it was years ago. Sirius takes a deep breath before shifting into Padfoot. He stares at the spot where Remus was cowering in pain before. In his place is a large tawny wolf that Padfoot remembers from his school years. The wolf snaps his jaw and growls, slowly circling Padfoot. It's me, Moony, don't you remember. It's me. The wolf pounces then at Padfoot. The dog dodges quickly and goes for the wolf's neck. He clamps down and uses his strength to throw him back. He can hear the commotion going on behind him. Pettigrew is getting away. As much as he wants to go after the rat, he knows he needs to stop Remus from hurting Harry and his friends. He needs to help his Remus. It's going to be okay, Moony. I'm back and I'm not leaving you again. I'm going to help you. The wolf charges at him with his teeth bared. Padfoot rushes forward as well as the two animals collide. They are locked with one another, snapping their jaws and scratching with their paws. Padfoot howls as the wolf scratches his arm. The dog reels back a bit and the wolf freezes, staring at the creature. Padfoot looks into the wolf's eyes and his chest stirs when he can see fear shining through them. Remus, the dog thinks before charging at the wolf while it's distracted and pinning it to the ground. The wolf struggles a bit before looking back up at the dog and stopping. Padfoot looks back at the wolf and wonders if Remus has broken through. If whatever this Wolfsbane potion is has some effects still since he has been taking it so often. Padfoot keeps his paw pressed to the wolf's chest just in case, but when he hears the soft whimpers coming from the creature he slowly steps back. He stares into the eyes of the wolf and sees Remus in them. By some miracle, he is in control. Padfoot doesn't know how or why, but he could care less. The wolf slowly walks over to him and nudges at his injured leg. His eyes burn with guilt and apology. Padfoot shakes his head and moves closer to the wolf. He rubs his head against the wolf's neck, something that the creature does as well. They stay like this for a while before a shout snaps their attention away. The two animals share a look before heading into the forest side by side. They sniff as they search for their former friend. It doesn't take long with them both working side by side. The rat was hiding in a small hole that Padfoot didn't hesitate to dig. Moony took the rat into his mouth, much to the absolute terror of the small animal. They take their traitorous companion with them, finding Harry, Hermione, and Ron all hiding behind a large stone near the secret passageway back to the school. The three students don't know what had happened, staring at the wolf and dog in awe.


With Pettigrew as witness, Sirius was cleared of his charges and the Ministry hung their head in shame for imprisoning an innocent man. People were shocked, regretting the words they said against Black and wondering how something like this could have happened. Stories were circulating about how Sirius had escaped set on finding the real criminal. They began to paint Sirius as a real life hero, something that the man boasted about as often as he could. On the down side, Severus hadn't hesitated to blab about the current DADA professor issue. The people were not as accepting with Remus Lupin as they were with Sirius Black. They had called for him to be fired or hunted down. Remus had no choice but to step down. He was upset, but he knew deep down that it was better that way. After the events of the other night, he didn't feel like it would be right for him to continue teaching. Although almost every student was heartbroken to see their best Defense teacher leave, they couldn't do anything to help the werewolf as he packed his bags and left his post.

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