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Hello! This one-shot is about Jimin's Promise. I wrote it a while ago and posted it in my kpop one-shots. I came to the realization that placing it there didn't make much sense since it has romantic aspects in it. I'm really trying my hardest to differentiate the difference between my romance one-shots and my normal/platonic ones. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one-shot. Tell me what you think in the comments. I tried my hardest to do the song justice. Let's get on with it!

Now promise me uh oh

Jimin closes his eyes and lets the breeze hit his face. He takes a deep breath and lets the fresh air filter through his nostrils. How did he end up here? It would seem that Jimin would always end up at this little beach for one reason or another. That reason always seemed to have something to do with a promise. Whether it was one kept or broken.

Sitting on the floor all alone

The first time Jimin made a promise was when he was five. He promised his mother that he would always listen to his father. He never understood why she made him make that promise. That is until a few months later, when she had left them. He ended up walking to the beach after her funeral and letting the calm sea breeze dry his tears.

The first broken promise was from his best friend. They had been close since childhood. Jimin had made Taehyung promise to never forget him, no matter what may happen to them. They used to be neighbors until Taehyung moved to Daegu. Jimin tried to stay in contact with him, but the two of them eventually fell out of contact. Taehyung ended up moving back and Jimin was overjoyed when he found out. When the two crossed paths for the first time after a couple of years, Taehyung didn't recognize his childhood bestie. Jimin ran to the beach where the sound of crashing waves offered him comfort.

Promises built up Jimin's life. He's come accustomed to saying pinky swear or cross your heart. He's been through a lot because of broken promises. He made a deal with himself to never break someone's trust. He doesn't promise something unless he knows, without a doubt, that he can keep it.

His first relationship failed because there were no promises. There wasn't really any consideration of a future for the two. His most recent one failed because there were just too much promises made. There was too much pressure to fulfill the promises they made to one another.

That's how Jimin ended up at this beach. Promises once again let him down. It was his fault as much as Namjoon's. Or at least that's what he told himself. For the first time in his life, Jimin broke a promise. He did the one thing that he had vowed against. He broke a promise.

Just like this you only drift farther away again

When they got together they promised each other a bunch of things. They promised to love one another forever. They promised to stay by one another's side through thick and thin. They promised that they would spend the rest of their lives together. Things were going just fine at the beginning. The promises were all being kept. None of them were broken. Jimin had meant them when he had first pinky swore.

As their relationship continued over the years, Jimin felt different. The promises seemed loose. The statement of I love you didn't hold the same meaning it used to. Jimin had no idea why. He loved Namjoon. He cared for him more than he cared for himself.

Maybe, it was the expectations that were present with the promises. The thought that he and Namjoon had to end up together. The binds that weren't really there, but said that they had to love one another for eternity. It made Jimin feel trapped. It had never felt like that when they first started dating. Jimin believed that he was probably just overthinking things. He still loved Namjoon. He didn't have to question that. He still felt that feeling in his heart every time Namjoon walked into the room. So, he ignored it. He continued his life with Namjoon as if the cage around him didn't exist.

One-Shot Book ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin