Moon and the Sun

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Hello everyone! I have another one shot for you today. It is a bit longer than my other one-shots so I hope you like it. This is a Minjoon fanfiction. Which means Namjoon and Jimin from BTS. I hope that you like it. Please continue to recommend ships for me to write one-shots of.

Jimin opens the door to his son's room and peeks inside. To his surprise, his child is still wide awake. "Appa?" Jungkook says, eyes widening. Jungkook sits up in his bed, his hair a tad bit messy. "Kookie, what are you doing awake?" Jimin asks entering the room.

"I can't sleep...." Jungkook replies.

"Why's that darling?" Jimin asks sitting on the edge of the bed, "Did you have a nightmare?"

"No..." Jungkook says in a quiet voice, "I was thinking."

"Thinking about what, Jungkookie," Jimin questions.

Jungkook bites his lower lip, "How did you know you loved Daddy?"

Jimin's eyebrows raised, " there someone you love, Jungkookie. Did you meet a nice girl or boy in your class?" Jungkook's eyes widened and he quickly pulled the covers over his head. Jimin sighs at his antics and pulls the sheet off of his head, "Don't be embarrassed, Jungkook. There isn't anything wrong with loving someone."

"But, it is! All the other kids in my class think it's weird for a boy to like another boy. They always say that it's weird for me to have two appas...." Jungkook mutters.

Jimin shakes his head, "Do you think it's weird? Do you think it's weird that you have an appa and a daddy, but no eomma?"

"No..." Jungkook says looking at Jimin.

Jimin sighs and ruffles his son's hair, "So, it's another boy that you like." Jungkook hesitates for a minute before nodding his head. "What's his name?" Jimin asks.

"Taehyung. He's really nice to me and he has a pretty smile," Jungkook says blushing a little.

Jimin smiles, "He sounds like a very good young boy. Is that why you're not asleep? Are you thinking about Taehyung?"

Jungkook nods, shyly, "I like him. But, everyone else says it's not normal for two guys to be together. Appa? What do you do when the one person you love, you can't be with, because everyone says you can't?"

Jimin looks at Jungkook with a fond look on his face, "Let me tell you a story, Jungkook."

"A story?" Jungkook says, "I like your stories...."

"Yes, I know you do. But, you have to lay down first. Then, I will tell you the story," Jimin says. Jungkook lays back down and pulls the covers up to his neck. He looks at his dad, waiting for him to start telling the story. "This is a story about the moon and the sun. It starts on the moon's birthday. His father, the night, was asking the moon what he wanted for his birthday," Jimin states.


"What do you want for your birthday, my dear son?" Night asks.

Moon looks at his father, and quickly says, "I want the sun."

"What?" Night says shocked, "The sun? Why would you want the sun?"

"Every night, I see the sun. I see it go down as I go up. It's bright and pretty. I want to meet the sun. I want to talk to him. I think he'll be nice. Plus, he reminds me of me. He shines and he has a duty to serve to all of the mortals on Earth," Moon explains.

Night nods, "You know that the Sun is the child of Day. I see Day all the time. Every time it switches from Day to Night or Night to Day. I don't know if Day would like it for his son to meet the Moon."

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