Big Fight, Big Day

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Hello! I am back with another romance one-shot. This one was recommended by oneforever36. It is a KaixCinder one-shot. These are two characters from the Lunar Chronicles series written by Marissa Meyer. I really enjoyed these books and all of the ships within the series. It has been a hot second since I last read these novels though, so I hope I can still do this ship justice. This takes place the same day as their wedding, which has been planned and is this big extravagant event.

The saying goes, arguments are essential to a good couple. Each argument tests the bonds of your relationship. The argument on your wedding day is the one that determines whether you're made for each other or not. Cinder doesn't know if she believes that saying. It sounds kind of phony in her book. Cinder can't even remember why she's thinking of this now. She had never put much thought into it when Cress first told her about it. She had no idea why she told her in the first place. Then again, Cinder is sitting here in a freaking wedding dress. She had pushed all of the maids and all her friends and literally anyone that even approached her bedroom door away. She needed to breathe. She still does. She has no clue how she ended up in this situation. She looks at her hands and glances at the silver band that sits upon her finger. Emotions are coursing through her body and she can't even make sense of what they are. Why did she say yes? She should've just left when she had the chance. Cinder couldn't do this. She can't stand beside Kai's side and act like nothing's wrong. She isn't the one. She can't be. Cinder lets out a sigh and start to take the ring off her finger. She stops when there is a loud knock on the door. "Cinder?" The familiar voice of Kai says, "Are you okay?"

"Yup, I'm fine," She states, "Don't come shouldn't see the bride in her dress...." This doesn't seem to serve to stop Kai, as he enters her room and shuts the door behind him. Cinder looks at him with a small smile, it's the exact opposite of how she's actually feeling, but he doesn't need to know that. Kai frowns, knowing that something is up. It wasn't the fact that Cinder is faking her emotions that hinted to this, but rather her position. She is sitting on the floor, large amounts of tulle and white fabric spread around her. Kai sighs and drops to his knees. He moves so he sits beside Cinder. They don't look at one another and silence falls over the room. Cinder looks down and avoids eye contact with Kai. She talks to herself in her head, thinking about a way out of this without hurting Kai. Maybe, she could just run. He would find you, idiot. He's just as stubborn as you are. Why can't she just say she doesn't like him and be done with it? Because that would be a lie....wouldn't it? Cinder lets out a groan and rips the ring off her finger. She throws it at Kai, who barely catches it. His eyebrows raise and he looks at Cinder with concern, "Okay, what's up? You don't just throw things unless you're in a mood. Especially, when it's things such as this." He holds up the ring and Cinder scowls. Kai reaches out for her left hand and lifts it up. He tries to slip the ring onto her ring finger, but Cinder quickly yanks her hand away from him. Kai jumps a little, not expecting for her to react in such a way. " . Don't put that ring on my finger," Cinder says in a quiet voice, "Don't come near me...."

Kai frowns, "Why? Is something wrong?"

"No...just leave...please," Cinder states.

Kai shakes his head, "Don't push me away. Talk to me." Cinder shakes her head and shifts a little away from Kai. "Cinder...I'm your fiancé can talk to me..." Kai says. Cinder ignores him and Kai continues to push her. It doesn't seem to be doing any good, yet he hasn't stopped telling her the same three words. Kai says for the thousandth time, "Talk to me!" Cinder has an annoyed expression on her face. She knows that Kai means well, but he is way past obnoxious. She can only stand so much. She snaps, instantly, "Will you shut up!? I told you I don't want to talk, yet you still insist that I must!"

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