C'mon Dude Part 1

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Birdflash one-shot fanfiction!!!!! Kid Flash and Robin to be specific. Their past is mostly my own story line and so is one of the characters. I don't own these characters all credit goes to DC and the Young Justice franchise.

Kid Flash and Robin were sitting on the couch playing video games. "C'mon Rob do you ever lose!?" KF yelled. Robin cackled as he defeated Kid Flash. "The better question is....do you ever win," Robin said with a smirk on his face. KF slapped himself in the face and groaned. "You know dude your lucky your my best friend or I would slap you," KF joked. Robin laughed alongside Kid Flash but he was groaning in his head. That's all he'll ever mean to Wally just a friend. Robin shouldn't assume KF is even into guys, less alone him! Kid Flash nudges Robin with her elbow. "Hey you ok dude, you sorta spaced out there," KF asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine dude just uh.....tired I'll see you tomorrow," Robin replied as he walked to the Zeta Tubes. KF nodded silently and began to pack away the games. When he finished he said bye to Megan and Connor and left the cave. As KF ran home to his aunt and uncle a blast of white energy hit him. It made him loose his balance and tumble to the sidewalk. Wally looked up and saw a floating woman wearing a simple white gown. Her body is surrounded by a blinding white light that contrasts with her midnight black hair. She slowly lowers in front of Wally and begins to speak, "Well if it isn't Wallace West AKA the Kid-Flash. It would appear that you are my next mission. Time for me to get your head out of the clouds. The lady knelt down and tried to place her hands on Wally's head. But, he cut in saying, "Whoa, babe take it slow. What do you mean by mission?" The lady sighs, annoyed and lowers her hands. "I am a soulmate charmer. It is my duty to bring people together. I am here to bring you together with your true soulmate. I have been tasked with convincing you to show any romantic interest in your fated mate" she said as she placed her hands on Wally's temples. Wally was about to say something but the entire world began to spin.

The Past

In a flash of blinding light both Wally and the lady were standing in what seemed to be the Batcave. I think I see a boy who looked like Robin flipping around Batman. Rob keeps on asking when will they get here. Who the heck is they? Just than a red and yellow blur appeared in the Batcave. "Hey Bruce, hey Dick!" Flash said ruffling Robin's hair.

"Secret Identities Allen!" Batman growled, "I trust you, but not your protege." Flash looked at the ground sheepishly than gestured towards the yellow blur.

"Hey isn't that me! What am I doing there, when I'm standing right here!?" Wally asked confused.

The lady sighed, "That is you from the past. We are watching the first time you met and spoke with your soul mate."

"I hope you don't mean Batman cause that would be weird..." Wally said before he was cut off by past Wally.

"Hey B-Man I'm trustworthy don't you worry. I'm Kid Flash or Wally West. It's nice to meet you Robin or Dick whichever you prefer," past Wally said quickly. Batman growled at the comment while Robin cackled his signature cackle. "Well how about Batman and I patrol Gotham tonight. And you two can get to know one another," Barry said.

Batman glowered at Flash before replying, "Let's move it Flash and follow my lead. It's my city. Robin your in charge. Don't destroy the cave." Robin nodded his head to confirm that he knew what to do. Batman walked towards the Batmobile with Flash following. In mere minutes they had left the Batcave.

"I'm confused lady. Are you trying to tell me that Rob is my soul mate?" Wally asked confused.

"Stop speaking Wallace and just pay attention. I will explain afterwards," the lady replied annoyed. Wally stopped speaking and watched the scene in front of him unfold. "Hey, I'm Kid Flash," past Wally said. Robin cackled and performed back flips, while past Wally rubbed his head nervously. "Nice to meet you Wallace West. I'm Robin or Dick Grayson. Yeah I know I told you my secret identity. Your Uncle kinda already said my name so it doesn't matter. By the way I like your hair. It makes you look kinda cute. Wanna play video games? Or we could train? I could teach you how to walk on your hands too!" Robin rambled on and on. Past Wally had a look of confusion on his face. Did Robin just say he looked cute, probably not, he was most likely imagining things. "Sure, Rob let's play a video game, can I call you that?" Wally asked.

"Yeah, sure. Just call me Rob or Robin when in the field or in front of Batman. But if were in civvies or hanging out at the Manor just call me Dick. By the way are you dating anyone now?" Robin asked slyly.

"Nope! I'm a single. But, I did meet this really nice girl named Linda this afternoon. I asked her to go to the movies with me tomorrow and she said yes! Score! Right, man." past Wally said with a huge grin. Robin put on a small smile and nodded. Robin continued to listen to past Wally go on and on about girls. (By the way Dick is 10 so he knows all about love.....mostly because he has Bruce Wayne as a father figure)

"Wait a minute angel lady! Robin isn't my soul mate. No way! I mean I dig girls, I've even said so back than." Wally said.

"Did you not hear Robin? He asked if you were dating....he called you cute. He was upset when you mentioned another girl. Robin loves you more than a friend. He has since he first met you. Can't you see that Wallace." the lady said.

"I don't know what your talking about lady. Rob is just my friend nothing else. Can you take me home?" Wally said. The lady groaned and put her hand on Wally's shoulder. In a flash of light they had disappeared.

Present Time

Wally and the lady appeared in the Batcave, just as Robin exited the Zeta Tube.  "I said home lady not the Batcave." Wally said annoyed.

The lady sighed, "I still have a job to complete Wallace and until you realize Richard Grayson is your fated soulmate I am not taking you home. You should be lucky that I even took you back to the correct timeline."

"Wait...wha..." Wally was saying before the lady covered his mouth with her hand. Robin was slowly peeling off his mask to reveal Dick Grayson. The only problem is that there were tears filling his eyes. Suddenly a loud rumble of a car engine could be heard, the Batmobile pulled into the cave. Dick looked up and began to wipe his tears. He quickly stood up and went to greet his mentor. Batman climbed out of the Batmobile and pulled the cowl off of his face. "Are you alright Dick? Why have you been crying?" Bruce asked worriedly. 

"I'm not crying Bruce. Really, I'm fine." Dick said his voice shaking. Bruce looked at Dick and walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around the young acrobat, trying to comfort the boy. Dick struggled to free himself from Bruce's arms, but eventually gave up and burst into tears. "Ceea ce este greşit copilul pasăre," Bruce asked(This is Romanian from google translate, can't find an actual Romani translator. But, I'll call it Romani for the sake of this one-shot. Means-What's wrong baby bird)

"You know your lucky Rob took the time to teach me Romani or this whole plan of yours would've gone down the trash." Wally said.

"Richard never would've taught you if he didn't trust you and love you with all your heart," the lady replied. Wally acted like he hadn't heard her and was watching the scene in front of him attentively.

"Wally... îl iubesc tati. Dar el nu simt la fel," Dick said. (Wally.....i love him daddy. But he doesn't feel the same way)

Bruce sighed, "Ştiu că pasăre mică. În cazul în care nu poate vedea uimitor cum sunteţi, el nu merită să." (I know little bird. If he can't see how amazing you are, he doesn't deserve you.)

"Ce sa fac tata. Cum pot opri iubitoare de el?" Dick murmured. (What do I do daddy? How do I stop loving him?)

"Tu nu pic de păsări. Te voi iubi mereu-l. Până când Wallace iese capul din nori, promit să vă ţineţi împreună. Am promisiunea de a stabili că gaura in inima ta," Bruce whispered. (You don't little bird. You'll always love him. Until Wallace gets his head out of the clouds, I promise to hold you together. I promise to fix that hole in your heart.)

Robin continued to sob as Bruce comforted him. They remained locked in their embrace of comfort for what seemed like hours.

Wally felt sick, he felt like this was all his fault somehow. But, it really wasn't. Dick isn't his soulmate. No matter what the lady says. Dick doesn't even know what real love even is. Wally turned to the lady about to ask for her to take him home. But, instead she glowered at him in complete anger. She placed her hands on his head and in a blast of light they were gone. Leaving the sobbing bird in the arms of the bat.

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