Nothing Less Than Extraordinary

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Hello! I am here with a one-shot that I've been wanting to write for a while, but just never did. The main reason was cause it's sort of a crack-like romance one-shot. It's a bit out there, but for some reason I just really, really wanted to write it. It came to me when I first watched the Kdrama Extraordinary You. I loved it and I loved the ship and I loved Rowoon in it. Since then, I've been getting more and more into SF9. And I have been falling in love with Rochan (Rowoon and Chani). This got me to thinking about the show and Chani and how fun it would be to make the kdrama end in a way that is completely ridiculous, but gay and yeah. That's how this one-shot was born. I feel like before I start I should say that I loved Danoh and Haru as a couple. This one-shot is in no way me saying that their relationship was bad or stupid. As to where it takes place, just anywhere that the absolute craziness of the story or the characters forgetting wasn't happening. So, anytime where things were calm and they were just being lovey is where this one-shot takes place. I wanted to try something different and fun, so I hope that you enjoy it.

A boy garbed in the Seuli High uniform walks around the corner with an intrigued expression on his face. His light brown hair falls over his forehead and his eyes flit around as he takes in the area he's in. He looks down at his uniform and glances at the white name-tag on his lapel that reads Kang Chani. "At least my name is the same..." He murmurs to himself. He lets out a breath as he tentatively starts to walk down the hallway. He peeks into the classrooms that he passes by, spotting students chattering away before class begins. "Haru-yah!" A female voice chirps from the end of the hall. A tall boy wearing the same outfit as Chani turns as his name is called. He smiles as a girl with bangs comes to a stop in front of him. Chani eyes are drawn to him and they lock on his face. He stares at his eyes and then at his nose and lastly at his mouth. A mixture of yearning and nostalgia appears on Chani's face. "Rowoon hyung," He whispers, "I found you..." He watches as the tall boy gets dragged into one of the classrooms by the girl with bangs. He takes a step forward to follow them, but stops when he hears his name being called. "Chani! Come on, I promised auntie I would show you around," A boy with dark brown hair and a violin case strapped over his shoulder calls. Chani turns around and sighs. He nods his head and walks over to the boy, following him down the hallway in the opposite direction that his entire being is pulling him to.


"And this is the cafeteria," Dohwa says, leading the new student into the area, "It's your time to have lunch, so eat up. I have a class to get to. I'll come get you from here after. Okay?" Chani nods his head and waves to the boy as he exits the large cafeteria. Chani sighs and looks around a bit before walking over to grab a tray to get some food. He keeps his head down as he moves along the line, getting served scoops of food from the cooks as he does. "Chani?" A familiar voice questions. Chani's head shoots up and his eyes widen when he sees a blonde man with chef's outfit on. "Hyung!" Chani says in surprise.

"It is you and you're still aware. That's good," Dried Squid Fairy muses, "I haven't seen you since You Make My Heart Sing. Which was like a bunch of comics ago...the fact that the author changed Rowoon's name and paired him up with someone else made me think that she was never going to put you in a story again."

Chani sighs and nods his head, "I felt the same way to be honest...imagine my surprise when I end up here."

"It isn't fair," Dried Squid Fairy says, "I mean your story was my favorite."

"I'm sure you say that to all the aware comic characters," Chani says.

Dried Squid Fairy shakes his head, "I swear I don't. The best part of your story was that I was your older brother."

"That is very sappy and sounds completely made up," Chani says with a faint smile growing on his face.

Dried Squid Fairy scoffs, "I mean it. I've been in many of this author's comics, Chani-ah. I've probably been a sibling or lover to almost every person in this school, but the one relationship that I always hold fondly in my heart is with my little brother Chani..."

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