Not a Dream

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Hello everyone it has been a while since my last romance one-shot. I hope you enjoy this Malec themed one-shot. I suggest you get tissues cause it's going to be a bit sad. #SaveShadowhunters

Alec's POV

I return home early in order to set up a surprise for Magnus. It is Valentine's Day after all. I want Magnus to know how much I appreciate and love him. I grab candles and place them all around the apartment. I dim the lights in all of the rooms to make the area more romantic. Shadows are being cast on the walls the second the lights dim. I make sure the playlist I created, just for this day, is set up and ready to play all night long. I walk around the apartment picking up any clutter from the floors. I wipe away dust from the shelves and empty all of the trash cans. I change the bed sheets, so they were now red. I add red sashes of silk onto the couch and around the bed frame. I take a step back to admire my handiwork and smile. Hopefully, Magnus would like it. I open the bottle of wine, I had just purchased earlier, and pour it into two wine glasses. I place one wine glass on the coffee table and I gently sip the other one. I sit down on the couch and wait for Magnus to return home. I check my phone, it was 8 pm. Magnus said he should be back at around 8:15ish, since he had to deal with some downworlder business. I sit patiently awaiting his return. I glance around the apartment to double check that everything is perfect. I take a deep breath and glance at my phone 8:10. I wait for a while longer. After a few more minutes I check my phone again and frown, it read 8:30. That's odd, Magnus would've at least called him if he was going to be late. Oh well, maybe he just forgot to since he is really busy. I put down my phone and go back to waiting in silence.

I pick up my phone and look at the time, 9:30. This is definitely not normal, where the hell is Magnus? Suddenly my phone begins to ring. I glance at the caller ID, Izzy. I pick it up and put the phone next to my ear, "What is it Izzy?"

Izzy's voice wavers as she talks, "Alec. Can you come to the Institute? It's really important."

"Are you alright? Your voice is shaking. I'm taking the night off Izzy. It's Valentine's Day. I'm waiting for Magnus to get back. Do you happen to know where he is?" I ask.

"Just come to the Institute, please. This is about Magnus. He's here. And...." Izzy says her voice cracking.

My eyes widen, "I'll be there." I hang up on Izzy and quickly rush out of the house. I make sure the door locks behind me before I run outside. I sprint to the Institute with one thought on my mind, Magnus. I could only imagine the worst as I rushed to the Institute.

Eventually I reach the Institute and rush inside. I see Clary, Jace, and Izzy all standing around a body. As I move closer my eyes widen, the body on the floor is none other than Magnus Bane. There is blood staining his shirt and his entire body is stiff. I gape as I look at him, his skin which was once full of life is now pale and lifeless. I approach Magnus and blink a couple times, hoping it's just a hallucination. I feel tears build up in my eyes. Izzy is the first to notice me and she quickly walks over, "Alec. I'm so sorry..." Jace and Clary both look at me their faces show sadness. I walk over to Magnus's body and reach for his hand. I squeeze it and choke back a sob when he doesn't squeeze back. "This has to be a dream. This can't be real. Magnus can't have died. This is a nightmare. I need to wake up...." I mutter to myself bringing Magnus's hand to my mouth.

Jace places his hand on my shoulder, "It is real Alec. We all want it to be a dream, but it isn't. It's reality."

"How did this happen? Who killed him? Tell me that you caught whoever killed him," I say my eyes not moving from Magnus.

Clary looks at Magnus, then at me, "I'm sorry Alec. We don't know who killed him. He walked in here bleeding. He said that he wasn't strong enough. And then he collapsed."

"We tried to stop the bleeding, but it was too much. Magnus was too weak and he was barely alive. Before he died.....he wanted me to tell you that he loved you. That he wants you to move on and live a happy life because someone like you deserves it. He said he was sorry for not coming back home in time and that no matter where he is, he will always hold you close to his heart," Izzy says in a low voice just to me. I nod my head processing all that is happening. The love of my life now lay on the floor dead, while the person who killed him is still roaming around. This thought angers me. I stand up and make my way to the weapons vault. I grab multiple knives and make sure I have enough arrows within my arsenal. I push down the waves of sadness and grief that come over me due to Magnus's death. I focus on the task at hand, I am going to slaughter whoever killed Magnus if it is the last thing I do. "Alec. What are you doing?" Clary asks looking at me.

"I'm going to find Magnus's killer," I reply calmly already making my way outside the Institute.

"Alec, that's not a good idea. Take time to grieve. You just found out that your boyfriend was murdered. You can't just start searching for the person that killed him. You're not stable," Izzy says while grabbing my wrist.

I pull my hand away from Izzy, "I'm fine. I can grieve after I find Magnus's killer. How would you know whether I am stable or not? I can handle my emotions, unlike you."

"Alec! What is wrong with you? I get it your sad, but use your head. We all want what's best for you. What are you going to do when you find the killer? Kill him? You're letting your emotions get the better of you," Jace exclaims.

Clary approaches me, "I know it hurts Alec, but finding Magnus's killer isn't going to make the pain go away. Killing the murderer isn't going to erase the pain over loosing someone you love. Magnus wouldn't want you to push yourself just to find whoever killed him. We can go look for the killer after you finish mourning. We'll find him together. Magnus was our friend too. We're not going to let whoever killed him off the hook." I nod my head letting all of the weapons I was gathering fall to the floor. They were all right, I wasn't thinking. Maybe it's the fact that it is Valentine's Day, and the one person I wanted to spend it with is now dead. Or maybe it's the fact that for once in my life I was happy. Now without Magnus, I have this pit in my stomach. This black hole that isn't going away. I walk over to Magnus's body and kneel beside it. I gently place my lips onto his forehead. I slowly pull away and then look at his face. He looks beautiful, even in death. Even though that was probably the cheesiest thing to think, it is true. I place my lips onto his, ignoring everything else around me. If I let my mind wander enough, I could imagine that Magnus is still alive. I can imagine that this kiss is happening back in the apartment and not on the cold floors of the Institute. When I open my eyes though the image is gone, and I am still in front of the dead body of the man I love.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope that you enjoyed this one-shot! It is a sadder one-shot but I enjoyed writing it! Comment down below on any other ships you would like to see me write a one-shot about. Vote, add this story to your library, check out my other stories, and follow me. See you next time everyone. #SaveShadowhunters

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