I Know Who I Love

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I'm back with another one-shot. It's another BTS one. Sorry, people, I get a request and I perform the best I can. It's a Namjin O.S, it's not my personal favorite ship to write, but I hope I wrote a pretty good little story. I hope that you enjoy this. It's kind of fluffy and kinda dark at the same time. I'd also like to warn you a little, it's not exactly mature, but it has some negative themes.

Namjoon sighs as he curls up in his bed. For as long as he can remember, he's always got into his own head over the littlest of things. He's never been confident with himself. It's something that he's accepted. Usually, he doesn't let it bother him that much. Usually, he can deal with it all. Yet, it always gets to a point where it's just too much to handle. Every time that happens, Namjoon ends up in the same place. On his bed, curled up, his head filled with questions and other's comments. Namjoon bites his lip as their laughter and whispers filter through his mind. He doesn't cry, his face just looks blank. He doesn't do anything to block out the words. He doesn't do anything to stop the pain. He's like an empty shell. He doesn't react when he hears the front door of his apartment open. He doesn't say anything as his beautiful boyfriend announces that he's home. He doesn't reply when said boyfriend calls out his name. He doesn't move to kiss his boyfriend when he opens the door to his room. He stares into nothingness as his boyfriend walks over and sits on the edge of his bed. "Namjoon-ah?" Are you okay? Is something wrong?" Jin asks, pushing Namjoon's hair from his forehead. Namjoon doesn't answer and turns his head away from Jin. Jin frowns and looks at his boyfriend with worry. "Hey, don't be like that. Talk to me," Jin says in a soothing tone. Namjoon refuses to answer and pulls his knees to his chest. Jin tuts, "I want to help you, Joon-ah. I can't do that if you don't talk to me."

"I don't feel like talking," Namjoon mutters.

Jin shakes his head, "I haven't come home to find you like this in a while. What happened? Did something happen at work?" Namjoon doesn't answer his questions. Jin sighs and looks around the room. A stray magazine on the floor catches his eye. He manages to make out the headline. It says, Actor Model Kim Seokjin in a relationship of pity with Producer Songwriter Kim Namjoon. Jin grimaces at the magazine, "What's that doing there?"

"No idea..." Namjoon replies. Jin sighs and moves closer to Namjoon. He reaches his arms out and wraps them around Namjoon. "What were they saying?" Jin asks, "What did they say about you?"

Namjoon sighs, "I don't want to talk about it." Jin nods his head and tightens his grip. They stay like that for a couple of minutes. Namjoon doesn't move to hug Jin back. Jin doesn't seem to mind and keeps his boyfriend as close to him as possible. Namjoon sighs again and finally releases his knees. He leans his head into Jin's chest and takes a deep breath. Jin nuzzles the top of his head and gently pats Namjoon's back. "Want to talk about it now?" Jin questions. Namjoon tenses up and Jin slowly retracts his arms. Namjoon stares at his feet, trying to ignore Jin's gaze. Jin shakes his head and gently pushes Namjoon's head so that he would look at him. Namjoon locks eyes with Jin. Jin bites his lip as he sees sadness, love, confusion, and despair within Namjoon's eyes. Jin pats Namjoon's hand, "You'll feel better after you talk about it. Tell me what's wrong. I want to help." Namjoon hesitates for a minute before slowly nodding his head. Jin looks at him, waiting for him to start. "People were just talking. Like always, it's not something new. I don't like letting their words get to me, but I'd be lying if I said they didn't impact me a little," Namjoon says, quietly.

Jin nods, "That's fine. You know that what they say usually isn't true, right." Namjoon doesn't say anything for a couple of seconds. He replies a few minutes later, "Some of their words are true though. It doesn't make sense for you to be with someone like me."

"It makes perfect sense to me," Jin states, "You're handsome, smart, talented, and you can bring a smile to my face with ease."

Namjoon pouts, "I'm not...."

"Yes, you are," Jin cuts him off, "It's true, trust me. I know a good-looking guy when I see one." Namjoon blushes and hides his face. "Hyung...." Namjoon groans. Jin smiles and gently touches Namjoon's cheek. "Feel better?" Jin asks.

Namjoon shrugs, "I don't know. I just can't stop thinking about what they were saying. They gossip and talk about us like no tomorrow. They don't do anything else. I don't know if they think I can't hear them, but they talk while I'm in the same room. They say that you're only with me because you feel bad. People assume that you're with me because no one else will be and you're just being nice. They question why someone as good-looking as you would even want to me associated to someone like me. They say that you could have anyone you want and you shouldn't have chosen me. They say that you don't love me. They say you don't love me all the time...."

Jin scoffs, "That's ridiculous. Don't believe a single word they say, Joon-ah. They don't know what they're talking about."

"But...what if they do know what they're talking about?" Namjoon asks, "I'm nothing special, Jin hyung. I don't know why you're with me in the first place. I still wake up sometimes and double check that all of your stuff is still here...."

"Because, I love you, Namjoon," Jin states, "I'm here because I love you."

"Do you really?" Namjoon questions, "They all say you don't...."

Jin rolls his eyes, "What do they know? They don't know anything." Namjoon stares at his hands and his back is tense. Jin grabs Namjoon's hands and gently squeezes them. Namjoon looks to Jin with wide eyes. Jin sighs and gently kisses Namjoon's hands. Jin smiles at him, "Listen to me, okay. I love you because you're special and amazing. None of those things they say are true. I know that their lies. They're talking about me like they know me. They don't. I know me. I know I love you more than anything in the world. I didn't know what real love was until I met you. You've brought color to my life that never ceases to fade. I chose you because you're the only one for me. You complete me in a way I never believed was possible. They may say I don't love you, but I do. They don't know who I am. They don't know who I love. I know who I love. I know that I love you, Kim Namjoon. I know who I love....not them. They don't know anything...." Namjoon looks at Jin with thankful eyes. "Hyung...." Namjoon whispers, "Thank you....I love you too..."

Jin smiles, "I know, Namjoon. I know..."

The end! I hope that you enjoyed this one-shot. Please comment, vote, follow me, and add this story to your library. Continue to recommend any ships you want a one-shot of. See you all next time!!!

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