Our Dream

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Hiya! I did say that the next few one-shots would be unrequited love, but I found this one in my drafts, so I decided to finish it up. Today, I have for you some JJP (Jinyoung and Jaebum from Got7) for you. It's set in the world of Dream High 2!!!!! I recently binged the first and second season. I found myself wanting some more Jinyoung and Jaebum scenes even though seeing the JJ Cross did make me very happy. I decided to change up the story a little and delve into Jaebum's past from the show, which of course involves Jinyoung. This is not accurate to what happens in the show, but there will be little Easter eggs from it in this fic. If you remember Dream High 2, let me know if you notice any of them. Also, I am using the names Jinyoung and Jaebum because I just really don't like the name of Jinyoung's character, so I am taking some liberties in this one-shot of mine. Let's get into it.

They were just neighbors. They barely knew each other, but their parents were set on them being friends. At first, they tolerated one another, knowing that they would be yelled at if they didn't play nice. But, as the two spent more and more time together, the boys lowered their guards and became friends. From that day forward, you never saw Jinyoung without Jaebum. They were inseparable. They were two peas in a pod. They went everywhere side by side. They did everything together. Until, Jaebum had reached the age to go to school. Jinyoung had pleaded with his parents to let him follow, but they told him he was still too young. Jaebum didn't want to go either, but he also had no choice in the matter. When Jaebum had left that morning for his first day, Jinyoung cried until his other half came home. "Silly, Nyoungie," Jaebum said, wiping at the tears in the younger boy's eyes.

"I'm not s-silly," Jinyoung sniffled and crossed his arms.

"No, you're not...I missed you too," Jaebum said.

Jinyoung pouted, "Do you still have to go tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I do," Jaebum answered.

Jinyoung frowned, "I don't like it."

"I don't either," Jaebum said, "But, I have an idea. What if I teach you everything that I learn at school?"

"Really?" Jinyoung asked.

Jaebum nodded, "You'll learn so much and you'll become really, really smart."

"Then, I can go to school like you! Right, hyung?" Jinyoung said.

Jaebum grinned, "Right, Nyoungie!" Jinyoung beamed and threw his arms around the older. Jaebum laughed and hugged the younger back. It was the perfect plan. Of course, it didn't work, but it comforted Jinyoung at the time. He was just desperate back then to not be separated from Jaebum. Nothing seemed worse to him than being away from Jaebum. Jinyoung never wanted to be apart from Jaebum. Never ever, ever, ever, ever.


Jinyoung stares at the TV in front of him. He doesn't know how to react. On the screen is none other than Jaebum, performing just as an idol should. He is garbed in clothes that Jinyoung can't imagine him ever wearing and fans are cheering at the top of their lungs. They hold signs in the air saying the words I love JB. Jinyoung scoffs as the cameraman zooms in on a fan in tears. What does she have to cry about? She's the one standing right in front of JB. It's not like she isn't seeing him face to face. She gets to be near him. Something Jinyoung hasn't had the privilege to in years. He sighs, not really understanding where this sudden flood of emotions regarding his hyung is coming from. Maybe it's because it has been a long time since they last spoke. It was bound to happen, especially since Jaebum really began to take off and Jinyoung is still in their small hometown waiting for his chance. One day it would be the two of them on that stage, but it isn't today. Jinyoung looks at the screen which has cut to a close up of Jaebum's smile. He eyes the smile and shakes his head. It's so fake. He's seen his hyung smile a million times before. He knows his real smile from his staged one. Jinyoung wonders why Jaebum is faking the smile. He's achieved all he had ever dreamed of, yet he wasn't happy. Jinyoung wishes he could ask him what is going on in his head, but he refused to do it over the phone, not like the famous idol would be able to pick up anyways. Jaebum is busy promoting, so he probably didn't even have access to his cellphone. JB's stage ends and the show transitions to another artist. And even though Jinyoung hated seeing Jaebum on stage, since he never seemed himself, he wanted nothing more than the boy to come back. So, he could see him again for just a second. "I may be older now, but I still don't like being apart from you," Jinyoung says, "It's still the worst feeling ever..."

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