part 5

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the group make their way out of the container, leaving the body to stay there as they try to stay together shock still being in control. 

Dragon shakes his head and slaps himself, as tiger wipes her face without realising the ropes aren't on her. Luna says nothing, and stands there, stiff. Tiger pauses and glances at her hands, before running away quietly. Dragon gets notice of this but looks away to quickly. "Tiger get back!" He screams, as his legs shakily stumble against themselves, sending his face into the concrete. 

Tiger hugs the bag, as she legs it away, making sure she doesn't have anyone lingering behind her, and to her joy, nobody follows her. Sighing, she slows down, glancing around as the area she was in slowly becomes a empty area, full of tree stumps, all rotting with various age. Nothing except the walls of the warehouse, and other environment being all she can see. 

Dragon curses heavily, and he gets back up, as luna helps alongside him. He nods in thanks, and pats himself down, making sure he didn't get anything to dangerous. Luna glances around, and watches the pathway to which tiger ran, before picking up the rope Dragon dropped. "Fuck sake. I wanted tiger next to me so I can keep her safe." Dragon curses, before punching a nearby container. Luna sighs, and walks slowly through the pathway. 

"Better look for her than sobbing about it." Luna says, without watching dragons look of dismay and shock. He pauses, and shakes it off, following luna behind her. 

Walking past the container, Dragon suddenly yanks luna back, stuck watching the inside of the container they left. Luna grabs dragons hand, but stops herself as she spots what he can see.

Inside the unit, a body stands there, unable to show any features, so stays as a shadow. The body remains still, as dragons hairs on the back of his neck Stand on end, his instincts slowly kicking in to run or fight. Luna remains transfixed on the shadow, curious. 

The body decides to sway almost like leaves. Spiking dragons concern. Knowing not to lose sight on this possible threat he stands and keeps his sight on the body, whilst grabbing lunas collar and holding it tightly enough so he knows where she is. 

"Fucking idoits. Seriously." A new voice says, as a knife is Driven into the bodies head. It dissolves in the air, as Dragon looks at where the knife came from. He turns and finds nobody, before glancing back at the unit. 

"What, something on my face?" twisted says, looking more annoyed then usual. Dragon stumbles slightly, as twisted shoves her hands into her coat. "Stop acting like you've seen the fucking devil. Delta is watching this shit unfold." She adds. 

Dragon looks around in fear, before pausing, his fear becoming anger as he looks back at twisted. "How are you alive. Your body got thrown at us like a rag doll!" Dragon yells, as twisted laughs at his reaction, just pissing off Dragon more. 

"You really think I was decked by that lanky cunt!? Seriously! That wasn't my body, it was someone else's, disguised as mine. Better yet, it wasn't real." Twisted shrugs, kicking a stone away from her. Dragon grits his teeth in anger, as luna questions. 

"How do you know all this. Suddenly surviving a attack from delta, and assume we'd be ok with it!?" Luna yells, taking Dragon aback for a moment. Twisted says nothing, almost smirking, as she shrugs again, fiddling with her collar. Luna breathes in and shakes it off as Dragon remains dumbstruck. 

"Makes sense. When people know too much everyone gets sus of them. That's normal. Ever heard of this bullshit?" Twisted dangles her phone in the air, before shoving back into her pocket. "Unlike most dipshits scurrying around or choking on food, I gather what I know about the delta." She adds, tossing a book onto the floor. "Besides, thanks to sabers little choking session I've learnt our walking lampost who thrives in hot topic has a problem with his hearing." She says, making Dragon and luna even more sus. 

"Shut up. Don't try to kill me now. Besides maybe the traitor is like him, or perhaps one of you. Hell it could be saber but we can't jump to conclusions." She says, before picking up the book and limping. Luna stops Dragon from going after her, as Dragon clenches his hands tightly.

"No point, besides don't you want tiger right?" Luna says, before walking away again. Dragon looks at them both before deciding to stay with luna, jogging just behind her. Twisted shakes her head in disgust before walking away.


Tiger sits down against a tree stump, dropping the bag and grabbing the crackers. Opening them she munches on the crackers calmly, glad she isn't next to anyone. Staring at the environment around her, she sighs, bored, before shoving the crackers back into the bag, about to stand up. 

Glancing to her left, she spots a shadow watching her carefully, almost stalking her. She hesitates and watches them carefully, slowly standing up. She stands there, her brain saying to run, but the shadow moves to quickly for her to think, getting slammed onto the ground like a twig. 

Delta watches her face look at him with nothing but fear, as he keeps a grip around her neck with ease. Tiger thrashes with a natural urge too. Delta doesn't even move a muscle, as tiger slowly exhausts herself. 

Dragon and luna make it to the opening of the new environment, pausing when they see delta and tiger against the ground. Dragon immediately runs, making luna sigh and jog after. Delta catches onto dragons sprinting, and side kicks his waist into the ground, slamming his head against a rotten stump. Tiger spits at delta's mask, who jolts in surprise. "Lemme just eat my crackers!" Tiger screams, kicking his abdomen with force. Delta hesitates, but stands up, grabbing lunas head without a care and tossing her away, rendering both Dragon and luna unconscious. 

Tiger runs, grabbing the bag tightly, and doesn't watch behind her, avoiding the tree stumps around her. The furious running and panting out of air, causes tiger to loose her footing for a second and stack it, as delta runs with ease to her. 

Pausing again, delta watches as tiger gets back up, and panics, stumbling over her own legs, as delta grabs one and snaps it with ease, making tiger scream in pain. She falls over again, getting up and hopping away as she tries to get away from him in a futile effort to live. 

Delta watches and walks behind her slowly, as she keeps trying anything, she grabs a rock and throws it to his goggles in a effort to blind him, yet he bats it away with ease. Grabbing her arms, delta snaps the shoulders right out of her sockets, before grabbing her neck lifting her up like a bag of flour. 

Tiger screams in pain, unable to make any noise at all. Delta watches her fear as he grabs her legs and holds her horizontally as she decides to just give in. He pauses once more, before ripping her torso slowly, letting her feel all the pain as her muscle and organs are torn apart at a painfully slow pace.

He holds the remains of tiger, her stomach dangling from the windpipe, as her intestines flop onto the ground. Delta tosses the carcass away like garbage and wipes the blood onto her torn blazer, before glancing back at the others and leaving. Tigers dismembered body all over the place.

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