part 8

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"let's move. It's almost night." Sal says, her voice dropping emotion as she treks around the storage units, glancing around as she tries to locate a suitable area, as galaxy nods and jogs behind, catching her up as iris remains asleep on sals back. 

Both of them look around, as sal remains on edge from earlier, the memories of the fear and guilt like needles in her back. 

Galaxy pauses and pokes Sal's shoulder, making her jolt and snap her head around, as galaxy gestures to a small unit, the doors partly open. "It's not the best, but, it's not gone through yet, I can see some stuff in there." Galaxy says, as sal hesitates, watching the unit as if it's gonna move and attack. Iris grumbles and shivers slightly, as the lights around them dim. 

Sal inhales and sighs, calming her nerves, as she nods and gestures galaxy to stay behind. The group all slowly and cautiously walk to the unit, sal awkwardly Holding her phone switching the light on, as she keeps iris stable. "If anything seems off, get your ass in there." Sal warns, as she tries to quietly open the doors, only getting a small whimper of its rusted hinges.

The noise echos slightly, as galaxy looks around first and watches sal walk in carefully, trying to let her eyes adjust to the poor lighting from her phones flashlight.

"Looks and smells like shit. It's warmer so get in." Sal mumbles, as she looks around, waving her flashlight around the area, pausing onto some ragged fabric. Galaxy gags slightly at the smell, but enters anyway. 

Sal walks over to the fabric, and leans down, watching her balance, as she picks up the fabric, and makes sure it's safe. After fiddling with it for a moment, she pauses and glances at galaxy, who smiles warmly, sal knows she's still shaken, and says nothing, kicking any extra debris away, before using the fabrics around her to make a makeshift bed, using the thicker fabrics as a base. 

Galaxy watches and sighs, as sal gently places iris down, before spotting a slight cut across her face, remembering the traitor. 

"Next time I'll rip their slimy ass hands off." Sal grumbles, still pissed more at herself rather than anyone. Galaxy wanders over, as sal gently places any spare fabric over iris. 

"Get your ass into it as well. I'll do the night shift." Sal says, watching her voice, knowing staying quiet is a main priority. Galaxy shakes her head and leans down, as sal watches her with no emotion.

"You've done enough. I'll take the shift." Galaxy says, meaning the best. Sal crosses her arms and looks away, before grumbling under her breath. 

"I know you was gonna say that, it's not a offer, just get in. I run on next to no sleep, besides, rather risk my life and health first." Sal replies, standing up, as galaxy snickers at her, before standing up herself. 

"I know you was gonna say that. Your one to make sure others are ok in this situation. I saw from your expression during the attack. Unless you knew we were ok, you'd stay. Even if your body language says otherwise." Galaxy smiles, before calmly getting into the blankets trying not to disturb iris. 

Sal says nothing, and leans against the wall, making sure neither are disturbed at all. "Tch. My matters are the least of anyone's concern. I'll smash anyone's face in if they dare threaten you guys." Sal mumbles, as she walks over to the entrance. Galaxy smiles and places the extras onto iris, before placing the knife onto a stack of wood, watching a beetle wanders across it.

Sal stands lingering on the entrance, watching the are and listening carefully. Until a loud blinding light shines across the warehouse catching everyone's attention.

"As you can see here! It's been such a thrilling ride! It's only the first day! And lookie here! Two confirmed dead! Oh boy let's see shall we!?" The announcement yells, as everyone watches.

Dark and Oscar lean against a rockface, as dark curses to herself, slamming her first into the rocks. 

Saber hangs upside down, watching the screen as she glances at everyone else.

Venom nudges berry as veemy sits on a storage unit. Berry sighs and looks over, standing next to veemy. 

Twisted grumbles and stands where she was, glancing at the screen and walking away. 

"I see! Two dead both from the same group! What a shame!" The announcement yells as the screen flashes, showing a past feed of tigers and Luna's brutal deaths. 

Veemy watches as venom gags, berry sighs and hugs herself. "Two already?" She mumbles. 

"We could have down something! Why didn't we!?" Dark yells as Oscar sighs. 

"Because we was halfway across the map. It would have been impossible." Oscar replies.  

"No surprise. Don't care people gonna die." Twisted mumbles as she settles down. 

Saber gets up and smirks as she spots sal lingering on the outside of a unit. "So protective over the sacks of flour." She mumbles.

"Sal. Why not close the door. Delta isn't a hound dog." Galaxy mumbles  sitting there, trying to not make sure iris doesn't wake up. 

"No. Just because Delta isn't some traitors bitch, doesn't mean he won't be active." Sal replies, looking back at galaxy who says nothing. 

"Just take a rest. Closing the door would just confirm that this isn't open. Being so protective is a downfall." Galaxy says, as sal hesitates.

"Focus on staying safe and if I die make sure iris is safe." Sal mutters. Watching the surroundings again, as she sighs, her own breath being seen which spikes her concern.

"Fine. This time I'll do it. Next time I'll make sure you actually sleep." Sal replies, wandering over to galaxy and iris. 

Galaxy chuckles and lays down as sal reluctantly sits down, next to iris. "See it's not that hard." Galaxy jokes as sal nods sarcastically, laying down and looking away. 

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