part 18

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"So what now?" Saber asks, as she stays far away from the body, as sal makes sure everyone else is ok, mainly galaxy and iris, as veemy glances away from her trance and spots the body of twisted laying there. Ignoring it, she checks on astro, who stays hidden in her hoodie, as saber waits for a answer, seemingly fine about their deaths.

"We split back up and survive until we know how the fuck to escape this place." Sal repiles, as she opens the door and steps out, making sure the area is safe, before gesturing the others to leave. The others hesitate but follow after her, still slightly shaken by the death. "We can't dwell on the past. What happened happened, not to sound cold but like I said, she was gonna die." Sal adds, kicking a rock before thinking. "We need to figure out what the rest of this shithole looks like." Sal mutters, catching berrys attention as she rummages through twisteds bag, slightly curious.

"Well, this will help I guess?" She suggests, as she takes out a piece of paper, unfolding it to find a poorly scribbled map, all labled with rough handwriting. "Jeez is this even readable." Berry says, as saber leans down, tracing her finger around the borders of the environments. 

"Looks like she was more busy marking the place rather than caring about others." Saber gestures, as she points to the entrance of the place called the "tree stumps." 

"She's been everywhere, somehow. That's, suggestive." Saber mutters, as Venom looks at the bag, and pulls out a load of food and medical treatment. "Little hoarder." Saber whispers, as veemy glances up, her good ear twitching slightly as she watches nothing, catching galaxy's attention. 

"Veemy, have you got better hearing and eyesight than us?" She asks, as veemy looks over and nods in agreement, as galaxy glances at where veemy was watching, seeing nothing. "Maybe we're being watched." Galaxy says, as everyone tenses up, sal and dark looking around, as Venom and berry look up. Saber remains looking at the map, curious about one area.

"That little gremlin. She knows where the exit is." Saber thinks, as she folds up the paper and stands up, acting like she didn't know, as Venom hands the rations around so people get some, as iris opens a bag and sighs, knowing it's the normal paste like food. 

"They could have given us actual food." Iris complains, catching sals attention, as she snickers and crosses her arms. 

"Well if we find a animal, I'll make dinner one day, as long as I have the fucking seasoning." Sal says, as iris shrugs and takes the offer, forcing herself to eat the rationed food. "Why did she take so much shit though?" Sal asks as galaxy and iris don't answer.

"Maybe she was being prepared. Or she was planning to help in her werid ass way." Saber suggests, glancing back the body, before looking around. "So saboi, you wanna make the group's Or?" Saber asks, as sal nods and realises the joke, but brushes it off like it's nothing. 

"Its simple. Me, and my flours. Saber and veemy, dark, berry and venom." Sal says, without giving anyone a chance to change their mind. Saber sighs and smiles gently knowing what sals like, as  veemy walks over to saber, still confused about why astro is hiding, almost scared. Venom nods energetically as they join berry and dark who all start to walk away, knowing nobody is really gonna say anything else. 

Saber and veemy wait, as sal adjusts her mask and mumbles something to iris and galaxy, to which they both step back into the unit, avoiding the body. As sal looks at the duo carefully. Cracking her hands and looking away. 

"Listen to me. I don't trust either of you. But I know saber isn't the traitor, if delta had to fucking make saber choke on his blood, but we know it's a dark haired asshole. I don't even trust myself, but that's beyond the point. Watch out for that stranger." Sal warns, before walking back into the unit, as saber laughs and walks away.

"Well veemy, I just hang on the banisters so looks like we're going back up there. Besides, I left my crap up their after delta was flashbanged." Saber says, remembering that vividly, making her hesitate, remembering when twisted saved them both. "I swear if anyone else dies I'll break the traitors face myself." Saber adds, her joyful voice gone, as veemy nods in agreement, following being saber, keeping a eye out for that strange movement she keeps seeing. 


"Nobody will hurt my boss asshole." Alpha mumbles, as he follows saber and veemy, knowing she has caught on his camouflage ability. "I want my test back, before the other one is set free." He adds, watching behind them as saber laughs and gestures veemy up the stairs. She nods and walks up, as saber follows behind, making sure they are ok first. Alpha spits on the floor, disgusted, as he climbs up the staircase with  next to no sound. "They don't know our simple group are they just as stupid as they look?" Alpha mumbles, as saber sits down on the pathway, as veemy follows suit, still tense about the area.

Make sure you don't fuck up. Or I'm setting her on you first. The traitor says to alpha, via a headset, as alpha shivers at the threat. "Like come on master, I've done good so far, why can't I just be praised once!" He yells at himself, knowing the traitors gratitude is all he wants. "Why is delta the best one. He wouldn't be here if I didn't do anything!" He says, grabbing his head and trying not to scream, as he falls onto his knees and shakes. "Seriously! He isn't anything but a idoit with better strength!" Alpha says, as he collects himself, and stands up, his emotions gone as he looks at saber and veemy, who have a small conversation, laughing every so often. His frown breaks into a insane smile, as he tears his stitches slightly, as he paces over to veemy, his steps quiet, as he leans down tempted to just suffocate the bitch now.

"No, master said not to kill just yet, we let them suffer in the others." He says, as he gently grabs veemys shoulder, making her jolt, catching sabers attention. 

"What?" Saber asks, slightly uncomfortable, as veemy looks back, unsure. 

"It felt like something touched me on my shoulder." She repiles, as saber nods, but can't spot anything. "Probably imagining it." She adds, looking back at saber who remains stern. Alpha grins in malice, as he leans against her ear.

"After I kill you and your friends, that cats mine, veemy. You haven't got a choice." He mutters, sending pure fear down veemys spine.

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