part 20

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"Where the actual fuck am I?" Oscar groans, as he slaps his head slightly, as he realises he's being watched. "How the fuck are you? Another edgy bastard?" He asks, as alpha shivers in disgust, trying to keep his composure as the traitor walks in, wearing their normal clothing with the mask. 

"Fucking finally. Took that bug enough time to drag his ass here." The traitor grumbles, as alpha watches from next to the wall, smirking. The traitor leans down and grabs Oscars face, forcefully pushing it around to see all his sides, to which he just remains calm, slightly annoyed. "Has shockingly one of the ones who haven't been injured yet, shame, this would have been easier." They sigh, letting go and walking up to alpha, who stiffens up as the traitor whispers something into his ear, before walking away. 

Alpha rubs his head together, before walking to Oscar, and using metal braces to keep his, arms, legs and neck to the chair before walking back again, thinking carefully. "Ok twisted 2.0 what are you planning?" Oscar asks, as alpha looks over, frustrated. He looks away and mumbles to himself, slapping his head before pounding it against the walls. "Ok your mentally fucked." Oscar mumbles, making him stop suddenly, standing their as he watches the wall. 

Without a sound, alpha turns around and looks at Oscar with nothing but empty eyes, as his face remains cold. Oscar hesitates, knowing he's fucked up, gently tugging at the braces to find if their loose, to which they remain stubborn and only cut into his skin, as alpha takes out a remote, and presses one of the buttons, sending sharp blades into Oscars arms and legs where the braces are, as he staggers over, almost lifeless. 

His head bleeds heavily, as he stands over Oscar, without blinking even once. "I want to please the boss, yet your just pissing them off." He mumbles, as Oscar doesn't say anything, trying to not tense up in knowing it will hurt more. Alpha grabs his face, and looks away, watching the doorway, as it opens up, with delta dragging someone with a bag over their face, who's laughing makes Oscars head pound in pain. 

"She's here." Delta says, making sure not make alpha snap anymore, as he nods and grabs the perosn, who shakes around furiously. "They've already broken her mind." He adds, taking a step back as a bodyguard of sorts. Alpha throws the perosn down, who pauses deathly still, as he takes the bag off, making Oscar pause. 

"Yes, that's who you think it is." Alpha says, as he leans down and takes off their braces, making them instantly grab his face and snap it. Delta jolts in shock, as Oscar refuses to move, remebring the braces, as twisted stands up and pounds in alphas head, making delta look away for a second, shocked.

"Stop killing my brother  you asshole!" Delta yells, sending out a strange tendril from his arm wrapping it around twisteds waist and stopping her from moving. "Stop!" Delta screams, his mask off as he throws her against the wall, his eyes streaming from his tears, as the traitor runs in and pauses, cursing slightly. 

"Delta enough!" The traitor yells, as he drops twisted down, and curls up, frustrated and sad, as alpha gets up, and brushes himself down, mumbling slightly as twisted looks back in shock, as the traitor looks away and tries to calm delta down. 

"Fucking hell, I don't like my head being turned into pulp thanks." Alpha spits, as twisted shuffles back in fear, her back hitting the wall behind, as alpha runs over and kicks her in the chest, making her puke up blood, wheezing on the floor in pain as he turns around and sees the traitor and delta. The traitor looks back, and he freezes in fear, before walking away, and grabbing a knife, looking at twisted and Oscar, who remain quiet. 

"Fucking parasites. I just want this done with." He mutters, as the traitor gets up and puts their hand on his chest, before looking back, making him shake slightly, feeling a slight burning sensation. 

"Do the plan, hurt them I'll make sure you went through more pain than all of us." The traitor warns, making alpha nod and tremble to twisted, who doesn't move, grinning in shock as she loses her mind. He drops the knife onto her lap and walks away. The traitor looks at Oscar, then takes their mask off, sending his far to something else. 

"I'm not surprised but what the fuck," Oscar says, as he gets the braces taken off, as the traitor snickers, and slaps his face and grabs it, burying their hand into his face, their grin something from nightmares. Oscar stops breathing, as the traitor leans against his ear and snickers. 

"Run." They whisper as he does as asked, staggering up and running out of the room, his legs screaming in pain as he circumnavigates the hallways, having to use the walls as a balance as he hears maniacal laughter, followed by loud running. His mind goes into over drive as he spots a door, hoping it leads to the outside. 

His adrenaline kicks in, as he makes a dash to the door, as the running starts to catch up, the small giggles here and there sends his fear into overdrive. Losing his energy too quickly, he leans against the door and and slams it open, getting blinded by the lighting of the warehouse, before getting slammed onto the ground.

"Hah, this is fun!" Twisted yells, as she grabs his face and tears his skin off, making him scream in pain, before twisted inhumaly bites into his neck using her sharpened canines, tearing his throat out and dropping him down,  and laughing.

games of insanity (reupload) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن