part 87

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"any idea of where they are?" Dark asks, as they all carefully walk around the area, venom staying by dark as kioshi takes the lead, before pausing, twisted and alpha stay quiet, as he looks around, before giving in and taking his eyepatch off, showing a pure white eye, making the others pause. "What, why do you have some fake ass eye?" Twisted mutters, as kioshi hides his good eye, busy focusing on trying to find their location. Venom and dark stay on alert as alpha tugs on twisteds arm, making her turn around, confused. 

"Because it's the foresight, we all lost a eye for it. I'm the only one with one eye, alongside sal and saber." Alpha says, pointing to twisteds golden eye. She slaps his hand away before spotting kioshi, as he focuses on a area, before putting his eyepatch back on. He turns around, catching the others attention, before grinning, gesturing to a nearby unit. 

"Their in there. All safe." He says before walking closer and gently knocking. The others linger behind as Delta slams the door open, looking at the group with concern, before sighing, glad. Kioshi explains  their situation, whilst sal keeps Rin behind, unsure of why Delta is so easy to jump to conclusions. Twisted sighs as venom spots Rin, and looks at him with awe. Dark stays just behind as alpha remains anxious about being so open. 

After a few minutes of kioshi explaining, Delta let's them in, and they all do as asked, closing the doors behind them as Delta keeps a small fire going, knowing about their others lack of vision. Kioshi leans against the wall, closest to the doors, as dark sits down against the other side. Meanwhile sal and Rin stay at the back, watching as venom walks over slowly, and leaning down. Twisted and alpha sit on the side, twisted not caring in the slightest, whilst alpha still remains anxious.

"Aw, he's so cute." Venom says, as Delta walks past and sits next to him, as Rin grabs onto his shoulder, concerned. Sal stays quiet, as she remains glancing at kioshis side glare. Venom watches as Rin looks their way, and remains anxious. 

"It's ok, venom is a friend, a really nice one at that." Delta says, as venom smiles warmly. Rin still stays with Delta, as he sighs, gesturing a sorry to venom. They don't mind and sit next to the fire, before looking around and sighing. 

"But, I was told your all past killers, mainly this one." Rin mutters, looking at sal, who looks back, sighing in frustration, as Delta sits him onto his lap, and hugs him. Venom stays cautious, knowing Rin is still new. Twisted on the other hand, snickers as alpha stays quiet. 

"Maybe we are. Maybe we just massacre kids for spare time. What, your little body scared?" Twisted says, making sal stand up and kick her face in, before spotting the tattoos on her face. Kioshi sighs, as Rin shakes slightly, grabbing onto Delta more as he remains more scared. Sal kicks twisted again, before walking away, ignoring her smirking at the attempt. 

"Alex." Kioshi mutters, as alpha jolts, finding the others stare on him. Delta sighs, and looks away, as alpha starts to get paranoid, whilst twisted grabs his face and pushes him away. Rin watches as alpha takes it, and pauses. 

"That's, what mother did." He says, making Delta tense up, and grab his face, whilst twisted laughs, and proceeds to kick alphas face in, as dark and kioshi get involved. Sal holds herself back, whilst kioshi grabs her chains and ties her up, before gagging her. Dark drags her body away as alpha curls up. Venom looks at alpha, then at Rin, who shakes. Sal mutters to herself, as kioshi and dark go back to their places, whilst twisted looks at them with hate. 

"Venom, can you take Rin?" Delta asks, making venom nod almost enthusiastically, as Rin looks at Delta. "I need to calm Alex down. Sal can keep an eye on twisted." Delta says, as Rin gets handed to venom, who takes him and gently hugs him. Delta stands up, as he walks over, leaning down and making sure alpha is ok. 

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