part 33

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Sal wanders back to the others, who act seemingly normal, making her pause and look at them, meanwhile twisted grins in her mask, as the other wolf walks over and takes a seat next to her, whilst she pets his fur, making sal awkwardly walk pass. "So, how's omega?" Saber asks, as sal jolts at the question, grabbing her mask and putting it on. Saber chuckles and watches sal.

"That donkey is fine." Sal retorts,before sitting down, and looking at the area. "We better find a better shithole." Sal adds, knowing it's better to change the subject. Saber sighs and shakes her head, aware  of her move. Veemy and berry glance at dark and venom, who remain asleep. 

"Sal's right, better off moving to the next one, until some angsty girlfriend rips that one off too." Saber suggests, as sal rolls her eyes, not caring anymore. "Besides, it's gonna get dark at some point." Saber adds, gesturing to the other unit besides them. Galaxy sighs and looks at berry and dark.

"How are we going to transport venom and dark, without hurting them more?" Galaxy asks, making twisted laugh and whistle to the wolves, who walk over to berry and galaxy. 

"Put them on their back, their stable." Twisted says, grabbing her belongings and walking to the other unit, opening it, and throwing away any junk they don't need. Saber looks over and lets her do it, getting up and gesturing to veemy. 

"Wanna help me here?" Saber asks as she carefully picks up venom and places them on one of their backs, as veemy carefully picks up dark and follows suit, as twisted watches the wolves walk carefully to the unit and walk in. "Ok that was quick." Saber mutters, making twisted roll her eyes and looking at the others. 

"Yeah whatever." Twisted says, waiting patiently as sal struts in, and makes her own small area, just by another corner, making sure nobody can see her properly. Veemy, galaxy and berry go after, sorting out venom and dark, making sure they have the needed space. 

Saber and iris make it in last, before twisted closes the doors, and looking around, finding it almost pitch black. "Anyone got anything flammable?" Veemy says, as sal grumbles and lays down, rather wanting to stay alone. Saber glances around, as twisted rests against one of her wolves, as it watches Berry's wolf pup. It's white fur making it easier to see, as the black one stays invisible. Saber snickers, as veemy finds a small pile of fabric, unusable. 

"How are we going to set this alight?" Berry asks, as saber looks over and hesitates. Sal snickers and gets up, looking around.

"Could just ask the traitor." Sal mutters, as the rest stop doing their thing, as twisted glares at sal with nothing but hate. "Am I wrong though?" Sal adds, laying back down. Saber coughs to try and break the tension, as the others remain quiet.

"Just fucking either get sleep or fucking do something" twisted complains, before making the wolves both lay down, as she rests her head down against one. 

"We'll miss edgy, your the one with walking pillowcases." Saber replies, as twisted says nothing, and lays down. Veemy and galaxy look at each other, as sal does the same and takes rest. Saber sits down, deciding to just give up, covering her face with her hood. Veemy and berry take rest next to venom and dark, as iris looks around and sighs. 

"Don't worry iris, I'm taking the night." Saber says, letting iris nod and curl up just beside galaxy and berry, as saber sighs and leans against the wall, watching over the others. 


"Your finally back, took your fucking time." The traitor says, seizing up as omega walks up with a fast asleep alpha, as Delta watches from afar. Omega says nothing, and walks past the traitor, making them grab her chains. 

"Let fucking go of me." Omega warns, looking at the tratior with hate, as they look back, and then at alpha. "I'm sick of your bullshit." Omega adds, tossing the traitor away, before walking into alphas room, where Delta sits down and plays with his fingers, anxious. 

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