part 88

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Delta walks just in front of kioshi and dark, as they drag away a deer, which died by delta's hands in frustration. Kioshi sighs, as they walk around, knowing that it wasn't  enough, so they go to find their old supplies. Kioshi picks on the small footsteps of the others and remains anxious. Delta on the other hand walks in confidence in front, seemingly not caring, as he looks around, and stays alert. Dark struggles with the deer, as the other two don't care at her struggling. 

"Kioshi, go help dark." Delta says, turning around and looking at him with hate, making kioshi glance over in confusion, whilst dark mutters to herself, before standing still, still questioning why she had to drag the deer. Delta stops and grabs kioshi, making the two stop, as delta remains too calm, and looking at them both with a almost tired look. "Did I stutter?" He says, pushing Kioshi to dark, as he shakes his head and picks up the deer, letting dark sigh and sort her stiff body out, whilst delta looks at them with no emotion, just making kioshi stay cautious. "Dark, walk back to the others, I need a word." Delta orders, making dark pick up the slight hint of a threat. Kioshi hesitates, as dark walks away, as delta watches and waits until she's out of earshot. After a few minutes, delta looks at kioshi, who stays still, unsure of why delta is acting this way. 

"What do you want me for then?" Kioshi asks, keeping the deer over his shoulder, as delta doesn't reply, and stays quiet and unblinking. Kioshi tries to stay calm as he keeps a eye on delta, who pivots on the spot and looks away, in front of them, as hikari walks into view, making kioshi step back. Delta looks over his shoulder,  and gestures him to stay still. He does without even being asked, as hikari staggers along, still dragging her scythe as her body remains bent over. Delta watches as she walks away, making kioshi pause, curious. 

"One, that deer just saved our lives, second, I want you dead." Delta says, making kioshi pause, and look at him, whilst delta turns fully. "I'm a blunt type of person, and well. What have you done to save us." Delta says, walking over as kioshi looks at him in shock, but understanding at the same time. Kioshi grins instead, making delta question why he isn't dead yet. 

"What's the matter. Can't get your dick hard or something over my daughter anymore?" Kioshi says, making delta step back, and punch his face in, picking up the deer as kioshi falls down, and looks at him, still smirking. "You changed after you realised you have my grandson, before you refused to do anything." Kioshi explains, "You changed when sakura got involved." He adds, making delta almost kill him right there and now. 

"No, actually. Sakura can do whatever she wants, I don't care. It's called waiting. Seriously, why do I care anymore?" Delta asks, as kioshi stands back up, both of them making sure nobody is near, still being aware of the situation. "It's sal I have and taste for. We both hate as much, yet keep her alive correct?" Delta says, as kioshi remains hesitant. Delta looks over at the pathway, as he smiles warmly. "I hate you just as much. I don't even have a dick, so that was just a waste of time. I feel nothing towards your daughters. Never did. Hikari is just a asshole with a case of bad daddy issues, and sakura is just a leech." Delta says, before walking past him. "Because of your bad parenting." He adds, flicking his ear before sending him across the area, walking away, "I still care for them, but as for you, you can die." Delta says, as kioshi looks at him in shock. Turning invisible delta leaves, whilst hikari walks back into view. 

Kisohi realises it was a trap, as hikari looks at him, her entire face cracking as kioshi stumbles up, and getting a direct blow against his skull, by her chains, as she runs over, slicing half his face off, before grabbing his brain and tearing it out leaving his body against the floor, dead. Hikari holds his brain before crushing it, and getting a sudden explosion hitting her face. She falls down, as kioshi grabs his own brain, putting it back in, whilst rin gets chased by the others, making Hikari look at him, and laugh, throwing her chains against his head, sending him flying. 

Venom gets dragged away as delta and alpha run in, but rin stops them, knowing he's stronger, hikari gets up, as rin draws his katana, making her grin, blood dripping down her mouth as rin stays calm, knowing he's got to do something. Sal and twisted run into the area, as dark holds venom and gestures to kioshi. Venom yells back, wanting to make sure rin is safe. Alpha pushes delta away, as he grabs kioshis body, running to their safer area, turning a part of the land, opening a door, as rin uses himself as a distraction. Delta grabs twisted and dark as he leaps in, making venom get thrown in. Hikari remains focused on rin, who looks back, swiftly moving past her attacks, and jumping up, grabbing her hair and slicing her head off, throwing her body away before rushing into the room, knowing it will only stop her momentarily. Sakura walks in, not caring as Hikari gets back up, and runs away, as she closes th trapdoor. 

"Well, that was random." Alpha mutters, as he hears kioshi, looking at delta. He tuts and walks away, through the tunnel system, as twisted and sal remain quiet, sakura sitting down as dark looks around, rembering when kioshi spoke about the area. Venom grabs rin and makes sure he has no injuries. Rin laughs, saying he doesn't, before venom just hugs him again. 

"Why can't we just kill that bastard," delta asks, looking at kioshi, making the rest pause. Sal decides to walk over to sakura, pushing away her arm as she tries to stop her, whilst dark just prepares the deer. Alpha pauses, and looks away from delta, who remains taken aback, whilst kioshi sighs up, thanking alpha. 

"Because, he's a useful asset. He knows more and the weaknesses eveyone has. Killing him will effect us. Plus, rin cares." Alpha spits back as delta looks at rin, who remains against venoms lap, not wanting to look at delta. "We knew you was going to kill him, so stayed behind, finding one of the trapdoors. Using hikari as a tool was sick, and then making rin sacrifice himself, you say hikari is like katsumi, your like our fucking dad at this point." Alpha adds, making delta stop, pain slapped against his face, as the others stay quiet. Alpha says nothing more. As dark looks at them, and hands out the deer, making the rest take it and delta jolt back, making alpha  sigh. "He won't eat red meat because of our mother." Alpha adds, making dark pause and place it back down. 

Sal grabs a piece and hands it to sakura, who refuses to take it, making sal look at her and roll her eye, before basically just ram it down her throat. Sakura sighs and takes It, as sal watches and makes sure she eats it, uncomfortable by the fact it has no seasoning. Twisted just walks away as rin chews on it happily, as Venom smiles back. Alpha hands it to kioshi who takes it whilst alpha goes to track twisted down. 

"So, are we stuck here now?" Sal asks, as sakura grabs her and cuddles, as sal realises how cold sakura is, making her almost shiver. Delta looks at kioshi, who looks back, whilst rin stays off in his own world. Venom shrugs as dark leans against the wall, bored of the situations. Sal looks around, and sighs, knowing she isn't going to get a answer. 


Hikari walks around, pissed, as she tries to figure out what's happening and where they are. Her scythe still dragging around as she remains even more annoyed at the barrier. She pauses and looks around, before grinning, finding someone near. She turns around, and finds a small group, as iris and saber walk past, alongside galaxy. She turns around as they look at her, making them run away. She sprints after them, before slamming galaxy down, and grabbing iris, ripping her jaw open sending acid to go down her neck. She tosses iris away and grabs saber, lifting her up as she watches the fear on her face. 

She keeps her up, as decay starts to eat her face away, whilst hikari bites into her nevk, using two jaws to tear her windpipe open, before looking back, swallowing the remains, before pausing, seeing saber still alive. 

Dropping her down, she grabs her chains, and looks at saber, grabbing the parasite before changing her own chains into one, watching as it goes through her eye and down her neck, making saber choke, as her entire body starts to decay, and take it's own form. Hikari stands up and looks at iris, spotting galaxy having ran away. Hikari looks at  her chains, finding two left, so repeats  the same time with iris, as saber stands up, not even looking humans iris changes as well. Hikari smirks, as she looks at them both. 

"Find that one you call sal, I need to have a word with her, fucking my sister." Hikari says, making them both shift and run away. 

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