part 80

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"Stop now." Kioshi says, pausing as eh looks behind him, spotting venom and dark both stop themselves. He turns as he spots twisted limping just behind, the wounds not healing at all. So instead kioshi walks over and looks at the wounds, knowing their from katsumi anyday. Venom walks over, a kioshi looks at the decay, cursing as twisted smiles back in sarcasm. "Yeah wanna lend a hand?" She mutters, before coughing on blood. Kioshi ignores the remark, as he gestures venom away, letting them know it's pointless. Dark pauses, and looks away, knowing they are still out in the open, which their friends now insane. 

"We have to find that kid." Kioshi says, standing up as he leaves twisted alone, who struggles to stand up right, watching as Venom remains concerned. Dark on the other hand, stays quiet, as she keeps a eye on the surroundings, hoping that nobody comes along. "She won't attack us again, she finds it boring otherwise. So she watches us run around and suffer, until she gets bored and then kills us." Kioshi says, looking at dark, letting her nod and sigh, glancing at twisted and then venom. Kioshi picks up on the hesitation, as he hears footsteps walking closer, making him freeze up, knowing who's those are. 

The others turn around, and find hikari stalking closer, dragging her scythe across the ground, smirking as her jaw hangs low, her berserk mode kicking in fully, as kioshi grabs twisted and dark, placing twisted on his back as he grabs venom. Without thinking twice, he runs, knowing hikari is faster, but runs nevertheless. Hikari laughs, her raspy coughing filling his ears, as she runs over, running alongside him with insanity. Venom and dark stay as is, whilst twisted tries to move but fails. Kioshi thinks carefully, stopping himself, as hikari slams into a unit, giving him time to run a different direction, and leaping onto the units, spotting katsumi watching from the swamplands, as he spots hikari melting the unit, before snapping her gaze to kioshi, her grin dropping as her jaw falls off, as she grips the scythe. Kioshi gags at the sight, and runs, knowing nowhere is safe, as he makes sure the others stay with him. Hikari grabs her jaw, and throws it away, whilst keeping up, shattering the lights with a explosion, casting everywhere into a darkness. Kioshi curses, as he knows the others haven't got good vision. 

He slows down, getting out of breath, walking over to the edge of the storage units, he hides inside a mangled unit, crawling underneath it's remains, covering twisted and venoms mouths, as dark stays quiet. They all slow their breathing, knowing they can't see anything, whilst kioshi can. He looks around, almost frantically, before hearing a scream from a animal, followed by a explosion. He almost jolts, as the scythe gets dragged across the floor, watching as hikaris stalkish walking makes a stop, just besides it. He knows she likes to play with them whilst in a berserk mode, as Venom almost moves.

Hikari summons her Dragon spirit, as she laughs, somehow, before looking around, and walking away. After a few minutes, kioshi uncovers twisted and venoms mouths, gesturing to still stay quiet. They nod, and calmly get out of the hiding spot, and look around, finding everything in pitch black darkness. 

"Get to the tratiors place, and we can work from there. Katsumi will use your friends and the insanity. We need to get the kid, so we can get hikari back. Stay quiet at all times." He whispers, before looking around, finding themselves  by the tree stumps environment. Venom and dark hesitate, scared, whilst twisted sighs, knowing this always happens. But, venom breathes in and looks around. 

"We can see just a little, but I'm guessing the rest can see everything?" They ask, making kioshi nod, gesturing to the tree stumps. Dark looks over and sees almost nothing, whilst twisted and kioshi see fine. Venom pauses, as they try to collect themself, whilst kioshi steps down and brushes his fingers against the gravel. 

"Its loud, but when we make it over to their, we can use the softer sand as a muffle. For now, watch where we step." Kioshi says, making the others nod in understanding. Kioshi leads the way, as twisted asks venom to heal at least the wounds that keep her bloodied, explaining Hikaris sense of smell far exceeds theirs. Venom nods, and quietly paces through, just behind kioshi, who keeps his gaze only against the surroundings. Dark stays behind, just to make sure she stays first to get attacked from behind, knowing she can take more of a impact rather than venom and twisted. 

games of insanity (reupload) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang