part 89

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The group remain in A deathly cold silence, making them as a whole remain uncomfortable. Delta decides to take pit one of his knives and play with it, to calm down, whilst kioshi walks away, alpha sighs, whilst twisted remains asleep, stating the place was boring before she slept. Dark mutters to herself, whilst rin stays on venoms lap, as they stay still, anxious by how quiet everything is. Sakura mutters to herself, as sal glances at delta, as he plays with the knives, glancing at sal, with a sarasctic smile. Sal sighs, and whispers to sakura, who pauses but nods, letting her stand up. "Something on my face Delta? Wanna talk about It?" Sal says, trying to stay calm as the rest know what she means, so say nothing. Delta smirks back and stands up, looking down as he hides his knives again, and shrugs. 

"Why not." Delta repiles as sal gestures to the hallway, making him pause but do as suggested and walk out, with sal just behind, not trusting his movements at all. Delta walks calmly down the hallway, before coming across another small room, as sal steps in and crosses her arms, looking as delta turns around, looking back. "So, what's your problem?" He asks, making sal pause, and almost laugh, staring at his eyes watching his unease, before looking away. 

"What's my problem. Oh no, I haven't got one." Sal starts, as she remains quietly anxious, as delta tuts and looks away, just as anxious whilst sal coughs to take his attention again, having done it on purpose. "Hey delta, my number two fan, these marks interesting to You? You seem to love them you know?" Sal says, cocking her head before smirking, and gesturing to her two red marks underneath her eyes. Delta pauses, almost breaking his calm composure, as sal picks up on it, trying to hide her anger, and annoyed frustration. "Yeah you should know about em', since your so nosey." Sal adds, glancing back at delta as she loses her sarascstic smile and behiavour, getting down to business. "I've noticed a little trend you do, making assumptions about me." She points out, as delta narrows his sight against her, trying to figure out what she is planning to do. 

Sal looks at everything aside from delta, worried slightly as he remains way too calm. "I just wanted to say, y'know one on one," sal says, pausing as she snaps her gaze to him, but not quite looking at his eyes, "Don't make broad assumptions about me like the bitch you are. Im shocked someone who looks in deeper would even think of me like this, but honestly I take it as a compliment." Sal gestures, trying not to sound heavily sarcastic. Delta on the other hand, remains tense, as he starts to feel cornered. Sal glances over, hiding her anxiety as he remains still. "It just proves to me one of my plans worked, on a 'nother bitch who's too fixated with themselves to realise, but that's a fake for another time." Sal adds, looking at delta, who snickers and leans down, pushing sal aback with his finger, just pissing her off more. 

"Looks like your too fixated on yourself, stop acting like your a fucking queen." Delta spits back, as sal looks at him and stays quiet for a second, delta stands  back up, whilst sal looks away for a moment.

"I'm too fixated on myself? Have you not seen a mirror-" sal cuts herself off before looking back, and bracing herself. "Oh I'm sorry! Are you not over protective as hell!? Disregarding what the other people around you may actually feel towards your behiavour!?" Sal snaps, as delta crosses his arms, hiding his shock, as sal looks away and shakes her head, bored of this already. She calms down, as she keeps her composure, before looking back. "At least I can admit my faults when I feel like it. You should know by know how this whole personality thing works for me right nerd!?" Sal snaps back, as delta pauses, unsure of what to say back, as he looks away and keeps his mouth shut. Sal gasps almost laughing as she looks at his posture and picks up his frustration. 

"Your such a nerd digging into people's past, let alone mine." Sal spits back, making sure the others can't hear what's happening. Delta tenses up again, making sal watch his body tense in the coat, as he remains keeping himself back for the others, and understanding she needs to say this. "God it's so werid to know everything about someone when you meet them.." Sal says, losing her train of where she was going for a second, however she snaps back and slaps delta in the face, as he takes it, knowing he deserves it. "Listern you fuckin' fruit fly, I'm not going out of my way to hurt sakura, but shit happens! Fucking learn that, and stop making shit assumptions." Sal finshes, as delta closes his eyes, remaining to stay calm, as he processes what's being said, and looks away. "Oh, and for the record, chupa my polla y huevos, if you still chose to bring you and other people down you damn fruit fly." Sal mutters as delta stays quiet.

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