part 26

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"My fucking head, anyone want to get their fat ass off me." Sal groans as she gets up, finding the others looking her way, as she stops her sight on twisted, who awkwardly waves as a response, as sal doesn't lose her sight in her. Saber sighs and grabs sals blanket and chucks it over her head, making the rest snicker. Sal angrily takes it off and bitch slaps saber into the wall, just missing veemy by a few centimetres. "Fucking asshole." Sal spits as saber gets back up smirks, rubbing her face slightly.

"Well simp, you finally awake from your beauty sleep? Isn't working you know, maybe you should sleep more." Saber says, as sal glances at saber, already sick and tired of her insults. Berry keeps the wolf back, as it frantically wags it's tail, wanting to say hello to sal. Dark chuckles as veemy stays quiet, alongside the rest, still slightly on edge. Twisted shuffles back slightly as she keeps scratching her neck, making dark stay hesitant. 

"What the fuck! Who made it look like I just went for a swim." Sal exclaims as she realises her clothes are covered in the inky substance, making her claw it off, finding it staying stuck on her clothing. Galaxy sighs and leans down, touching the liquid as she finds it extremely hard to get off the floor. 

"Whatever it is, you need to find some more clothes." Galaxy sighs, making sal pause and look at her with frustration. She slaps the ink off of her hands and she gets up, feeling disgusted, as saber watches with a grin, as sal stiffly gets up and stands there, looking at the others. "We better off staying here, it's not dark yet, so I assume your gonna be fine." Galaxy adds, as sal mutters underneath her breath. 

"Fine, I saw some pieces of shit fabric just by here, I'll go. Don't fucking follow unless you want to be throw like a rag doll." Sal says, as saber stumbles slightly trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably. Venom looks back and forth, utterly confused as berry stays in her own world, like veemy. Galaxy hesitates but nods, and sits down. 

Sal gumbles underneath her breath, as she opens the door and clambers outside, letting saber laugh in a fit of hysteria. The others look at her confused, as she gets back up and sighs, wiping her face as she glances at the rest. " What, how did you not see it?" Saber rasps, losing her voice as she tries to explain herself. "Dammit guys, that blindfold bitch and sal!" Saber adds, her voice becoming next to gone. 

The others pause, either in thought or confusion, as galaxy puts the pieces together, clapping her hands in awe, as veemy figures it out as well. As a grin reaches her face, leaving the rest confused. "What? I'm seriouly confused, what is up with those two?" Dark asks, as she looks at saber, leaving twisted in complete confusion, not even knowing who this blindfolded perosn is. Saber tries to respond but turns out she lost her voice from laughing tool much. 

"We'll probably find out soon." Saber replies, cryptic, as galaxy and veemy nods, although berry also catches on and laughs, making the wolf bound around in happiness, making dark watch the wolf, as twisted doesn't watch it, catching sabers attention for a moment of time. 

"Aw, is little twisted mad because she didn't get the wolf pup?" Saber sarcastically asks, making twisted say nothing and look away, trying to not scratch her face, as her neck remains almost bloodied and raw. "Also shigraki came and asked for his style back." Saber adds, as twisted rolls her eyes and stand up, brushing herself down. 

"Ok, shut the fuck up." Twisted spits, as saber mocks a surrender postion, as she watches everyone carefully, as dark looks at twisted with nothing but hate. The unit suddenly drops in the atmosphere, as everyone becomes tense, as saber and dark watch twisted, who looks back, with no sign  of nervousness in her eyes, as she grins slightly, aware of their distrust. "What, I know your sus of me." Twisted says, her voice dropping slightly, just as astro sneezes and falls out of veemys hoodie, rolling to twisteds legs, as he shakes himself off, and looks around. 

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