part 12

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"What the fuck just body slammed the floor!?" Sal yells as she stops the group as delta smacks his back onto the ground. Glancing up, sal notices twisted and saber. Galaxy leans over and looks at where the noise came from, before sal see delta. "Shit." Sal angrily whispers, as she gestures the other to a unit.

Galaxy nods and jogs over as iris hesitates but follows as sal walks carefully backwards, keeping a eye on Delta as the traitor runs over, immediately helping Delta back up. 

Sal pauses, seeing the traitor, before forcing herself to get inside. Leaving the door partly ajar, the group stay inside, as small mumbles from the traitor is heard, as sal remains calm, knowing iris and galaxy's wellbeing is more important than punching some dickhead in the face.

"This is what you get when you fight dickheads that know too much dumbass." The traitor warns, as a large shadow lingers outside, sending the group into deathly silence.

"Fucking dumbass aren't you? Karma." The traitor adds, before pausing and slamming their hand against the door, shutting it. Iris yelps in shock slightly, as the traitor snickers from the outside, dragging something down the door to make a sickening squealing noise. The group try to stay quiet, as the traitor mumbles something, before a loud bang hits the door, denying it with ease.

Sal jumps up, as the other wait, worried, as the bang hits again, the door badly warped leaving a gap between the doorway. 

"Nah, let's not. I have better plans first." The traitor says, walking away. Iris gets up and brushes herself down as sal immediately keeps her in place. 

"Hey! I can do this independently. You just won't leave me alone." Iris says, as sal looks back over at iris, before saying nothing, walking away. 

"It's safe." She mumbles, as she drags the door open, walking outside. Iris and galaxy follow suit, as sal look around, still slightly on edge. The area around them thick with a mist from unknown sources. 

"This shits thicker than tigers skull." Sal groans, knowing it wasn't as bad as earlier.

"Rude." A whisper says into Sal's ear, making her jump and look at where that's from, only to find nobody there. Galaxy walks over as iris sits down, knowing their probably gonna be stuck here for a while. 

"Did anyone else hear that?" Sal asks, as galaxy gives a look of confusion back, as sal looks away grumbling. "Or am I losing it already? Sounded like the angry gremlin." She adds.

"Twisted?" Iris asks, as sal snickers slightly, trying to keep calm. Galaxy laughs as iris looks over, waiting for a answer.

"That short bitch can't even reach my knees. No. It was tigers squeaky voice." Sal replies, losing the humour from her voice, remembering the announcement. 

"She's dead. How is that even possible?" Galaxy asks, as sal hesitates and thinks carefully. The mist changing density extremely quickly. 

"Even in this mist you stick out too much." A voice says, as sal and galaxy look over, spotting saber and twisted. Iris waves as galaxy spots saber looking away, seemingly annoyed.

"Speak of the gremlin." Sal says, looking back as twisted looks away and just flips sal off. 

"Hey! Groups are joining now!?" Another voice says, as berry appears from the mist, alongside venom and veemy. Galaxy waves as venom laughs quietly. Sal alongside saber lose their joy immediately, keeping a eye on someone in particular.

Veemy shuffles in, as iris spots the kitten, immediately jumping up and walking over. "Aw!" Iris says as veemy snickers quietly, petting Astros head, getting small purrs from the black fluffy kitten. 

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