part 24

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Sal stands up, and wipes her face, stalking closer, as omega grins, breaking her muscles, as her mouth becomes more like a snake, as she clings onto Astro, making veemy get stopped by dark, as saber hesitates, knowing this isn't good whatsoever. 

The traitor calms down, making delta anxiously let go, as alpha stands by, watching in curiosity, before shooting a glare at delta who tries not to react. Tiger gets up and haults herself from attacking, as alpha gestures her away, aware of what's about to happen. Saber grabs veemys shoulder and mumbles something into her ear, making her nod and wait as dark shakes in a lingering fear. 

Veemy grabs her shoulder, and pretends to be in pain, as dark looks over aware it's a act, as astro looks over and pauses, watching veemy. Without hesitation, he hisses and sets off a bigger explosion than normal, covering omega completely in flames, making everyone stop. Astro jumps out and scurries back to veemy, who picks him up and runs away, seeing the chance, knowing she's to badly underpowered. She rushes back into the unit where everyone else is waiting, scared, worried and nervous. 

"What's happening?" Venom shakily asks, as berry and galaxy admin alert, and iris stays quiet. Veemy closes the door, and seals it shut, before walking carefully in and sighing. Venom takes the slight idea and gasps in shock, covering their face and making a small choking sound. 

"Sals pissed, that new person is almost impossible to affect." Veemy repiles, as the others look at her, and Remain shocked. 

Saber clenches her hands as omega stands there, unfazed by the explosion, but her face remains stone cold. Delta steps back, as the traitor curses underneath their breath, as alpha hardens himself making tiger stay far away. Dark and saber pick up on the others hesitation, and panic slightly as sal doesn't seem fazed at all. "Did that hurt?" Sal snickers, as she walks over and pauses, cracking her knuckles as omega still remains quiet, not moving a little. 

"Shut up sal, this isn't good." Saber says, as sal pauses and takes the warning, but remains calm, showing no hint of fear. Instead she waits, braving herself as omega slowly looks at her, something cracking in her neck makes dark gag slightly the sound, as alpha stumbles back more, looking at the traitor, who says nothing, gesturing delta to move. He does without hesitation, as omega unhinges her jaw, and smiles with insanity, making sal falter and step back, as saber takes no time; running over and taking a almost invisible hit from something, getting flung back as if a ball, slamming into a unit. 

Sal jolts as she looks back and finds omega standing right over her, her jaw dangling as she smiles, watching sals fear finally show, as she pauses in place, leaving dark to rush over to saber, who's arms seem almost broken in every way possible. Kneeling down, dark grabs sabers face, as she shakes her awake, before just slapping her. Saber curses and wakes up, before seizing up in pain, as her body tries to sort itself out, making dark stay next to her. 

Sal on the other hand, remains frozen, as omega takes her blindfold off and looks at her with interest, sliding her hand up her neck and grabbing her chin. "Looks like you got a little burnt." She says, as two tendrils sprout from her back, sliding up sals back and keeping her in place, as omega puts her jaw back into place and chuckles. "Lets make this a little bit fair shall we?" Omega whispers, sorting out sals injuries, as she doesn't look away from sals fear. 

Stepping back, omega let's the tendrils wrap around her arms, as she waits for sal to move. Saber and dark, like the rest, all watch from afar, as omega laughs again, and grabs her chains around her neck, pushing herself down, as sal snaps out of the fear, and smirks, narrowing her sight on omega, who grins back. Saber watches as something hits her, making her grab dark and get up. "There's no way sal will win, this dumbass is gonna get herself killed." Saber says, as sal makes her tendril shift into a sharp point, letting it come out of her right arm almost as a scythe, as omega doesn't move, still grinning. 

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