part 57

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"Fuck sake." Sal grumbles, getting up, and spotting everyone looking at her. "What, I'm not I know, now get your eyes off me." Sal says, swatting the others away. She collects her thoughts and pause, before looking around again. "Where, the fuck, is sakura, berry and veemy?" Sal asks, making the others shrug. Dark snickers as she watches saber toss over the box, now more cautious than before. Sal curses and catches it, finding the eyepatch in it.

"Gift from sakura supposedly. Read a note saying she made it whilst being locked up." Saber explains, as sal puts it on, finally glad she has a eyepatch. The rest remain quiet, as sal spots the wolves again, they both just watching the group. "And yes we can leave, well, was allowed to, now they keep pushing us back." Saber adds, making sal sigh, knowing twisted is busy having a picnic or something. Galaxy sighs, as she starts to finally lose her motivation to do anything, making venom grab her shoulder and try to cheer her up. Iris remains quiet, in the corner, as the kitsune comforts her, knowing she's terrified. Dark and saber remain quiet, as they start to gain more suspicions on everyone. 

"Why was berry and veemy taken away?" Venom asks, after failing at helping galaxy. Saber glances at sal, who shrugs, knowing not to say anything about what happened. "I know delta was close to them, where they going to be used as a decoy or something?" Venom asks, making saber push her mask up more, trying to stay calm. 

"Why won't you tell us what happened sal. It's important to let us know." Saber mumbles, not even looking her way. Galaxy lays down, just wanting to rest. Dark places her sword down, looking at Sal with dislike. "Or was it to keep omega safe?" Saber adds, trying to watch her tone as sal looks away, knowing she isn't going to be trusted as much anymore. 

"No, you'd all die otherwise. Thats the answer?" Sal angrily answers, as she starts to get pissed off with all of the subjects and questions. Venom picks up on it and sighs, standing up and brushing themselves down.

"Guys, come on, sals been through a lot. We all have, right now everything is happening and nobody knows what to do." Venom shakily says, trying to difuse the situation. Grumbling, sal gets up and steps forwards, not caring about the wolves, who watch her with a intent to attack. She nods to venom, as a thanks, before looking back at the rest. 

"To shut all you edgy fucks, I was forced to be in another unit, because sakura was sick. Twisted locked you in, then stayed with me. She acted like a bitch as we got attacked for the fucking millionth time. I went with alpha to clean sakura, whilst berry and veemy where kinda forced to make delta his sappy bitch side again." Sal says, trying to keep the information about twisted to the minimum. The others pause, and take it in, sending sals, and venoms anxiety through the roof, before saber shrugs and looks at the door.

"Its all we have for now, so I guess we have to deal with it." Saber says, hating the sentence she just said. She makes sal pause, knowing she's just doing it for the others. "Then again, you never told us what that scream was." Saber mutters, making sal stay quiet. Iris curls up, not liking the tension. Dark plays with her sword, gesturing towards sal, making her look at them with utter disgust and confusion. 

"Just because I have sakura with me, don't mean I'm working with or them. I've said this so many times I should just hammer it into your skull. I'm not the traitor, my clones are dead, sakura is with me because she has werid attachment issues. I'm getting hunted by three maybe four people, because of it." Sal explains, making venom look over, feeling bad for sal, alongside galaxy and iris, who understand she's doing it for their sake. 

"That doesn't mean you can lie sal." Dark says, making sal pause, not in shock, because she saw that coming, instead, it's more disappointment. "You can be trying to make out your the good guy." Dark adds, whilst sal gives up, knowing there's no way at the moment to get the trust back. So she sits down, and looks away. 

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