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"Look," Hobi began and turned in his seat to point at a table several feet away from them. The first thing Jin noticed was a red football jersey stretching on a back so large that a few stadiums had to be needed to accommodate such a presence. The student was standing, masking the view to his table, but the others were so rowdy that they were hard to miss. 

People walking by stopped to talk to them, high-fiving and doing all the inane things popular kids did. The giant found his way to sit finally, so Hobi continued. "That's Min Yoongi, Yoongi as his friends call him. 

He plays basketball, and rumor has it that he can drink an entire keg by himself. According to Xpress, he has done it at least once."What a cliche," Jin murmured.

"The brunet by his right," Hobi said, unfazed by his commentary, "it's Park Jimin. His dad attended Sunny Hill in his time and is now a big shot in the big pharma industry. He's someone good to know."

Hobi wasn't off the mark with that. As chemistry majors, going into the pharmaceutical business was an option to consider. Jin examined Jimin briefly. 

He looked athletic, as well, not as big as Yoongi but impressive in his own right

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He looked athletic, as well, not as big as Yoongi but impressive in his own right. As he had expected, Hobi was drawn like a moth to a flame to the jock club, or one of the many. "Jimin plays lacrosse," Ray added. 

"And that's Kim Taehyung."Jin examined the attractive blond with the dog-like name, who stood up and landed a perfect shot using a crumpled napkin turned into a ball to send through the improvised hoop offered by the linked arms of an equally attractive female student who screeched in delight. Hobi didn't need to tell him what sport he was into. 

What a tedious display. Of course, they were also the kind to score, Jin thought and shook his head. His eyes drifted, and then he noticed that there was someone else at the table. 

Unlike his companions that seemed as rambunctious as kids functioning on a megaton of candy, this one lounged in his seat, one arm wrapped lazily around the back of his buddy's seat, and one long denim-clad leg stretched outside the table, right into the walking path of other pedestrians. Jin's eyes narrowed as he noticed the student's other hand fiddling with some white stick stuck into his mouth. Was that a cigarette? Really? No, it was a lollipop, Jin realized. 

And perfect lips were wrapping around it with lustful abandon. Lustful abandon? He needed to have his head checked. The guy was just enjoying his lollipop. 

Unnerved by where his thoughts were taking him so early in the day, Jin continued to examine the student

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Unnerved by where his thoughts were taking him so early in the day, Jin continued to examine the student. Rebellious ink-black hair covered his eyes, but a chiseled jawline and a tanned complexion were visible from that distance even. There was something playful and mischievous in how he rolled the candy in his mouth, only to retract it now and then to exchange a joke with his friends. 

And in his moves, something languid and predatory lurked, proof of the devil-may-care attitude that appeared to define this particular character. Apparently, he was much in a lyrical disposition today, so Jin decided not to fight it. Nothing could go wrong if he only looked at that perfect specimen of the male variety. 

He kept in a small snort at the sight of the rolled-up t-shirt sleeves. So the perfect specimen was kind of a douche, no wonder there. Not that his impressive biceps weren't worth showing, or his perfect pectorals, clearly visible through the white t-shirt so glued to him that it looked more like a second skin and less an article of clothing.

There was a place and time for everything, including showing off one's assets, but lunch in the college dining hall wasn't one of them."Who's that?" Jin asked, suddenly aware that he had tuned out Hobi's chatter while lost in admiring that student. "That's Kim Namjoon," Hobi replied, excited that finally, Jin seemed interested in something he knew. 

"Or Mad Dawg, as people call him."


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