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There was something strange going on each time he was in such close quarters with Namjoon. And alone. When he turned, Namjoon was already walking down one of the aisles. 

Probably he knew already where to find what he needed. Jin followed him. "Have you ever imagined how it would feel to have sex in a library?" Jin pursed his lips and squeezed his eyes tightly for a moment.

"No, I can't say that I have. Is this your idea of entertainment? Risky situations?" Namjoon shrugged lazily. He threw Jin an all-knowing look. 

"Could be." Jin turned his head to look at the bookshelves, searching for something to hang on to, anything else but Namjoon. So he was trying to play it cool, but it was so damned clear that Jin wanted him. 

His cheeks were slightly pink, he kept licking his lips, and he blinked so prettily now and then. Namjoon shrugged and grabbed Jin by the shoulders. The next moment, their lips collided, and it was so good, so sweet, that Namjoon could feel his toes curling in his kicks.

 The next moment, their lips collided, and it was so good, so sweet, that Namjoon could feel his toes curling in his kicks

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That was a good moment because one later, he was pushed back furiously...And punched in the face. "Ouch, ouch, what the hell?" Namjoon grabbed his nose and groaned at the sudden pain. Fuck, something was pouring out of his nose. 

He took away his hands and stared at them. It was fucking blood! "Oh my god," Jin babbled, "you're bleeding!" "No shit, Sherlock. You fucking hit me! Why did you do that?" Jin, who had seemed frozen in place for a couple of seconds, went into a frenzy. 

He grabbed Namjoon by one arm and began dragging him. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't even think I'd land that. 

I sincerely thought you would block or dodge or --" "Where are you taking me? To the torture room to get your kicks? And why would you even think I'd be able to dodge a punch to the face?" "Aren't you a big-shot fighter?" A what? "And I'm just taking you to the bathroom to get you washed. Seriously, Namjoon, I'm sorry. You just took me completely off-guard and --" "No wonder you're a freaking virgin if you punch all the guys who try to kiss you in the face. 

You're so violent!" Well, the blood wasn't stopping, but the pain that had flared at first was now turning into a low-frequency pulse. "I don't punch anyone," Jin retorted. "Just you," he added after a short break.

Namjoon felt like grinning despite the pain

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Namjoon felt like grinning despite the pain. Jin helped him wash his face and then grabbed a small first aid kit. He began to baby him, wiping his face and then stuffing his nose with small cotton balls. 

Then he took him to a small bench and had him lie down. Namjoon had to admit that he enjoyed the attention, despite his hurting nose. Jin crouched by his side and caressed his forehead. 

He looked so seriously chastised, it was way too funny."Let me bring a small pillow to rest your head on. Just tilt your head back a little to help the bleeding to stop."

Namjoon grabbed Jin's arm to prevent him from going. "Don't leave my side, I beg you. It's so cold," he said in an exaggerated dramatic voice, "my whole life is flashing before my eyes. 

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