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Except for Hobi, Jin didn't know anyone too well to do any actual hanging out, although many people stopped by their side to greet them and exchange a few words. He hadn't realized he was unconsciously looking for a certain someone until he noticed his retreating back, as well as his right arm wrapped around a back on which lovely blond curls bounced. So, Namjoon was present, and he was already having fun.

Jin stared into his cup for a moment. He could always leave the drink somewhere and pretend he had drunk it, but being part of college life meant that he needed to adapt, as horrendous as the taste of that beverage was. With newfound courage, he took another sip and decided that maybe he could just find a good moment to throw away the dubious liquid as discreetly as possible.

"Hey, Jin," someone called for him. To be completely honest, he was surprised to see Jungkook making his way through the throng of people to get to him. Hobi squeezed his shoulder quickly. 

"I'm off to make friends with some other nerds like me. Have fun, Hyungie"Jin wished Hobi would have stuck around some more, but soon he was face to face with Jungkook, so he smiled politely. 

"Hey, Jungkook," he replied. "Having fun?" the guy asked him with a sly smile and pointed at his cup. "Trying," Jin offered.

"What?" Jungkoook cupped his ear, a sign that he could barely hear him over the loud music

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"What?" Jungkoook cupped his ear, a sign that he could barely hear him over the loud music. "I said --" He decided to forget about trying to have a conversation in all that noise. Not only was the music the problem, but with all the cheering and hooting everyone was engaged.

Jungkook smiled and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Let's step outside," he shouted in his ear and dragged him away. After almost one hour of listening to Jungkook, Jin had had it up to his ears and beyond with the guy. 

At first, he had been polite and tried to follow his reasoning, but when he attempted to offer a different point of view, Jungkook just cut his words short and insisted on being right. That made Jin regret not drinking more when he still had a chance. Maybe then enduring Jungkook's lecturing would have been a little more fun. 

However, his reserve of politeness was starting to wear thin. The worst thing was that Jungkook didn't even say anything interesting. He was a walking encyclopedia of random facts and numbers, but he offered absolutely no new insight or what they meant. 

Even worse, he sounded like the mouthpiece for opinions everyone who watched the news already knew and quite repetitive after a while. "I would love to stay and chat some more," he took advantage of a small break in Jungkook's tirade, "but I'm a stickler for schedules, and I'm past my bedtime." That appeared to take Jungkook a bit by surprise. 

He made a disappointed face

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He made a disappointed face. "Are you sure you cannot make an exception? We barely scratched the surface. It's Saturday, after all."Yes, but I tend to turn into a witch if I don't get my beauty sleep," Jin joked.

"Hmm." Jungkook didn't appear in the least amused. "All right."

Finally, it was over, Jin thought and closed his eyes for a second, which was, as it seemed, a mistake, as the next moment he felt the guy's facial hair scratching his lips in a weird attempt to kiss him. Jin pulled back before Jungkook managed to launch his tongue action, which he seemed to have at the ready. "Have fun," he said and moved away steadily enough so that it didn't look like he hated that completely.

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