My Analogy

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You may not be a golfer, but I know you can understand these concepts. Golf is the most humbling sport that I have ever played. I have stood over the ball, while playing well thinking that I have everything in control, and hit a horrendous shot. Then there is the all-important path followed by my endless search for peace. I will relate all these concepts to life and God.
We never have everything in control - God is in control. Without God, bad things will happen. We must remain humble while focusing on the task at hand.
The path of the golf swing is like the path in life. If you go astray in the swing you will hit a bad shot. If you don't follow God's path, then you will be lost. It's not the end of the world, but we need to find the correct path God has chosen for us. Sometimes we alter our paths, which God allows us, but need to keep searching. He will direct you.
Finally, the search for peace. I search for endless effort, feeling my body relaxed, as I make contact with the ball. I must be patient. I often get to quick. God does everything in his time, not ours. Peace can be obtained only through God. I learn more every day.
God has given me a love for golf. I work on my swing every chance that I get. We all have God-given talents that we need to develop. Remember that you are not in control, find your path, and God will give you peace.
Kinda a weird entry. I do a lot of thinking while hitting balls and listening to music. I started to understand a little bit about God and U2 came on the radio and Bono sang, "I still haven't found what I am looking for." This has happened to me only twice. Once, about a couple years ago, when I was solely focused on golf. And a few days ago, when I was thinking about God. I am pretty calm right now and not really searching, but rather trying to understand.
The most important aspect I think is patience. God has a plan for you. Keep doing what you think He wants you do and His plan will be revealed to you, eventually. I am not sure myself. I will keep posting these entries, listen and be aware, be the best person I can be, continue reading the Bible, and have faith knowing that He loves me.
"Walk in Faith," and read your Bible.  Tell God you love Him.

The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

     Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.  Please read your Bible.

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