Hunter Vs. God

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Chuck x Reader, Sam x Reader

Synopsis: Your major love, Chuck Shirley had vanished one day, and you turned to Sam for solace and support, which turned into something more. But then, Chuck comes back, and your feelings are muddled.

It was years ago. But no matter how hard you tried to not think about it, certain things brought the memories rushing back. Like coffee first thing in the morning, or the sound of fingers hitting a keyboard. Even the sight of Dean in his Men of Letter's robe brought them back even though you tried so hard to keep them locked away.

But the slightest trigger brought them flooding back, almost knocking you to your knees as you remembered your first love, the one that seemed too perfect to be true. And it must have been, since it had only lasted a couple of months, but those months, they were amazing.

You had been traveling with Sam and Dean for about a year, when they had happened upon a bookstore, finding books that had changed your life. You had gone with them, finding the rumpled and ridiculously adorable writer. You had been smitten right away, but it had taken him some time. You even remembered him arguing about it, saying that even though it was written down, your relationship couldn't happen. 

But, like all things, you can change fate, and the two of you had fallen deeply in love. There were times you had stayed behind from hunts, just to spend time with your unkempt, unorganized sweetheart. But then, after you had gone to help stop Lucifer, he vanished. Without a word, or a note, he left you, breaking your heart completely in the process. 

It had taken time, and a lot of compassion from Sam before you started to feel better. Sam had always been there for you, a shoulder to cry on when you needed it, an ear to talk to when you needed to vent. He was kind, and understanding, he knew what it was like to let the love of your life slip through your fingertips. 

What had been a close friendship had kindled into a budding romance, and soon you and Sam were sharing a room, getting closer than ever. Sam made you feel special, and wanted, and understood that a part of your heart would always belong to a certain blue eyed writer.

"Earth to Y/N." Sam's voice cut through your memories, and you once again locked away your memories, before turning your attention on your hazel eyed hunter.

"Sorry Sam. I didn't even know you guys were back yet." You apologized as his touch lingered on your shoulder. He never pushed, or got upset when you were lost in memories, he knew the feeling all too well. There were many a time you would find him looking off into space, a soft, but sad smile curling up the side of his mouth.

"It's alright." He said, but you could sense something was off with him. You quickly took in his body, looking for blood or any other sign of injury from the hunt. When he showed up clean, your thoughts turned to Dean.

"Is Dean okay?" You asked, ready to climb off of the bed and take care of your good friend. Sam stared at you, confusion creasing his forehead.

"Yeah, Dean's fine. The hunt, was weird, had to do with Darkness, and a form of her sickness." He said, but his voice was oddly flat, his eyes shifting, never staying focused on you for long.

"Sam, what is it?" You finally asked, unable to take a moment more of this brooding, and quiet man.

He sat down on the bed, taking your hand in his. "You know I love you, right?" He said, causing your heart to skip a beat.

"Of course I know that, but Sam, you're scaring me." You whispered, beyond scared to find out where he was going with this.

His wide shoulders were hunched, his eyesight on the ground, his large frame curling in on itself. "You know, when Jess died, I didn't think I would ever love again. But then you came along, hurting and feeling the same, and we healed together. You opened my heart, making it feel love again, and I want you to know how special that was to me."

"Sam..." You started, but he stopped you.

"I just wanted you to know that. And to know that no matter what happens, what you choose, I will support you. You deserve happiness, and I'm not going to stand in your way of it."

You felt tears pooling in your eyes, all sorts of horrible thoughts floating around in your mind. "Sam, I don't know what to say. Why are you saying these things."

He sighed, finally tilting his head up so you could see his red rimmed eyes. He was very close to crying, and that shocked you to your core. You had only seen Sam cry a handful of times, and it usually took something really sad for it to happen. "Y/N, at the end of our hunt, someone saved everyone. We were all done for, I had the sickness, and it was going to effect Dean too. But then someone came along, clearing it up, and meeting us in the road. And this person came with us, to the bunker."

"Okay." You said, your brain still fogged with emotion over his words, and you weren't understanding what he was getting at.

Before Sam could explain further, a knock sounded on the door, before it opened, a figure standing on the other side. You were frozen, unable to move or think, as you stared at the man you had never thought you would see again.

"Chuck?" You whispered, but it must have been loud enough for him to hear as he gave you a slight, trembling smile.

"Hi Y/N." He answered, shuffling at the door, unsure whether he should come in or not. You stared at him, wondering what you had done to deserve this. You had finally felt free of the hold he had had on you, feeling your relationship with Sam was at an all time high. But now, he had to come back, wrecking everything with that shy, awkward smile of his.

Breaking out into tears, you jumped off of your bed, rushing into the bathroom, slamming the door behind you. Sliding down it, you held your head in your hands, letting the tears flow as your sobs wracked your body. 

You had tried so hard to forget the man, had tried so hard to make a life with Sam. And it had been working. Your memories had been coming less and less, Sam taking up more and more of your happy memories, and of your heart. Sam was the one you wanted to be with, the one who filled your heart with so much happiness. But one tiny glimpse of the curly locks on Chuck's head, or the way his shoulders curled inward as he stuffed his hands in his pockets had your heart breaking. Had you wondering if you had ever truly gotten over the man.

"Y/N, it's me Chuck. We really need to talk." His smooth and mellow voice came through the wooden door. You had missed that voice, and the way he would hum as he went about his daily chores. You had missed it, and him so much that it hurt, all the way to your toes.

"I'm not sure I can." You answered him.

"Baby, please let me in." He pleaded with you, but it was the endearment that threw you off. Standing up, you pulled open the door, surprising Chuck who almost fell in on you. 

"Don't you dare call me that!" You yelled at him, poking him in the chest. "You left me! Without a word, or anything, you left when I was trying to help my friends. You left me, alone, when I needed you most. So no, you don't get to call me that anymore." You said, before shoving past him, and out the room. Grabbing your coat, you walked up to Dean, who swallowed nervously.

"Dean, please. Can we go to a bar? I need out of here, and now." You pleaded, and he nodded, grabbing his coat and keys. He followed you to the garage, where you passed Sam on the way.

"Y/N?" He asked, seeing your tear stained face, and your furious expression. "What can I do? How can I help?"

"You can stay here with that, that deserter, while I go kick back a few." You tossed over your shoulder, missing the hurt expression on Sam's face. But it didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was getting drunk, and pretending that Chuck had never shown back up and rocked your world.

Part 2 is in the works

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