Pasta Sauce and Love

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It wasn't very often that Sam stayed back on a hunt, leaving you and Dean to ganking the Monster's while he recuperated at the bunker. Hating the fact that you left your boyfriend at the bunker, all alone, you tried to finish the hunt as quickly as possible, much to the annoyance of Dean.

"Y/N, I know you want to get back to Dean, but seriously! Tonight is unattached drifter christmas, and there is this bar in town. I thought that maybe....," he tried before seeing the look on your face. "Fine, I'll get you back to Sam, but you owe me."

"Thank you Dean!" You exclaimed, wrapping your arms around him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.

"Whoa, no need for PDA! I don't want Sam thinking I'm trying to steal his girlfriend," Dean argued, but you could see the slight smile on his face, showing his attitude was just for show.

It was a four hour drive back to the bunker, and you sent a text to Sam, letting him know you were on your way.

Sure, it was Valentine's day, but you weren't expecting a fancy dinner, or a present when you arrived home. You wanted nothing more than to be back with Sam, maybe wrapped in his arms for the majority of the evening. It was simple, but exactly what you needed.

"Want me to stop?" Dean asked you as he cruised down the highway. "We can get Sammy a big teddy bear, or a box of chocolates. Ooh, maybe even a rose!"

"Dean, just drive," you sighed. "If I was to buy anyone chocolates, it would be you, with the sweet tooth."

"Damn straight," he agreed, before the two of you fell silent once again.

You were almost asleep by the time Dean pulled up to the bunker, surprising you when he didn't even pull into the garage. "Wait, aren't you coming in?"

"And miss the most perfect evening for a single man? Hell no!" He exclaimed, before driving off, leaving you at the front entrance.

Rolling your eyes at Dean's departure, you stepped inside, immediately noticing the sound of pots clanging in the kitchen. "Sam?" You called out, but with the metal clanging against metal he didn't hear you.

Hoping everything was okay, you made your way down the stairs, rounding the corner to the kitchen. "Damn it," Sam muttered as you stepped into the kitchen. Into a mess. There were at least three pots on the stove, one already bubbling over with a tasty smelling red liquid. Sam was at the sink, nursing a burnt hand while the noodles lay in the strainer in the sink.

"Can I help?" You asked, surprising him. Taking the noodles out of the sink, you turned the water on, gentilly sticking his red hand underneath the water. "What is all of this?"

It was then you noticed the red stain on his cheek, along with the spots on his dress shirt. "I was trying to do something special for Valentine's day. I knew you'd be tired from the trip back, so I wanted to make you dinner at home. But I'm not used to cooking."

"I think it smells amazing," you assured him. "And you've done a great job."

"Great job making a mess," he muttered.

Wrapping your arms around his waist, you pressed your head to his chest. "A great job trying to impress me. Now how about we ignore all the dishes, and enjoy some of this spaghetti and pasta sauce?"

Dishing out the pasta, you let Sam dish out the sauce, before opening the special bottle of wine he had bought. Taking it out to the war table, you sat down next to him, taking a bite of the sauce, relieved that you didn't have to lie. It was tasty.

Giggling when the noodle dribbled down his chin, you took the napkin, wiping his face. "This is perfect Sam," you assured him, taking the plates from the table. "Now let's go tackle that mess."

"But my surprise isn't over!" He insisted. "The rest is in our bedroom!"

You noticed his wink, and you couldn't' wait. But you also knew that leaving those dishes wasn't a good idea either. "It will wait. But come on, between both of us this won't take long.

With Sam hands in the sudsy water, you took up drying, giggling when you smacked him in the butt with the towel.

"That's it!" He exclaimed, leaving the sudsy water, picking you up with his wet hands. Squealing, you held on tight as he carried you down the hallway, into your shared bedroom. Candles were lit on the dresser, rose petals on the bed. Whipped cream and chocolate sauce on the nightstand, and you raised an eyebrow Sam's way. "I thought we could have fun with dessert."

"But what about the dishes?" You answered, evening though you didn't really care about them anymore.

"Dishes can wait. But dessert can't," He insisted, placing you gently on the bed, and you had to agree. The dishes could wait. 

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