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Your footsteps sounding like thunder, you raced down the hallway, your heart beating loud enough that you were sure to be heard. Taking a second to glance behind you, you noticed nothing. No red-eyed monsters rushing behind you. No sound of being followed. It didn't mean they weren't there, and that thought scared you even more.

Your attention back on the route in front of you, you skidded against the wall as you rounded the corner. The hallway loomed long in front of you, a couple of doors on each side. It was dark, the light at the end flickering.

Trying the first door, it wouldn't budge. Racing down the hallway, knowing it was only a matter of time before you were found, you tried each handle. It wasn't until the fourth one that you felt the give of the handle. Gasping in relief, you slipped into the darkened room, hoping you hadn't just made a horrible mistake.

In the darkness, you could just make out storage containers, piled high. Leaving the door behind, you slipped further into the room, trying to find a place to hide. Where those Monsters would never be able to find you.

Backing up farther into the room, your shoulder bumped against one of the containers, knocking it to the ground with an echoing thud. "Oh no," you whispered. Reaching down to pick it up, your hand connected with something sticky and cold. Taking your phone out of your pocket, you turned the flashlight on, almost gagging at the sight in front of you. Shifter skins, already shed, were stored for some reason in the totes. It smelled horrible, and you refused to pick it up and place it back in the container.

The door slammed open, and you quickly shut the flashlight off your phone, leaving the mess and crawling towards the back. "This is where we keep it all. The skins of every person we've changed into. That way we always have a backup."

You didn't give him the pleasure of answering. You were too busy trying to find a place to hide. You could hear his footsteps as he moved closer to you, and you continued to move backward, finally finding a place you thought might be a good hiding place. It was in between a couple of totes, hidden back against the wall.

"You think you can hide from me. The leader of the shifters. A stupid, little hunter girl. I can smell your fear. There's no place you can hide from me."

As soon as those words were said, a hand reached down, grasping you by the hair and pulling you to your feet. Screaming, you tried pulling away, ignoring your stinging scalp. "Wait, I know you. You're Sam and Dean's little friend!"

"And they won't stop until I'm back safe with them," you threatened, clutching your phone tightly in one hand as you reached up and tried to pry his hand from your hair. "Let me go and I'll let you live."

He chuckled, letting go of your hair. But your freedom was short-lived as he grasped your arm, tight enough to bruise. "I like your spirit. I think you'll be the perfect little toy for my children."

"Children?" You stuttered, only making him laugh once again.

"This is where we come to raise our shifter children. Teach them how to blend in. How not to get caught by hunters like yourself. They learn how to kill, how to take other people's forms. It's the perfect training facility, and you're the first person to ever find it."

"Lucky me," you muttered.

"Lucky you," he agreed. As if you weighed nothing, he pulled you along behind him, out to the dimly lit corridor. Glancing down, he noticed your phone still in your hand. "Hmm, have you called those two bumbling giants to come to save you."

You refused to answer. Sure, you hadn't called them yet, but you wanted him to feel fear, much as you felt it right then. Reaching down, he easily pulled the phone from your grasp, frowning when he realized he needed your fingerprint to open it. Slamming you against the wall, he held his forearm against your throat, pressing hard while he took your other hand. Pressing your thumb on the screen, he opened your phone.

While he was busy scrolling through your phone, checking for messages, you used your free hand to reach into your back pocket. Pulling out the little silver knife you held back there, you sliced it forward, slashing his cheek.

"You bitch!" He screamed, almost dropping your phone as he shoved your head against the wall. The cut on his cheek looked angry and swollen, but your knife had dropped to the floor in your tustle. "You'll pay for that."

Your head aching from being slammed against the wall, you watched as he tapped away at your phone. Smiling wickedly up at you, he pressed the speaker button. "Let's let Dean know how his little love is doing, shall we?"

Your heart beating furiously, you listened to your phone ringing. Trying to remember all of the code words you had come up with. Words that you would never use in a sentence, but that Dean would know there was trouble.

"Y/N! Where are you?" Dean's voice rang out in the hallway.

The pressure against your throat eased up a little bit, enough for you to talk. "Dean, I'm in some sort of tenebrous place," you started, using the first of your code words. Telling him that you were being held against your will.

"I know how much you hate those places," Dean spoke, but you could hear the panic behind his words, the grinding of his teeth. You had no doubt he had called Sam over to the phone, both already planning a way to come save you.

"I do. It's very Obstreperous," you continued, the shifter squinting his eyes at the large words you were using. But you didn't care. You had just told Dean that you were being held, and you weren't sure there was a way out. There was one last code word for you to use. One that you hated to because you knew it would drive fear into Dean's heart. But you needed him to realize just how bad the situation was.

"Dean, I've thought hard, but there is no cogent way about this place," you spoke, the words catching in your throat.

"You bitch!" The shifter screamed, slamming your head against the wall. "You're giving him code words, aren't you?"

"No," you pleaded, feeling a sticky warmth coating your hair. "Please."

"Hurt her and you will die," Dean threatened, his words so low they were almost a growl. "I will come, and I will kill you."

"I wish you speed and luck. I could always use a couple more warm bodies for prey," the shifter said before smashing your phone against the wall.

"There, that was fun," he told you, his eyes glowing in the gloomy hallway before he slammed your head against the wall once more, and you knew no more. 

Confetti it's a Parade Book 2Where stories live. Discover now