Soft Hearted Woman Part 3-Final

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Dean Winchester x Reader

Sitting there at the bar, you downed your third shot of whiskey that night, the burn welcome. It had become your norm. Finding a cheap hotel room, before heading to the bar, sitting there until it closed. Repeating the next day, before moving on to another town. Always covering your tracks, making sure those that once knew you would have a challenging time finding you.

Gone was your sweet little Volkswagen bug. In its place was a sleek black motorcycle. It mirrored your new image, black and dark, with no room for baggage, or anyone else. It was your pride and joy. Staring at yourself in the bar's mirror, you knew that your transportation wasn't the only thing had changed. Gone was the smiling face, the sweet face of a girl who trusted too easily. In its place was hard lines, a dangerous edge and a frown.

It seemed to draw men, always offering free drinks and rides to hotels. But you never took them up on it. Sure, you might have completely changed, but you still couldn't see past Dean, and the love you had once held for him. You just couldn't see yourself having a one night stand with some nameless stranger.

Keeping away from hunting, you just tried to survive. To figure out a new purpose in life. Besides drinking enough so you didn't see a certain green-eyed hunter in your dreams.

Ready to order another drink, you raised your hand, only to have a strong grip hold it down. Turning to see who had blocked your way, you only raised an eyebrow at the man standing next to. "What? A girl can't order a drink around here?" You asked him, your words slurring slightly from the alcohol already swirling around your system.

"I'm not stopping you from getting a drink." He answered, letting go of your hand and sitting down on the stool next to yours. "I'm just here to check on you."

Ignoring him, you raised your hand, ordering a double. You figured you would need it dealing with the overbearing angel. "Well, you see me, now you can leave me alone." You muttered, downing your shot, hoping the angel would go away.

"Y/N, we're just worried about you." He continued, not noticing that you didn't want him there with you. Or not caring.

"Well, you can see I'm fine. So, go tattling back to your buddies." You insisted, but he grasped your chin, turning you to face him.

"You are far from fine." He said, studying you closely. "What did Dean do to you?"

Pulling back from his grasp, you reached behind you, grabbing your coat before standing up to leave this bar. "He just opened my eyes, that's all. You can thank him for that."

Without a glance back, you strode through the door, a confused and disappointed angel left behind you.

Dean's POV

Unable to sleep, I had spent the night pacing the library, waiting for Cas to come back, to let me know that Y/N was alright. The whiskey bottle taunted me as I paced past it. It would be a welcome relief from the pain and guilt I was facing, but I would not give myself the relief it could offer. I wouldn't let myself relax until I had Y/N back and I could apologize for the pain I had caused.

"Dean, why aren't you sleeping?" Sam asked groggily, standing in the hallway, his hair sticking out everywhere.

"I can't. I can't relax until I know she's okay. Y/N's so sweet, and trusting, I hope she hasn't already gotten into trouble." I answered him, sitting down at the table, resting my head in my hands.

"Dean, I found her." Cas said from behind me, startling both me and my brother.

"Thank god." I answered, standing up and turning to face him. But the expression on his face wasn't one I was expecting, and before I knew it, he had me pinned against the wall, his hand at my throat. "What the hell did you do to her?"

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