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Dean Winchester x Reader

"Dean, there is no way we are going to be able to continue." You argued, as you struggled to keep your raincoat covering the majority of your upper body. The rain was coming down in droves, the window continuously pushing it into your face. Even with the raincoat on, you were completely soaked to the skin, and your teeth wouldn't stop rattling. "Please, can't we turn around and try again tomorrow?" You chattered, wrapping your arms around your middle to try and warm yourself.

"Damn it. This storm wasn't supposed to hit until tomorrow." Dean grumbled, but he still stopped. Even with his heavy rainslicker, he looked as miserable as you felt, his boots sinking deep into the muddy forest floor. Turning to face you, his eyes widened when he noticed the state you were in. Mumbling under his breath, he came slopping towards you, the mud making his movements hard. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't even think."

You sank into his embrace, letting the heat of his body warm you as much as possible. "Can we make it back to the Impala?" You whispered, your entire body tense from the cold.

"We're gonna try." He answered, keeping you close to him as the two of you turned to follow your deep footsteps back to the trailhead parking lot. With the rain coming down hard, the wind whipping it in your faces, you soon lost track of the trail, heading deeper into the forest.

"Dean, I think we're lost." You cried. Dismayed, you glanced around, seeing nothing but trees and foliage in the thick pouring rain. "I don't see the trail at all."

"Keep going." He insisted, urging you forward, but you could see the concern etched on his face as well. Sighing, you tried to keep up with his long strides, the ground pulling at your boots until you felt like you were walking on stilts. Keeping your gaze focused on Dean's feet in front of you, you squealed and jumped when lightning smacked a tree nearby. Staring in shock, you watched as it tilted to its side, before creaking and cracking as it fell to the ground. "Y/N, we need to find cover, now!" Dean yelled, moving faster, and you had to run to even keep up with him.

Glancing back occasionally to make sure you were following him, he kept searching through the rain, trying to find anything that would protect you from the storm. Another flash of lightning hit behind you, and you scurried to catch up to Dean, hoping the two of you wouldn't end up fried or frozen out here in the forest.

With no cell service, you couldn't call Sam back at the bunker, and he had no idea that you were lost. Wondering if you were ever going to get out of this, you almost ran into Dean's back when he stopped suddenly. "There! We can bunk down there!"

Glancing around him, you saw a two story cabin in front of you. The windows were boarded shut, the steps broken and in disrepair. But none of that mattered as long as it had a roof that would keep you sheltered from this ferocious storm. Following him carefully up the stairs, you were immediately cautious when the door opened easily. "Dean, do you think this is a good idea?" You asked him.

Without answering, Dean stepped inside the dusty interior of the cabin, and you followed him inside. Glancing warily around the building, you expected something to jump out and attack you. "Y/N, this is better than being stuck in the rain all night. We'll stay here, then find our way back to the Impala in the morning."

Setting down his bag, he helped you with yours, before rubbing his hands together. "I think the first order of business is a fire."

He went off in search of firewood, while you made your way into the kitchen. As you traveled farther into the cabin, you realized that this used to be someone's house, maybe even a family. Notched into the door were names and markings, no doubt markers of the children's growth. The wood floor was worn in places, and even a few rotting toys lay on their side behind the dusty couch left behind.

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