In Sickness and In Health

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Jared Padalecki x Reader

Synopsis: Reader is sick and he takes care of her.

Three years. That's how long you've been acting on the show Supernatural as a guest star. Right alongside your husband Jared, and never once had you been sick. Sure, maybe a sniffle here or there, but nothing that stopped you from doing your work.

Today, when you had woken up, you found yourself cuddled against your husbands bare chest, your head pressed tight into his warm skin, your body curled into a tight ball beside him. That wasn't unusual, you were always drawn to him, even in sleep. What you noticed right away was the fact that you were freezing, and you couldn't seem to get close enough to his warmth.

"Y/N, are you okay? You're shivering?" He asked you, waking up and staring down at you in concern.

"Just cold." You answered, not wanting to move away from him but knowing if you didn't you would never make it in time for your first scene. Slipping out of bed, you went straight into the bathroom, turning the water on as hot as you could stand it.

After standing under the scalding spray, you felt much better. Changing into one of Jared's hoodies and some leggings, you followed him down to the waiting car. Sliding into the backseat next to you, Jared pulled you close to him. "You sure you're okay? You're face is a little flushed."

"Yeah, it's nothing. Anyways, we have some big scenes to film today. So I'll be fine." You told him, even though you were starting to notice how tired your body felt, how your bones seemed to ache. 

"You'll tell me, right? If you're not feeling good?" He insisted. Cupping his cheek, you nodded at your sweet husband.

"Of course." You answered, just before you were dropped off. From there, the two of you were split up. Heading to make up while he went to wardrobe, you sat down in the chair, still shivering slightly. 

"Y/N, are you feeling okay?" The make up artist asked you. "Your face is pretty hot, I think you might have a fever."

"I was trying to keep it from Jared, but I think I might be coming down with something." You answered, your head aching and your throat sore. 

"We can call the director, see if he can postpone your scenes." She suggested, but you shook your head.

"No, these need to be done. I'll be fine." You insisted.

As you continued on with your morning, your symptoms kept getting worse. Your entire body ached, and you had trouble moving one foot in front of the other. Hardly able to swallow, you went to the studio, hoping to hurry up and get your scenes over so you could go back to your trailer and relax.

"There you are!" The director exclaimed, and your aching body was pushed and prodded until it was finally where they wanted. Standing there, you tried to remember your lines, your brain fuzzy and unfocused.

After your third try, you heard the director cussing off to the side. "I'm sorry." You whispered, your voice slowly going away.

As the director came your way, Jared came walking through the door, dressed up as Sam. Seeing you standing there, your face pale, and the director's angry face, he came striding over.

"Y/N, what the hell is wrong with you?" The director yelled. "You usually have scenes like this done in one take!"

Usually you would be able to take the criticism, but today all you could do was stand there, tears pouring down your cheek. Everything was too much to bear, and you couldn't control your emotions.

"Cool it Jake!" Jared yelled at the director. "Can't you see she's freaking sick! She's done for today."

Without another word, Jared scooped you up in his arms, gently carrying you away from the surprised looks of the cast. "Jared, I can't be sick. I never get sick." You croaked.

"Honey, you are. So we're going to take you home, and let you rest. I'll cook you my mom's famous chicken noodle soup, and we'll watch movies." He assured you, and you could feel the tears coming again.

He gingerly placed you into the car, before letting you lay your head down across his lap. With his hand brushing your hair gently, you were almost asleep before the car even left the studio.

Shuffling woke you up, and you found yourself being pulled from the car. "Shh, I've got you." Jared said softly, carrying you into your house. Placing you down on the couch, he wrapped your favorite blanket around you, turning the TV on before heading into the kitchen. You could hear him moving about before you fell asleep once again. 

"Y/N." Jared's voice rang out softly beside your ear, and with a groan you opened your eyes. 

"It hurts." You croaked, your voice hardly even there.

"I know sweetie." He comforted you, handing you a glass of water. "Here, take these, and then I have some soup for you."

He helped you to sit up, and you sipped at the water, hating how much it hurt your throat. Handing him the glass, you leaned your head back. "Nope, we're gonna take a couple of bites. It will make you feel better." He insisted, even holding the spoon up against your lips.

Taking a bite, you had to admit the soup was wonderful, and the heat soothed your throat. Taking a couple more bites, you finally shook your head, wanting no more. Settling in beside you, he pulled you until you were laying against him, wrapped tightly in your blanket. 

Fiddling with the remote for a little bit, he settled on one of your favorite movies, his arm wrapped around your shoulder. "I'm sorry." You whispered, hating how you felt, hating that you couldn't control your emotions. You didn't feel like yourself at all.

"For what?" He asked.

"For being sick. For making you take today off and take care of me." You answered, the words hard to understand due to your croaking voice.

"Y/N, I married you in sickness and in health. I hate seeing you like this, and I want to do anything to help you feel better. So, just sit back and relax and let me take care of the girl who means the world to me." He assured you.

"Thank you." You answered, snuggling tight into his arms. Even though you hated being sick, you loved the chance to be snuggled up in your husbands comforting embrace.

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