Dreaming of a White Christmas Part 2

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Staying in the background as everyone made their way inside the living room, I could do nothing but watch and stare. Stare at the parents I haven't seen in a long time, both happy and well. Stare at how different Sammy seemed, how carefree. How much he loved Jess, and his baby. 

With tears in my eyes, I watched as my kids threw themselves into my parents arms, squealing at all the new presents that had made their way into the house. Never had I had a dream go this deep, this detailed, and most definitely not for Christmas.

"Is everything okay?" Y/N asked, coming up to my and wrapping one arm around my waist. She held a giggling Riley in the other, her gaze full of love and concern. Before I could figure out an answer, my Mom was over, taking the wiggly Riley from Y/N. 

"Why don't you two lovebirds go make everyone coffee. We've got this covered in here." She said, cooing at the baby as Y/N pulled me into the kitchen. She got busy starting coffee while I stood there, doing nothing to watch her. Because I knew this was a dream, probably brought on by a monster, a Djinn I was thinking, and it wouldn't last. So I needed to remember every little thing of this before my time came to an end.

Acting impulsively, I wrapped my arms around her back as she waited for the coffee to percolate, pressing my lips to her neck. "Dean!" She exclaimed, but she still leaned into me, arching her neck to give me better access. "Everyone's here!"

"I don't care." I muttered, ghosting my hands under her shirt, just as my Dad's boisterous voice could be heard from the kitchen. 

"Boy, where is that coffee!" He yelled, and I reluctantly pulled away from her. Sighing, I grabbed a couple of cups, filling them before taking them out into the living room. As soon as every adult had their caffeine fix, the kids started opening their presents while I stood off to the side with Sam, feeling more content that I should be. 

"Can you believe this?" Sam asked me. "Both of us old men, happily married with kids of our own. Never thought I'd see the day."

"Yeah me neither. Thought we would both die hunting." I answered absently, feeling Sam stiffen next to me.

"What? Neither of us hunt." He said, confused. 

"Sorry, it was a joke. Lame one at that." I countered, while Sam just stared at me.

"You know, you're still not funny." He said, just as Millie screamed over her new baby doll. 

I let him head back to Jess, while Y/N came over to me, smiling as another present was exclaimed over. "This is great, isn't it? To have your family here."

"It really is." I agreed. "But one question."

"Shoot." She answered, tilting her head up to give me another one of her megawatt smiles. 

"How did we meet?" I asked, waiting for the answer.

"You don't remember? You love to tell that story. How you thought I was a clueless female who was dropping my car off to get it worked on. But I knew exactly what was wrong, and you ended up owing me dinner."

It sounded like something the two of you would have done, but it still seemed so fake, and I hated the fact that this was all brought together by a Djinn, and not by our real emotions. It made me want nothing more than to break out of this dream and to tell Y/N how I truly felt. "I'll be back." I told her, heading back into the kitchen. Taking a knife, I stepped out into the chilled morning air, the snow still falling heavily. Looking around the backyard, I saw a football being covered by snow, and a pink trike off to the side. It made my heart hurt, to know that I had a glimpse into what could have been, but knowing it was something I never could have.

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