Drunken Hunt

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Dean Winchester x Reader

Synopsis: Another tumblr challenge. This one was a quote and a place. My quote was "Trust me. This is not a good idea." The place is Library.

Trust me. This is not a good idea! Place: Library 

You knew this wasn't a good idea. Especially on St. Patrick's Day which happened to be one of Dean's favorite holidays. Of course he would love St. Patrick's Day, which was so much about booze. After spending quite a bit of time keeping an eye on your boyfriend at the local bar, you hadn't been surprised when he had gotten a crazy idea into that hard head of his.

"Dean, seriously?" You asked him, standing there as he picked the lock to the back door of the library. "You know there is no such things as Leprechauns, right?"

"Y/N, you of all people shouldn't be doubting the reality of certain monsters, or supernatural beings." He slurred. Even in his inebriated state, he was still able to get the lock picked in a couple of minutes. Throwing the door open, he ran into the door frame before finally making his way into the darkened hallway.

"Dean, I'm not saying that Leprechauns aren't real, which they probably aren't. But why do you think there's one in the local library of all places?" You asked quietly, glancing around to make sure there wasn't a guard or somebody to catch you.

"They are tricky bastards. I heard from this guy at the bar that one lives here, stealing books from people, or ripping pages out. Also, there was a rainbow ending at the library earlier. We're gonna find the little bastard, and capture him, get our gift." Dean muttered, gingerly making his way down the hallway, not even trying to be quiet. 

"Dean, trust me. This is not a good idea." You argued, but he was already in the main part of the library, turning in a huge circle. 

"Come out you creepy little red headed guy, we know you're out there." Dean exclaimed loudly, before pulling out his flask and taking another sip. Offering it to you, you shook your head, wondering if you should be calling Sam and asking for his help. 

"Dean, let's go. We can go back to the motel room, and I'll even buy you pie on the way." You tried, but he was adamant that he was going to find this leprechaun. 

"Nope. Nopity nope. I need to find this leprechaun before it pulls any more tricks." Dean argued, before looking closely at you. "Are you wearing green?"

Shaking your head, you realized you had forgotten to put anything on that was green that morning. "Maybe my underwear?" You hedged, but he wasn't taking your answer.

"Nope. Cuz I saw that sweet ass this morning and it was wearing dark purple undies, not green." He said proudly, smacking your butt with his hand. "Wait, doesn't that mean I can pinch you? Or is it kiss? I can never remember."

"Dean!" You exclaimed, just as the hallway light turned on, footsteps echoing in the empty corridor. "Shit." You whispered, grabbing Dean's hand and pulling him to the back of the library.

"Who's there?" A man's voice yelled, as a flashlight shown through the darkened room. Looking around frantically for a hiding spot, you came up empty. With nothing else to do, you hid behind the biggest bookcase. Keeping your hand over Dean's mouth, you tried to keep him quiet, knowing he had no filter when he was this drunk. 

Minutes passed by, and the light came closer and closer. "Y/N, he's the leprechaun!" Dean mumbled through your hand, as he pointed. Looking over your shoulder, you saw the man did indeed resemble a leprechaun. He was short, even shorter than you. He had a ginger beard, and what seemed like bright red hair under a security hat. 

"Dean, stop it!" You told him, but it was too late. Pulling away from you, Dean rushed over to the security guard, his hand reaching for his gun. "Dean, no!"

"So, you're the leprechaun!" Dean exclaimed, just as you came rushing forward. Standing in front of the guard, Dean reached forward to grab him, just as you came rushing forward, standing in between them. 

"I'm so sorry. He's celebrated St. Patrick's Day a little too much. But we're leaving now, aren't we Dean?" You ground out through your teeth as you pulled on his arm. It took a lot of effort, but soon you had Dean out of the library, and walking back to your motel room. After opening the door, and pushing Dean inside, you took deep, gasping breaths. 

"What the hell happened to you guys? You were at the bar, then gone." Sam exclaimed, looking at his brother who had just passed out on the bed.

"Dean went leprechaun hunting." You answered, taking your shoes off. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to crash. Dean wore me out tonight."

"You should have called." Sam told you, but you didn't hear him as you collapsed on the bed by Dean, falling asleep instantly.


Dean's loud groaning woke you up this morning as he thrashed about the bed. Throwing your arm over your eyes, you wanted nothing more than to go back to asleep. "What the hell happened last night?" Dean muttered, and you felt the bed dip as he sat up. "Did I drink an entire brewery?"

Sighing, you sat up, leaning against the headboard. Sam's bed was empty, no doubt going on a run. "I think you came pretty close to it last night. You had a lot to drink. More than usual."

"I don't remember any of it." He admitted. "Hope I wasn't too much of a nuisance."

Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you pressed a kiss to his shoulders. "Nothing I couldn't handle. But you did scare the living daylight out of the night security guard at the library when you called him a leprechaun."

"What the hell?" Dean questioned. "You're making that up."

"Nope. You were sure there was a leprechaun at the library. Major coincidence that the guy happened to have red hair." 

"I'm so sorry. I can't believe I did that." He groaned. "Don't let me drink that much again."

"At least St. Patrick's is over for another year." You agreed, just as Sam came back in.

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