Better Than This Part 2

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The train station was deserted, the ticket cashier never even looking up from his phone as you studied the large bulletin board in front of you. Trying to find somewhere, anywhere that you could go to. To start a new life. As far away from this place as possible. The town that your life had turned upside down in.

The earliest train was heading East, and you quickly bought a ticket for it, planning on not getting off the train until you reached the farthest town away. As you waited for the train to arrive, you stood there, your hands buried deep in your coat, your entire body shivering from fear and the chill that permeated the depo. Wishing that this would be like one of those cheesy halmark movies where Sam would come rushing down the dep as you began to climb into the car.

However, as the train came squealing into the depo, the place stayed empty except for you and the young couple at the far end.

Trying to contain the tears threatening to fall, you handed off your ticket, sinking into a window seat, watching out the window as your hope rolled away with the train. No sign of a shiny black Impala, no tall man with shaggy hair running to stop the train. You had thouroughly broken his heart, and he no doubt wanted you far away from him.

Cuddling deep into your jacket, you let the tears fall, wondering what life would be like for you know. Knowing that you would do everything in your power to make sure this child growing inside you had a normal life.

It was almost a full twenty four hour laters that you found yourself leaving the train behind, stepping into ankle deep snow. Snow fell steadily down around you, as you struggled to make your way into the main building. "Nasty storm for a young woman to be out in." An older woman spoke up from her spot on the hard wooden bench.

"I don't mind." You answered, wary around her. "Can you point me to the nearest hotel?"

After getting directions from the older woman, you stepped back out into the cold, heading towards main street and the small, inexpensive hotel you had been told about.

With only enough money for a couple of nights stay, you knew you would have to figure out your future, and quick. But tonight all that mattered was a roof over your head, and a comfortable bed to sleep on.

The next morning, you woke up much later than normal. Rolling over, the clock read ten in the morning. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you glanced around the room, looking for Sam. When you noticed the one full size bed, and no duffel bags strewn around the room, the memories came racing back. You were by yourself, and would be. At least until your child was born.

Trying to keep the tears at bay, you forced yourself to your feet, and in to the shower. "I just need to keep going." You muttered to yourself as the hot water sprayed over your skin. You knew exactly what you needed to do. If you were going to stay in this town, you needed a job, and a place to stay.

After making sure you were bundled up, you walked around the town, getting an idea of the place you might soon call home. It was a small town, with one main street and only two stop lights. A diner was next to your little inn, and a small grocery store on the other side. A hardware store along with a doctor's office seemed to complete the shops, most of them still decorated for Christmas.

Your stomach grumbling, you turned back to the diner when you noticed a help wanted sign in the front window. Wondering if it was fate, you walked inside, the smell of cinnamon rolls and coffe assaulting your senses. "Well hello there!" A woman exclaimed, around the age your Mom would be if she was still alive. "It's not very often we get new people in during this time of year."

Settling in at the bar, you began searching through the menu as she stood in front of you. After placing your order, you watched as she came back with a glass of milk. "So, are you just visiting, or?"

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