Rogue Part 3

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Final Part of the story requested by Risk_Dash

As she lay unconscious on the bed, I couldn't help but study her closely. The similar way her eyelashes dusted her cheeks as she slept, her hair I ached to run my hands through once again. Everything about her seemed the same, but so different at the same time. The tattoo on her arm a glaring reminder that I hadn't been able to save her. That she had died on my watch, and now something had returned her topside, turning her into a viscous killing machine. A machine that I might have to kill. The thought sent a shiver up my spine, and I wasn't sure if I would be able to.

"Dean, we need to work fast. She won't be out for long." Sam said softly, knowing the turmoil I was going through. "We need to search for a way to save her, or face the possibility that we might have to..."

"I know that Sam. It's just...." I started before ending my sentence. He knew how I felt, there was no need to take out my frustration on him. 

"Dean, I wish I could be of more help, but I haven't heard of a symbol like this. It's Demonic, I know that. But as to breaking it, I can't help. Call me if you need anything else." Cas apologized before reaching over and healing my wound effortlessly. Without another word he vanished, leaving Sam and I with an unconscious Y/N. 

"Great." I muttered, just as Sam opened up his laptop. Sitting down across from him, I opened up Dad's journal, hoping for some sort of clue in his crooked handwriting.

An hour passed and Y/N had yet to stir. Sam was still hunched over his laptop, furiously typing away while I was coming towards the end of the journal. Disheartened, I was about ready to shut it when I saw something written down in the margins. The symbol seemed close to the one on her wrist. Reading what Dad had written, I was finally feeling a little bit of hope that I would be able to actually help Y/N.

"Sam, I think I might have something." I told my brother just as Y/N began stirring on the bed. "Damn it, I thought Cas said she would be out longer!" I exclaimed, rushing over to the bed. She hadn't totally woken up yet, but I knew as soon as she was conscious we were in trouble. 

"Try to figure it out!" I yelled at Sam, tossing him the journal as I rushed over towards her. Just as I reached the bed, Y/N sat straight up in bed, her eyes wild as she glanced around the room. Her eyes might not be black, but you could just feel the evilness rolling off of him. 

"Y/N, wait." I started, but before I could grab her she was off the bed, rushing towards the door. Jumping forward, I wrapped my arms around her, both of us falling to the ground. Wrestling on the ground, I was quickly losing control. Whatever that spell had done to her had made her strong, much stronger than before. Wincing as her elbow connected with my cheek, I hesitated for a moment, not wanting to hurt her, knowing that my Y/N was in there somewhere. 

"Dean, here!" Sam yelled, tossing a pair of handcuffs my way. 

"Maybe a little help!" I yelled back, reaching over and grabbing the cuffs. 

"Hell no!" She cussed, rearing back and letting another punch fly, this one connecting with my lip. 

"Ugh." I groaned. Still grappling with her, I finally got one hand in a cuff. 

"I'm going to skin you alive." She growled. "You, that man over there. I can't wait to inflict as much pain on you as possible."

"Promises." I answered. With a groan I was able to pull her up off of the floor. Sam had pushed a chair close by, and I attached the other cuff to the chair. It wasn't much, but it gave me a chance to take the rope, tying her up before she could inflict any more damage on my already sore body. 

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