One Wrong Move

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Dean x Reader

Synopsis: After a rough night, Dean is woken the next morning, finding out that Y/N has never made it back. Frantic, he goes looking for her.

Dean's POV

"Damn it Dean, wake up!" Dean heard Sam yelling at him as he lay sprawled across his bed. Groaning, he picked up his pillow, attempting to cover his head with it, hoping it would make his annoying brother leave him alone for at least a couple more hours.

"Not now. You need to get up!" Sam continued. Cursing, Dean rubbed his eyes, glancing at the bright red numbers on his alarm clock.

"Sam, it's 8:30, I have a hangover, and you're annoying me." Dean muttered, giving Sam the best glare he could come up with in his inebriated state.

"It's Y/N." Were all the words Sam needed to say to have his mind immediately shifting from hungover and tired, to alert and ready for anything. Gone was the pounding headache, the cotton feel in his mouth. Every hunter sense was tingling as he tried to gauge Sam's expression.

"What?" Even that word was hard to pass through his dry mouth, his concern for Y/N, the girl he had yet to tell how he felt, overwhelming.

"She went out last night, after you did. I thought she was going to bring you home, but here you are, and I have no idea where she is." Sam said quickly, his words almost garbled together in his haste to get them out.

"Damn it Sammy, why didn't you wake me earlier?" Dean yelled, taking his frustration out on his brother. Standing up, he slipped on his jeans from last night, grabbing whatever flannel lay on the dresser. Shoving his feet into boots, he was ready to go within a minute, following Sam out to the garage. Waiting impatiently for Sam to curl his long legs into the car, Dean gunned the Impala, peeling tires as he left the garage.

"Dean, we don't even know where she could be?" Sam started, as rain turned the roads slick. "Maybe she met someone at the bar last night."

Growling low in his throat, Dean glared at his brother, who gulped nervously. "Dean, she doesn't realize that you are in love with her. Hell, half the time I don't think you realize it. She's not going to wait around forever."

"But what if something else happened?" Dean asked, the thought turning his knuckles white as he clenched the steering wheel. "What if I was too stupid and drunk last night to protect her when she needed it?"

Lacking a response that would comfort me, Sam settled for silence, watching out the window as the scenery sped past. Trees turned into fields, and fields turned into homes and buildings. Heading straight for his favorite bar, his heart plummeted when Y/N's little dark blue mustang was nowhere to be seen.

"Maybe she went to a different bar?" Sam suggested as Dean slammed his hand on the steering wheel.

Dean spent the next hour driving around town, searching one parking lot after another, looking for a glimpse of her favorite mustang, letting him know that she was somewhere. Anywhere. But as the time passed, and her car didn't turn up, a heavy feeling settled in Dean's stomach, his jaw clenched, his voice silent.

"We'll backtrack to the bunker. Have Cas meet us there. Maybe he has an idea." Sam offered, and with a frustrated sigh, Dean knew he had no choice but to agree. Turning the Impala towards home, he wished with all his might that when they returned, she would be sitting in the library, making fun of them for being so worried.

As the windshield wipers worked furiously to keep the windshield clean, Dean stared up at the section of trees in front of him, something silver gleaming for just a moment. With his heart in his throat, Dean skidded to a stop, surprising Sam. Climbing out of the Impala, Dean was soaked instantly, but that didn't matter. What was in front of him did.

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