Melting Snowflakes

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"Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree," you heard Dean singing softly under his breath as he threw another shovelful of dirt out of the grave. He was already waist deep in the soft dirt, his flannel tossed to the ground beside you. A thin sheen of sweat covered his forehead as he continued to dig.

"Seriously Dean?" You couldn't help but admire the way his Henley tightened across his back. "You're singing Christmas songs while digging up a dead body."

Leaning against the shovel, he smiled up at you, his face dirty, but still mesmerizing. "Hell yeah I'm singing Christmas songs. This is the first year in I can't even remember how long that we're actually going to celebrate. And we're gonna get a tree! A real, freaking Christmas tree!"

You had to admit you were almost as excited as he was. Celebrating any Holiday was always tricky when you were a Hunter. Monster's didn't care if it was your Birthday, or Christmas. Which meant more often than naught you didn't either. "So, I think I saw a cheap tree in one of the ads yesterday," you tried to remember as Dean started shoveling again. "Maybe we could go pick it up when we get back at the bunker."

"Hell no!"

"Okay," you said slowly. "Then what do you suggest?"

Dean's shovel thudded against the rotting wood of the casket and he broke it open. "Hand me the salt," he ordered and you quickly tossed it down. As he sprinkled salt everywhere, he turned back to your original conversation. "And if we're celebrating Christmas this year, I want to celebrate it right. And that includes going and picking out the perfect, real, Christmas tree."

Three days later you found yourself bundled into the seat of Sam's beat up old pickup truck. It was snowing heavily outside, fat flakes quickly coating the windshield. "Are you sure today is a good day for this?" You asked, snuggling deeper into one of Dean's borrowed canvas coats. With a heavy sweater underneath, gloves and a stocking cap, you were warm. At least for now.

"It's snowing. Perfect weather for picking a tree. Maybe they'll even have a sleigh!"

You loved the anticipation lining Dean's voice, the excitement he was feeling. It was infectious, and you couldn't wait to spend the day with Dean, picking out a tree, getting covered in snow. Things that normal people did.

He pulled into the parking lot of the small, family run tree farm. A small family was busy tying a tree ot the top of their van while another couple were just heading in. A field full of trees was off to your left, a barn to your right. It was straight out of a Christmas Card, or even one of those Hallmark movies.

"See?" He clapped his hands together. "We can pick a tree, take a sleigh ride, maybe even have some hot chocolate. I can't wait!"

He threaded his hand through yours, the bulkiness of your gloves making it hard, but still the gesture melted your heart. The sled was just pulling back up, and you climbed inside. There was a plush blanket waiting for you and Dean made sure it was wrapped around your legs before the man in charge of the horse clicked his teeth together. "So, how big of a tree are you two looking for?"

"I'm thinking 9 to 12 foot," Dean answered, your eyes growing wide. "We have a wide space to fill."

"Sure," The man answered, turning the team towards the far back of the field where trees toward over the rest. "We have those towards the back. Just pick out the one you want, and while you warm up with hot chocolate, we'll bring it to your vehicle."

The sleigh ride was enchanting, even more so with Dean's arm wrapped around you. He had a huge smile on his face, and his knee kept bouncing with excitement. Seeing him like this, made you fall even more in love with him.

"Which one?" Dean asked a couple minutes later, standing ankle deep in snow while you struggled to keep up with him. "Do we want that one that's a little shorter but thicker? Or this one that's tall and thin?"

"Dean, I think they're both lovely. Why don't you pick," you offered. "I'm just excited to be getting a real tree."

With a gloved finger to his lip, he continued to glance back and forth, before tilting his head to the side. "I think I found it!"

He pushed between the first two trees, coming to stand in front of one of the most majestic trees you had ever seen. It was tall, closer to the 12 foot range. It was full of thick needles, the branches uniform as they tapered off to the tip. "This is it, isn't it sweetheart?" He asked, wrapping a hand around your shoulder.

Snow continued to fall, lightly covering your hat and shoulders. Dean tugged on you until you were pressed against his chest. Pulling out his phone, he snapped a picture of the two of you standing in front of the tree. "So now what?" He asked, after capturing your lips in a quick kiss.

"That man gave us this red flag. So I think we just tie it on a branch, and he'll come cut it down for us."

"Oh yeah. While we drink hot chocolate," Dean exclaimed. "Do you think they'd did up graves for us too?"

You smacked his shoulder, just as Dean waved the sleigh driver down. His eyes widened at the tree Dean picked out. "You sure picked out a beauty. And a big one too. Will take a little bit longer to chop down."

"That's alright," Dean assured him as you climbed back into the sleigh. "I can't wait to relax with some hot chocolate."

The man literally rolled his eyes as he guided the sleigh back down the main pathway, passing another couple heading out to pick a tree. Dean bounded out of the sleigh as it pulled to a stop, taking your hand as you started to climb out, easily helping you out. Holding you to him for a moment, he stared down into your eyes. "Isn't this the best day ever?"

His green eyes had a twinkle in them that you hadn't seen for a while, and you nodded up at him. "The best."

The two of you headed into the vintage looking barn where a couple of families and couples were already waiting inside, sipping on steaming cups of hot chocolate, sitting around fire pits. Christmas music softly played through the speakers, and wreaths were for sale on the far side. Dean immediately grabbed two paper cups of hot chocolate, handing on over before guidning you to an empty bench. "You're covered in snow," he chuckled, brushing the white, melting flakes from your shoulders. "I do have to say it is a good look for you."

"It's a good look for you too," you brushed his shoulders before gently brushing the one from his eyelash. "But then again, what isn't?"

He rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his hot chocolate before pulling you tighter against him. "We needed this, didn't we?"

You nodded against his shoulder, relaxing in his embrace. It was true. Hunt after hunt had worn you down, stressed you out to the point you dreaded looking at your phone, or the news. But today, this normal tradition with Dean. It made everything melt away much like the snowflakes. "I love you, you know that, right?"

His hand on your arm tightened for a moment, before he pressed a kiss to your hair. "I know, and it amazes me every day that you picked me to love. And I will do everything in my power to make sure you feel just as loved. Because I love you. So freaking much."

His lips met yours, but it was a short kiss as Dean's name was called, letting you know that your tree was ready for the trip home.

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