Singing in the Shower

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Wrapping your hands around the cup of the coffee, you reveled in the warmth that seeped through. The fresh and pungent aroma drifted up, tickling your nose before you took a sip of the dark liquid, letting it warm your body.

As you settled the coffee cup back down on the table, you stared outside the window at the rain pouring down. Rivers were running down the streets. A little girl in a bright yellow dress splashing in a puddle, her mother shaking her head at the girl's laughter. You loved days like this. When you could relax and feel like you actually belonged in this world. That you lived a normal life where visiting a coffee shop was a normal occurrence.

Sam and Dean were no doubt at the hotel room, waiting for your arrival. They had called you yesterday, asking for your help on this hunt, and you could never turn them down. Especially Dean with his full pouty lips, and those green eyes of his. They could make you melt one moment, before turning to sparkling mischief the next.

You had quickly driven into town, driving past the hotel Dean had named off in his conversation with you. Driving past it again before deciding that you needed a moment or two to compose yourself before you saw him again. Knowing that once you were in his company you wouldn't be able to control yourself very well around him.

But now with the rain falling down, the sun starting to set behind the two story old brick building, you knew it was time. You couldn't postpone this meeting any longer, and you really didn't want to.

Finishing off your cup of coffee, you picked up your coat, slipping it on over your favorite flannel shirt. One that was almost threadbare in places, but you refused to get rid of it. Your keys in your hand, you slipped outside into the rain, tilting your head and letting the drops roll down your cheeks. It was cool against your heated skin, dampening your lashes, and you could have stayed out there until you were completely soaked. But a pair of emerald eyes beckoned you, and you slipped into your cherry red Mustang, eyes lighting up at the familiar rumble beneath you.

The motel was only minutes away, not enough time to listen to your favorite AC/DC song before you were pulling up beside the Impala. Dean's Impala. A car that he meticulously kept gleaming, showering her with more affection than many did their wives. The curtains were drawn in room 211, but you could still make out a sliver of light from inside.

Taking a deep breath, you brushed your hands down the sides of your faded jeans, your heart beating faster than you cared to admit. Knocking sharply three times on the door, you stepped back. Quickly it was opened, and you immediately had to hide your disappointment as Sam stood on the other end.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed, pulling you into a hug. The familiar scent of gunpowder, musk and books hit your nostrils, and you hugged your friend back tightly, grateful to see him. Telling yourself not to crane your neck to see if Dean was behind him. "Thank you so much for coming."

Stepping off to the side, Sam let you into the room. A room that was empty of a certain bow legged, handsome hunter. Before Sam could speak again, you heard the sound of running water in the bathroom, along with a deep, very off key voice singing your favorite classic rong song.

"Sam, is that...?" You didn't finish your sentence, nodding towards the bathroom door.

"Yeah, that's Dean. We weren't sure when you arrived, and he wanted to freshen up," Sam said, a smile tugging at his lips.

"But I've never heard him singing before," you said, settling down at the cracked table across from Sam. It was covered with books and his laptop, but none of that mattered to you right this moment. You wanted to learn more about Dean, and his shower singing habit. Truthfully? You wanted to learn everything you could about Dean anyways.

"He doesn't do it very often," Sam admitted. "And I know he would kill me if I told you this, but I'm tired of it."

"Tired of what?"

"Of the two of you flirting with each other and doing nothing!" Sam's voice raised before he quickly lowered it. "Y/N, he only sings in the shower like that when he knows you're coming. Always the same song. He sings because he's happy to see you."

"No, that can't be true," you scoffed. Because no matter how much you liked Dean, you had never expected it to be shared.

"It is true. So I'm going to leave for dinner, give the two of you some free time. And I hope progress is made before I get back," Sam said as he stood up. Taking his coat off the dresser, he draped it over his shoulders, winking back at you before shutting the door. Leaving you to stare at the bathroom door. You could still hear Dean singing. Nervously nibbling on your lip, you wondered what your next step should be. Wondering if you were brave enough to open that door and step inside. If you did, neither of your lives would ever be the same.

Taking a deep breath, you quickly shed your coat. Within five steps your hand was on the handle, and you pulled it open, the singing even louder than before. Turning the corner, you waited to see what Dean's reaction would be, ready to finally take the next step.  You could see Dean turn to face you, his face shocked for a moment before he opened the door, beckoning you inside

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