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The screeching against the door had you moving closer to Dean. Sure, it was probably a branch, but in the darkened end of the road below a bridge, your imagination did the worst.

"Damn wind!" Dean muttered, no doubt more worried about his precious car than the monster you were waiting for. "If it scratches up this new paint job, I'm gonna...,"

"Dean, what if it's...," you started to say before lightning flashed across the river from you, brightening the entire sky.

"He's not going to come after us," Dean grumbled, running his hand through his hair. "We aren't a part of that college, so he has no reason to come after us."

"We're in the same spot. We fit the victim's, so I think we need to keep an eye out," you argued, as thunder rumbled around the car. Rain started to fall, slowly taking away what little visibility there had been.

Dean turned to you then, nothing more than a shadow in the darkened interior of his car. "We could always figure out a way to pass the time," he hinted at, his hand sliding across the seat before squeezing your thigh suggestively.

With no sign of your Monster in question, you slid closer to Dean, turning in the seat so you could wrap your hand around his neck. Your lips brushing against his, teasing him as the rain continued to pour down.

As Dean moved to pull you closer, he was interrupted by a large, horrendous screech on his side. Squealing, you covered your ears, try to save yourself from the fingernails on a chalkboard like sound. "Not my car!" Dean yelled, grabbing his sawed off shotgun, climbing out of the car.

"Dean, be careful!" You exclaimed, as he slammed the door shut. The rain was coming down harder than ever, Dean's shadow off to the side of the car, no doubt checking the scratch of the car before you couldn't even see that.

Wanting nothing more than to stay in the safe confines of the car, you took a deep breath, throwing open the door. Immediately the rain hit you, much like a wave from the sea. Drenched, you wiped the rain from your eyes. "Dean?" You called out, trying to block the rain with your hand as you looked around the small clearing.

Lightning flashed once again, dangerously close to where you were standing. With the brief lighting, you could see Dean struggling against a cloaked figure. The figure had the upper hand, holding Dean against a tree, his hook shining with the lightning before everything went dark once again.

Your boots getting sucked into the mud, you fought against it and the wind, struggling to make your way towards Dean. Having no idea what you were going to do when you reached him. "Dean!" You screamed, your voice getting lost in the howling wind. Losing your footing, you went down once, crying out as your wrist gave way under weight. Holding it against your side, you stood up, watching as the Hookman and Dean tumbled to the ground.

Dean's shotgun lay off to the side, and you picked it up, aiming for the hookman. Pulling the trigger, you watched in relief as the Hookman disappeared. "Dean, are you okay?" You asked as he slowly came to his feet. He had a long gash on his cheek, but he seemed otherwise unharmed.

"That son of a bitch scratched my car!" Dean yelled, before noticing how you cradled your wrist. "Are you okay?"

"Stupid mud. I slipped," you answered, just as Dean's gaze widened.

"Y/N Move!" Dean yelled, pulling you off to the side just as the Hookman's hook slid through the air, exactly where you were. Lightning hit a tree across the river, the crack echoing in the night sky, turning your attention for a moment. It gave the Hookman just enough time to move forward, his attention right on Dean. You watched in slow motion as he raised his hook, moving to slice right into Dean's chest.

"No!" You screamed, diving forward, not even realizing what you were doing. But you knew you couldn't let the Hookman get Dean. Pushing as hard as you could, you sent Dean stumbling into the mud just as the hook came down and embedded itself in your chest.

"Y/N no!" Dean screamed as the Hookman pulled his hook out of your chest. Your knees buckling, you fell to the ground as it turned on Dean. With your hand on your chest, blood slipping through your fingers, you could only watch. Before the Hookman brought his hook down, flames started licking at his feet, quickly climbing his body. Each breath was like agony, blood spilling from your lips as the Hookman disappeared.

Dean came rushing towards you, sliding on his knees as he held you tightly. "Oh god," he muttered, his eyes wide as he stared down at the blood pouring from your wound.

"Dea...," you started to say, as he worked to stop the bleeding. But it was too late. You no longer felt the pain. You were just so tired, your eyes drifting shut and you knew no more.

It could have been seconds, or hours later, you had no clue. But it was like a switch in your brain had been flipped, waking you up completely. Your body no longer hurt, and you quickly realized that you were no longer in that muddy clearing underneath the bridge.

Glancing around frantically, you noticed a large black desk off to the side. Bookcases lined every wall, filled with tall black books. "Where am I?" You whispered, sitting up from the leather couch you had been laid upon.

As you tried to figure out where you were, the door opened, and in sauntered Death, the last person or being you had been expecting. Looking up from the paper, Death stopped immediately, his eyes wide.

Both of you stared at each other silently, surprised to see each other. Death moved first, coming to step close to you. "Y/N, you're early," he mutters before everything goes black once again.

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