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Dean Winchester x Reader

Synopsis: Requested by Risk_Dash. Okay can you do a Dean x Reader where the Reader is killed in front of TFW, but a year passes and the Reader is found alive but has gone rogue on killing people/ the supernatural?

It was a doomed hunt from the start. Facts never seemed to line up, the four of you arguing continuously over what you were actually hunting. It turned out to be a Demon hunt, something that the four of you could usually handle with ease. But when you charged into the old, run down farm house miles from anywhere, you could easily see how big of a mistake you had made.

Dead bodies were strewn across the floor, their throats ripped. At least fifteen Demons were spread around the room, standing to attention when you charged in, one Demon blade between the four of you, along with holy water, and two angel blades. It wasn't good odds, but you had faced worse. With a gance at each other, you had pushed forward. Staying with Dean, you slashed holy water as Dean sliced with the angel blade. Sam had his Demon killing blade, and Cas had already killed one with his Angel Blade.

Working hard, you quickly took down one after another, feeling a sense of hope that you might actually walk out of this hunt with only minor scrapes. Taking a nasty hit from one Demon, you were pushed away from Dean, far away from the safety his Angel blade provided.

Hearing him yelling for you in the distance, you swung with the holy water, tossing the can to the side when it came up empty. Pulling out your knife, you sliced at the Demon, knowing it wouldn't kill him, but at least it would keep the Demon's at bay until you were back with Dean. As you sliced the blade against the Demon's arm, you were forced back, held against a hard chest, the Demon's hand heavy against your neck.

"You bitch." He growled against your ear, causing you to groan as he bit down hard on the tender skin, ripping skin. "You hunters are always sticking your noses where they don't belong. It's about time you learn a lesson."

Taking your knife, he drew a symbol on your forearm, the blood trickling down and falling onto the dust covered floor. Glancing around frantically, you saw Cas smiting the life away from one Demon while Dean grappled with two simultaneously. Sam was picking himself up off the floor, a gash on his forehead. "Y/N!" He yelled, moving to rush over to you, but another Demon stepped out from the hallway, corning Sam before he could make his way to you.

"There, that makes things more interesting." The Demon grumbled low in his throat. "Now for the fun part."

Before you could even fight to get away, the knife left your arm, plunging straight into your stomach. A horrendous scream left your lips as you felt a white hot pain enter your system, your insides feeling as if they were boiling. "Y/N!" Dean yelled, killing off both of his Demon's before rushing towards you.

"Time for me to vanish. See ya soon sweetheart." He promised before smoking out of his meat suit. Hearing it thud behind you, you held a hand over your wound, your legs giving out underneath you.

"Cas, get over here!" Dean yelled, grabbing you just as you went to hit the floor. Cradling you to his body, he winced at the blood pouring out of your stomach, fast and hot. "Y/N, don't worry. Cas will get over here, and everything will be fine."

A sudden cough racked your body, blood covering your lips making Dean's words a lie. "Dean, please. Go help your brother and friend." You pleaded, seeing the way that Cas and Sam were still struggling to end the life of at least four Demons.

"They can handle themselves. I'm not going to leave you." He argued, but you knew your fate.

"Dean, I'm dying. Don't lose them too." You mumbled. The feeling from your wound was gone, a peaceful numbness filling your being.

With tears in his eyes, Dean glanced between you and the rest of the team. He was torn, wanting to stay with you, but knowing Sam and Cas needed his help. "Damn it Y/N." He muttered, a tear slipping out.

"Go." You told him, your hand gracing his cheek, before slipping off, laying uselessly at your side as your eyes slid closed.

"Y/N, no!" He pleaded, but it was too late. The Demon had taken your life, right out from under his nose.

A Year Later, Dean's POV

"Sam, you know how I feel about Demon hunts." I growled, tossing back another shot of whiskey. Sitting at the table in the library, my feet propped up on the table, I refused to move.

"I know you hate them. But just think this way. The more Demons you kill, the more revenge you get for Y/N." Sam argued, and I had to admit, he had a point. "Dean, you're not the only one hurting with Y/N gone, but she wouldn't want you to stay here, drinking yourself to death."

"What else am I supposed to do?" I asked him. "Y/N was under my protection. She was there because I wanted her to be, and now she's dead. I can't stop blaming myself for that moment over and over again, and going on a hunt isn't going to change that fact."

"Killing yourself here isn't going to change it either. We need you. This Demon is killing people, human and Supernatural alike. I've never seen anything like it, and it needs to be stopped, now."

"You mean it's killing Monsters?" I asked, Sam finally gaining my attention.

"Yeah. It's killed werewolves, vampires, even a vengeful spirit. Along with a couple teenagers and a middle aged man. It doesn't add up." He explained as he sat down across from me.

It was then I noticed the frown on his face, the way he kept nervously brushing the hair back from his face. "There's something else isn't there. Something you're afraid to tell me."

I watched as his eyes flickered nervously to the staircase, like he was waiting for someone to walk in. Holding his laptop tight in his hands, he looked down at it, keeping his gaze away from me. He knew how well I could read him, and he didn't want me to. Which made me tighten my hand around the crystal glass in my hand knowing whatever it was, it had to be bad. "Tell me. Now."

"I called Cas. I thought it would be better to say it once, to both of you." Sam said quietly just as the door opened and Cas came walking in.

"Sam, I received your message and came as quick as I could. It sounded urgent." Cas said as he came to stand next to me.

"It is urgent." He said. "Dean, I know you're not going to like this."

"Just get it over with." I grumbled, tension making me run a hand over my mouth, wishing I hadn't downed the last of the whiskey.

Opening up his laptop, he clicked a couple of buttons. "This is surveillance footage of the last two murders. Take a close look at our suspect."

With both Cas and I leaning forward, Sam pushed the laptop our way. Watching as a familiar silhouette easily tossed down the middle aged man, I couldn't see the person's face at first. I watched as the person, or monster, easily stabbed the man in the heart, before pulling the knife from his body. Wiping it on her clothes, she finally turned towards the camera, making my heart catch in my throat.

"Y/N." I whispered, recognizing the beautiful face anywhere, even in the bad footage of the surveillance video.

**Yes, there will be a part 2!!

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