Sorrow's Company Part 2

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"Dean, we need to call Cas. She's hurt pretty bad. And it wasn't a monster? Are you sure?" An unfamiliar voice rang out through your consciousness, as you fought hard to wake up. You tried moving, but everything hurt, and you let out a groan.

"Shit, she's coming to. Help me Sam." A gruff voice rang out, sounding familiar, and yet comforting at the same time. You tried turning, but a pair of heavy hands were placed on your shoulders, and the deep voice sounded closer to your ear. "Shh, I need you to calm down princess." 

The pain radiating through your body had your heart pounding, and you took in a deep, gulping breath, tensing up in pain as it racked your broken ribs. Opening your eyes a crack, you saw a pair of familiar green eyes staring down at you in concern.

"Sam, you're right. Try to pray to Cas. He can heal her." Dean said, and if you weren't in so much pain you would have thought their words weird. Instead, you let the darkness overtake you once again, preferring that to the pain you felt. 


"Dean, I've done all I could. You did the right thing calling me. She was bleeding internally, and wouldn't have made it much longer." Another voice rang out as you came to again, this one gravelly and sounding strangely detached from emotions.

As you laid there listening to him, you took stock of your body, ready for the pain of multiple broken bones and bruises. You felt sore, your entire body weighted and lethargic. But you didn't want to scream each time you moved, and you could take a breath without passing out. 

"Thanks for your help Cas." The familiar voice said, from next to your head. 

"How did you come across her? I didn't notice any bite marks, so it wasn't a vampire. Maybe a Demon perhaps." The gravelly voice asked, confusing you. Vampires and Demons? Had you been saved by crazies only to be killed?

"No, it was just your normal jerk of a boyfriend, I think. She was sitting next to me at the bar, and she was scared when he showed up." The man next to you, Dean you remembered was his name, explained.

"Well, maybe she can tell us more. I can sense that she's awake." The gravelly voice said, and your eyes opened in surprise.

"How can you tell that?" You asked, your voice hoarse. 

A hand was placed on the back of your head, helping tilt you up, before a glass was placed in front of your lips. "Here, drink. Then we can talk." Dean told you, and you took a sip of the cool water.

"Now, how are you feeling?" He asked. 

"Better than I should be. Why is that?" You asked, watching as a tall man with shaggy hair and a kind smile on his face stood in front of you, staring down. The other man had dark, messy hair, and piercing blue eyes staring intently your way. He was wearing a tan trench coat, and he seemed different than normal people. 

"Because I healed you." He said matter of fact like, as if it wasn't any surprise that he could heal broken bones. 

You stared at him for a moment, before deciding that it was time for you to leave. Here you were, in a hotel room, with three strange men, one of which who said he healed you. You needed to get back to your real life, where things made sense, even if they sucked.

Quickly swinging your legs out of bed, you stood up, almost falling back down when your legs turned to jelly. Dean jumped off the bed where he had been sitting next to you, wrapping his arm around your body. You jumped, tensing as his hand touched your skin. He let go, noticing your discomfort, and you fell back onto the bed. 

"I wouldn't try walking yet. I healed the majority of your wounds, but you will still be weak, for maybe a full 48 hours afterwards." The man who said he healed you told you.

"Fine. But somebody needs to be explaining things to me." You said, turning to face Dean. He was the one familiar face, and you still felt as if you could trust him.

"Alright. First, as you know, my names Dean. That's Sam, my brother, and that's Cas. He's an Angel, and that's not a pet name. One of his powers is to heal, and that's why we called him down. You weren't doing well, and we were afraid to take you to a hospital. Afraid they would ask questions that we couldn't answer. Or that what's his name would be there, and we would have a different problem on our hands. Sam and I, we hunt monsters. That it, Sammy?" Dean explained, and you could just sit there, your jaw slack.

"That's what you're going to come up with. We can tell the poor little girl who was beat up by her dead beat ex anything, and she'll just be grateful that we rescued her." You snapped.

"No, it's true. Cas show her." Dean said quickly, turning to his friend. A friend that was supposedly an Angel.

"What do you want me to do Dean?" Cas asked, squinting his eyes at Dean.

"I don't know! Disappear. Do something!" Dean argued, and before he could say anything else Cas disappeared from the room, returning seconds later with his hands full of familiar items. Dumping them on the bed beside you, he stepped back.

"See!" Dean said, pointing at the stuff. "There's no way any normal person could do that!"

You reached over, staring at your personal belongings. One was a photo frame, of you and your mother before she had passed away. The next was a locket that had been your grandmothers. The rest was your favorite clothing items. "But how?" You whispered, rubbing your hand along the locket.

"I know this is tough to wrap your mind around. But we just need to keep you here for a little bit, make sure you're well and safe." Sam told you. "Then we can talk about what you want to do."

"What do you mean, what I want to do?" You asked, automatically assuming they would drop you off back at your place at the nearest opportunity.

"Well, we did some research. And the only thing holding you here was your boyfriend John. And that's over with. And I was hoping maybe we could spend some more time together. I can't be the only one who felt the connection at the bar." Dean said softly from his spot next to you.

"Wait, you want me to come with you? What does that even mean?" You asked, pinching yourself to see if this was a dream. You had always been a restless spirit, wanting to keep moving. And you had always thought there was more out there than the normal eye could see.

"It means, that we, I, want you to travel with us. For as long as you need, or want to. You can learn all about the monsters, helping us with research. And it would get you away from this town, and that dick, John." Dean explained.

Looking between three men, your heart pounding, you made a decision that would change your life forever. "When do we leave?" You asked, as Dean gave you a huge smile, more than happy with your decision.

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