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Sister Reader

Synopsis: Set during Season 10, when Dean is gone. Helping Sam look for her brother, the Reader gets into trouble, bringing out the big brother mode in Demon Dean. Written for Caite_Winchester

It had been days since you had last seen your big brother, and you were starting to get frantic. Especially since the last time he had been laying on his bed in the bunker, dead from Metatron stabbing him in the chest. Yet, here you were, trying to find him, wondering if somehow a Demon had possessed him. You wanted nothing more than to bring your brother back, or his body if he was truly possessed.

That's why you were in this tiny town in the middle of nowhere, getting a room in the only motel around. Sam, your other brother had called you earlier, saying he was on his way. Making you promise that you wouldn't make a move without him. Of course he would want that. You were the youngest of the three Winchesters, and both brothers were extremely protective over you. Like that one time, a year ago, when that boy thought he could break your heart. After your brothers had heard about him, that boy never showed his face around you again.

The old memories made your heart hurt, knowing that your family, no matter how dysfunctional they were, would probably be knocked down to two family members after you dealt with Dean. So, instead of thinking about how things used to be, you concentrated on the task at hand, trying to convince yourself it was just a normal, every day hunt. Trying to forget the fact that your brother would be willing to kill you at a moments notice.

A loud knock sounded on your door, and in stumbled Sam, looking horrible. His shoulder was still in a sling, but he was bruised and beat up, and you were worried that one wrong look would send him falling to the ground. His face was covered in bruises, and had a grimace instead of his usual smile he gave you. "Sam, what happened?" You asked, rushing forward trying to help him to a chair but he just shrugged you off.

"Crazy man attacked me, wanted to use me as bait for Dean." Sam explained, before glancing out the window, checking to make sure he hadn't been followed. "I got away, but it seemed too easy. Like he wanted me to."

"You ever see him before?" You questioned.

Sam shook his head before taking a deep breath, trying to calm down. "No. But that's not important. I've found out where Dean has been hanging out. Seems like him and Crowley just had a falling out."

Nibbling on your lip, you weren't sure you wanted to bring up the question bothering you. But you had to know, even if it killed you. "Sam, is Dean...I mean...he can't be, can he?" You stuttered, unable to get the words out.

With a sad shake of his head, Sam confirmed your fears. "No!"

"I'm sorry Y/N. I know Dean was always your knight in shining armor. But, he's a Demon now, and I'm not sure how much help we will be to him."

You refused to give up on your brother. Not meaning anything bad to Sam, but Dean had always been the one you were closest to, the one you went to for anything, and it had almost killed you when he had died. "The Men of Letters have that cure!" You exclaimed.

"It's worth a try." Sam agreed, before heading back to the door. "But we need to get moving now, before he realizes we're in town. We'll take your car, just in case we've been followed."

Shrugging on your coat, you tucked your favorite gun in it's pocket before taking the keys off of the table. Heading outside, you unlocked your Baby, the Chevelle that Bobby used to drive. He had been like a father to you, and he had gifted it to you on your 20th birthday. Patting it fondly on it's roof, you climbed inside, watching as Sam folded his long body into the passenger seat. "Where to?"

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