Back in Black Part 2

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After Sam wrestled Dean out of the room, you struggled to stand. Each move was more painful than the last, and you groaned as blood fell from the gash above your good eye, obscuring the vision in it.

Wanting to follow behind and make sure Sam wasn't overtaken by his brother, you stumbled into the hallway, your hand bracing yourself against the wall. Sam and Dean were no longer in sight, but you could hear Dean growling and cussing as he was being pulled along. Stopping first in the bathroom, you gasped at the state you were in.

Blood covered half of your face, while the other side was already beginning to bruise. Red marks, almost purple in color, were around your neck, perfect imprints of Dean's fingers. You lifted your shirt, seeing your torso a mixture of red angry welts, and bruises beginning to form, and even the slightest movement had you gasping in pain. You knew you had at least one broken rib, if not more, and you hoped it was just that. That there was no internal bleeding that you couldn't feel yet.

Leaning down, you carefully wiped away as much of the blood as you could, before pulling out the first aide kit with shaking hands. Opening it up, you took out a butterfly bandage. With shaky movements, it took you a couple of moments, but finally you had the gash in your head closed, the bleeding stopping. With nothing else to do for the rest of your injuries, you made your way back out into the hallway. You could already feel your abused body and muscles starting to tighten up, but you refused to be stopped. 

The door to the dungeon was still open, and you carefully peered inside. Sam was busy buckling Dean down into a chair, right in the middle of the large devil's trap carved into the middle of the floor. Dean was hurling all sorts of nasty remarks Sam's way, but he stayed silent, finishing the last buckle holding Dean securely in place.

"Now what are you going to do with me? Let me rot in here?" Dean growled, staring at his brother with such hatred that it scared you. It was a look you had never seen on Dean's face, not even when he had been tormented with the Mark of Cain.

"No, I'm going to cure you." Sam said quietly, turning to leave the room when he caught sight of you. "Y/N, you need to leave. This isn't the place for you." Sam said, just as Dean's eyes latched onto you.

"Ooh, there she is. Didn't receive enough punishment and came back for more? I always knew you were a sucker." Dean sneered as you moved from your hiding spot by the side of the door.

"No, I came to make sure you were securely tied down, and that Sam didn't need any help." You said, your words loud and clear, even though your hands were still shaking.

Dean's smile widened, a deep, callous smile. "Well, I'm all tied down. Won't stop you from having your way with me though. That's about the only thing your good for anyways. The only reason the old Dean kept you around."

You knew he was trying to get a rise out of you, and you knew you should control your emotions, and not let him get the satisfaction he wanted. But you couldn't stop the little inhale you made at his words. 

"You know it's the truth. He never truly loved you. All he felt towards you was pity. And maybe some lust when there was no one better to take your place." He said, before throwing his head back and cackling inhumanly.

"Dean, stop it!" Sam ordered, before marching to where you stood. Grabbing your elbow, he slammed the door shut, before turning to look at you. "Ignore him. It's not the real Dean saying those words. Now, I'm going to go get purified blood and contact Cas. You need to go rest." He told you, before leaning down and kissing your forehead. 

Watching him walk away, you turned to go back down the hall, back to the room you were occupying now that Dean was gone. But you couldn't sleep. Dean's attack had your nerves on overdrive, and your hands were still shaking. Sitting on your bed, you hugged your knees to your chest, rocking back and forth, letting the emotion get the better of you. As tears streamed down your cheeks, you pushed back the pain of your ribs, concentrating on the fact that Dean, the love of your life, was back. And that if Sam was right, you would soon be curing him, and he would be back to his normal self.

You weren't sure how much time had passed, but soon you heard footsteps down the hallway, and Sam gently calling out your name. He quietly opened your door, sticking his head inside. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Like I got ran over by a herd of deer." You said hoarsely. Your throat was sore and it made talking difficult. 

"Well, I've got the blood, and Cas is on his way. Why don't you stay in here, relax, and as soon as he's here, I'll have him come heal you." He said, and you nodded. You weren't sure if you could move from your spot if your life depended on it.

He clicked the door shut behind him, and you turned to your side, pressing your swollen face gingerly into the pillow. Your tears had long since dried, and you could just sit here and wait. For the ritual to cure Dean. Or in the worst case scenario, kill him. But the Dean you knew would rather be dead, then be a Demon for the rest of his life.

Time passed, and you continued watching the blinding red light on the alarm clock beside you, stuck in a trance. It took a moment for you to realize the once quiet hallway was now loud, with footsteps rushing your way. "Y/N, he's out!! You need to hide! Now!" Sam yelled, as he ran past your room.

Your heart in your throat, you threw yourself off of the bed, your pain forgotten. Glancing frantically around your room, you cowered in your closet. It was a horrible place to hide, you knew that from watching as many horror movies as you did. But you refused to go out in that hallway, where Dean could be prowling, and it was your only other option. Seconds after you made your way into the closet, you heard steps passing by your room, before stopping for a moment. Holding your hand over your mouth, you waited in suspense, taking a deep gasping breath when they started moving again.

However, that was the wrong move, as your door was thrown in, and you could hear Dean's heavy breathing as he stood at your door. "Y/N, I know you're in here. Why don't we finish what we started earlier." 

You clasped your hand over your mouth again, trying to be as silent as possible, hoping he would give up and move on. But you could hear him moving about your room, tossing things in the air. You heard what sounded like glass shattering against the wall, and you jumped. 

Shaking uncontrollably, you jumped when the closet door was thrown open, and Dean stared down at you with his normal green eyes. "Y/N, it's time to come on out of the closet." He said, holding his hand out, but you just cowered back farther into the closet. "Now you better listen to me, or things will get bad for you, really quick!" He exclaimed, yanking on your arm, roughly pulling you out of the closet.

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