Rogue Part 2

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Part 2 of Rogue which was requested by Risk_Dash

  "Y/N." I whispered, recognizing the beautiful face anywhere, even in the bad footage of the surveillance video. Watching closely, I looked for any sign that her body was being possessed. That, or for glowing eyes that stated she might be a shape shifter. Anything to explain why the girl I loved was in the video in front of me killing helpless human beings. That wasn't the girl I knew, and it made my heart break even more.

"I wasn't sure at first, but this second video confirmed it. Dean, I'm so sorry. But you know what this means." Sam said softly as I could hear Cas pacing behind me. 

"Damn it." I muttered as I forced myself past Cas, pulling a new bottle of whiskey out of the cabinet. With this type of news I wasn't sure there would be even whiskey in the world totake away the pain.

"I can go there now, get an idea of what we're dealing with." Cas offered. "I can even handle her. That way you don't have to do it Dean."

"Handle her." I chuckled darkly. "This is Y/N we're talking about and you make it sound like it's just another monster to kill!"

"Dean." Sam answered softly, trying to placate me. "Cas is just trying to help. He didn't mean anything bad about it."

Rubbing my hand along my mouth, I held back the sob that wanted to escape. "I know. Sorry Cas. It's just, I never expected this to happen."

"Dean don't worry about it." Cas replied, placing his hand on my shoulder. "We will fix this, even if it means burning her body."

With a sigh I began gathering up my items, not wanting to wait any longer. Truthfully, a little part of me was excited that I would get to see Y/N again, even if only for a moment. Even if it truly wasn't her.

With Sam beside me and Cas sitting in the backseat, I pushed the Impala down the highway, the radio turned up loud to stop any sort of conversation that might be brought up. I didn't want to talk, to hear them voice what we all were thinking. That I might have to watch her die all over again, probably by my hand. The thought had my jaw clenching.

It was a couple hours later I was pulling up to the town she had last been seen in. Stopping in front of a bar, I could feel two pairs of eyes staring down at me. "If Y/N's still here, this is a good place to start looking."

"You take here, Cas and I will check us into the motel, then head to the crime scene. Meet back at the motel?" Sam asked and I nodded. Watching them leave, I walked into the sparsely populated bar. A couple of older men were playing pool, a couple sitting at the booth in the back. Another booth, in the shadows, had a person in it, too dark to get a description.

Taking a stool at the bar I raised my hand for a shot of whiskey. The graying bartender sent a glass my way, before turning his attention back to the ball game on the TV. Sipping the liquid, I titled in my seat, looking as if I was watching the pool game while I tried to peer into the back booth. The build was about right, but that's all i could make out in the darkened corner. With a sigh I knocked back the drink before ordering two more. With them secured in my hands, I stood up, making my way towards the pool tables before I quickly slid into the booth beside the girl. 

"What the hell?" She asked, frantically looking for an exit. 

"Y/N, what's your game? Or should I say whoever is possessing her body?" I growled, holding the container of holy water in my hand where she could see.

"No black eyes." She growled. Spritzing her with the water, I was surprised when her  skin didn't sizzle.

"Fine. Shifter then." I answered back, placing my silver blade against her skin, frowning when it didn't burn. "What the hell are you?"

"I'm just me." She answered. "But who the hell are you?"

Reeling back from her question, I studied her closely. Everything about her seemed normal, exactly like the Y/N that died in my arms. "Come on, we're getting out of here." I told her, grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the booth. Slightly struggling, she followed along, not giving too much of a fight until we were under the parking lot light.

Roughly pulling her arm from my grasp, she pulled out a long, evil looking knife. "Now, let's try this again. Who are you, how do you know me, and why did you call me Y/N?"

"You don't remember?" I asked her, wishing that Sam and Cas were back to help me out. "Y/N, it's me Dean. We hunted together, even fell for each other a little bit."

"Doesn't ring a bell." She scoffed. "Now how about you let me go, and you won't end up getting hurt."

Thinking quickly, I prayed to Cas, hoping he could hear and come before this became a disaster. With my hands in the hair, I took a step closer to her, watching as she pointed the knife closer to my chest. "Y/N, we're trying to help you." I pleaded with her, taking yet another step closer.

Suddenly, without warning, she jumped forward, slamming me to the ground. Even though I outweighed her she had the upper hand, her strength even more so than when she had been alive. "Y/N stop!" I exclaimed, deflecting a hit, then a second one. Too quickly I realized she had her knife in her hand, holding it against my neck.

"Enough." She warned. "Let me go and forget all about me."

"No, I can't do that." I told her just as I heard the familiar sounds of Cas arriving. 

"Wrong answer Dean." She whispered and I could have sworn I saw heartbreak in her eyes just as she moved her knife from my neck, plunging it down into my skin.

Groaning as the metal separated skin, I pushed her off of me, pulling the knife from skin and tossing it far away. As I pressed a hand to staunch the bleeding, I watched as Cas grabbed her from behind, holding her tight. 

"Don't fight. He's stronger than you, you won't be able to get away." I warned her, but still she fought until Cas reached up, pressing two fingers to her forehead knocking her unconscious. Reaching for her, Cas shook his head.

"No Dean. I've got her. You're hurt." He argued. "Why didn't you pray to me sooner?"

"I wanted to try it by myself." I told him, wincing as I moved my shoulder. "She's not a Demon, or a shifter."

"Then what is she?" He asked, glancing down at her. 

"I wish I knew." I answered.

Walking with him the couple of blocks to our motel I knew that we must look a sight. A man holding onto his wound, another wearing a trench coat, carrying an unconscious girl. Sticking to the shadows, we made sure we didn't draw the eyes of the cars passing by.

Sam had already made it back to the motel room, holding open the door when he saw us coming. "What the hell happened?" He asked, looking at my blood soaked shirt and Y/N laying limply in Cas' arms.

"I found her." I answered, watching as Cas gently placed her down on the bed. As her body relaxed on the mattress the long sleeved shirt rode up, hinting at a mark on her skin. Ignoring the pain in my shoulder, I walked over, pushing her sleeve up the rest of the way.

Whatever it was was deep and red looking. A triangle with weird etchings carved into her skin. It wasn't on her before we went on the hunt, and I glanced at Cas. "You ever see something like this?" I asked him. 

Stepping up next to me, he shook his head. "Never. It looks ancient, but I don't know what those symbols mean."

Sighing, I gingerly pulled my shirt off, knowing my wound needed cleaned and stitched right away. "Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure it's the reason she's back."

**One More Part!

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