Bad Day at Black Rock

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Sam x Reader

The Supernatural world surrounded you. Monsters and hunters. Legends and artifacts. They were your life, and you had known nothing else since you could walk. There had been times you had wished for more. A simple life, going to high school, finding a boyfriend and a normal job. But you enjoyed what you did, even if many people didn't understand.

You weren't a hunter, not even close. Your Dad had been a hunter, but more than that, he had been a collector of ancient artifacts. Artifacts hundreds of years old. Items that could kill a person with just one touch, or bring a person unmeasurable wealth. That was what you were interested in. Not the killing of the monsters, but the rare, valuable items that people would seek for a hefty price.

Now, ten years after your Father's death, you had taken the name he had made for himself, and made an even bigger business with it. Sought out by people and monsters alike, it kept you on your toes, traveling back and forth across multiple continents, hardly ever making it back to your home, located in the upscale neighborhood of Queen, New York.

Another job, this one much closer to town. A lucky talisman, one told to bring great fortune to whoever held it, before turning to horrible luck. Your client, a wealthy man in Egypt had offered a seven figure number if you brought it to him by tomorrow evening. You hadn't dared mention the bad luck turned to death factor, you hadn't figured it was your place.

Hiring a couple of goons was easy enough. Simple humans who would do anything for a couple of bucks. It seemed simple enough, break into a forgotten storage unit, and bring back the box, unopened. But nothing in the Supernatural world was ever simple. The storage unit turned out to belong to the Winchesters, a notorious hunting family that you had only heard about. Guarded profusely by sigils and booby traps, your men had gotten hurt, but had grabbed the item nonetheless.

But instead of turning it over to you as instructed, they had kept it for themselves, opening the box and touching the blasted rabbit's foot even though you had specifically told them not too. Frustrated, you had tossed together a quick overnight bag, climbing into your porsche, speeding the hour long drive towards that sleepy little town, knowing that you would have to get your hands dirty in order to meet your client's deadline.

Sam's POV

"What is that thing?" Dean asked me as we left that filthy apartment building behind us. Glancing down to where the item was clutched tightly in my hand, slowly relaxing my muscles to peer down at the fluffy white rabbit's foot.

"I think it's a rabbit's foot," I muttered. "Why the hell would someone steal a rabbit's foot?"

"Beat's me," Dean grumbled as we climbed into the Impala. "All I know is my gun never freezes like that. Maybe it's some sort of good luck charm."

"Then why would it be locked in a spelled box?" I wondered out loud. "Why would Dad have it so covered in spells that it would be undetectable by most people."

"I have no clue," Dean mumbled, keeping his eyes, "But I'm starving. "Let's get some food, and we'll call Bobby. He'll probably know what to do."

After Dean made a quick stop at the gas station, we pulled into the parking lot of the local Biggerson's. It was literally one of Dean's favorite places to eat, especially on free pie days. As I sat next to Dean, reluctantly scratching the lotto tickets he kept handing me, he was on the phone with Bobby. "Yeah Bobby, it was this fluffy white rabbit's foot.....Yeah, it was in a box."

I scratched the next ticket, handing them to Dean, listening to his side of the conversation. As Dean sat there, listening intently, I climbed out of the car, needing to stretch my legs. My mind wandering, I noticed something in the weeds. Leaning down, I picked up the shiny Rolex, holding it out to Dean who was out of the Impala, still on the phone with Bobby. Giving me a thumbs up, he held out the scratch tickets, a huge smile on his face.

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