You Are Not Alone Part 3

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Three Weeks Later

Things had been rough, you wouldn't lie about that. Many nights were spent sleepless, or thrashing about in nightmares, remembering the horrific event over and over again until one of your brothers would come comfort you. During the day you would often find yourself blanking out, staring at a wall, your mind lost deep in thought. 

Food became tasteless, many plates often left untouched in front of you no matter how hard Dean tried to make sure it was something you would like. Dark circles formed underneath your eyes, and your clothes grew baggy from your lack of eating. A shell, that's what you felt like. A lifeless version of your former self, left to fade away to nothing unless you did something about it.

Throught these rough weeks, your brothers had been constantly by your side, passing by hunts just to make sure you were okay. Both were kind, and attentive, making sure food and water was always available in case you would try to eat. They bought movies you liked, gave you special smelling body wash to urge you to take care of yourself. It wasn't those things that mattered so much to you. It was the quiet support they gave you. With the gentle hugs, or squeezing your shoulder as they walked by. Letting you know they were there for you, and would always be.

You knew you were worrying them, that they were trying to get back the sassy, annoying little sister of theirs. And you were trying your hardest. You would often hear them talking in the hallway, or the kitchen, trying to figure out how to help you the best. Cas sometimes joined their conversations, just as worried about you as your brothers were.

It wasn't as if you weren't trying. You truly were. But being raped had brought you so low, tore you apart so badly, you weren't sure you were ever truly heal from it. 

This week had been a little bit better than the previous two. You had actually started eating full meals again, just to please your brother whose face lit up when you took a big bite of the juicy hamburger you had made. You had also made an effort with your appearance, taking a long, hot shower, scrubbing away at your skin even though no physical reminders remained. Wearing your favorite clothes, you had even helped with research, forcing your brothers to return to hunting. Even though they argued, you could tell they were itching to get back out on a hunt, and you didn't blame them.

"Why don't you come with us?" Dean had suggested as double checked all of Baby's fluid levels. 

Sitting on a stool next to him, you shook your head. "I don't think I'm ready to get back out there yet. I'd rather run research from here."

Dean stopped what he was doing, shutting the hood of the Impala before turning his attention on you. "Y/N, it's alright. You don't have to explain why. I don't want you pushing yourself too fast. But please, remember, Sam and I will always take care of you. And when we find the man who did this, he won't..."

"Dean, I know. You've already told me in great detail what you're planning on doing." You interrupted him. "But go, have fun. Let off some steam. I'll be fine here, and I know Cas will come check up on me."

Soon you watched as your two brothers drove away, the promise of texting them all the time still in your mind. Making your way back to your room, you crawled back into bed, falling asleep rather quickly.

The next morning you felt more like yourself, and you went into the kitchen, grabbing the stuff to make a quick breakfast of bacon and pancakes. It was the first thing that had sounded good in a long time. Quickly you began cooking the bacon, letting it sizzle as you turned to the pancake batter. But as soon as the smell of the cooking meat hit your nose, you ran to the bathroom, emptying your stomach.

Wiping your hand across your mouth, you made your way back into the kitchen, shutting off the bacon before pouring yourself a glass of water. As you slowly sipped it, trying to settle your stomach, you heard the fluttering of wings announcing that Cas had decided to come visit you. "Hey Cas." You said weakly.

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